Resolutions, Injury Prevention & Michelangelo (?)
Katie Newell
Employee Benefits Advisor- *Protecting and Maximizing Your Business-Alternate Funding Strategies-Putting More Control in the Hands of Employers/Stronger Benefits in the Hands of Employees*Certified Self-Funded
It’s January and about half of us have set 2016 resolutions. Fellow goal setter Michelangelo once said, “The greater danger for most of us isn’t that we aim too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”
His words bring two questions to mind: First, have you resolved to make any changes this year regarding the safety and reliability of your workforce? Secondly, what are the odds Michelangelo himself was dealing with discomfort from all that painting and sculpting?
Statistically, there’s about a 70% chance that the world’s most renowned painter, sculptor, architect and poet struggled with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s). After all, he painted the 65-foot ceiling of the Sistine chapel by himself (after firing all of his assistants).
Odds are that most of your employees also experience discomfort, creating safety and reliability risks. And here’s the good news. Our experience has taught us that adopting a program that deals with the early signs of discomfort and prevention keeps a claim from being filed approximately 92% of the time, and controls your overall risk profile.
Aim high and consider the impact this fact could make for your company. Paint a new picture for your workforce today. It could be a masterpiece!
Briotix is the national leader in injury prevention. Find out more about Early Symptom Intervention by contacting [email protected] or visiting