Marianne (Oblate Rita)
Oblate of Saint Benedict (Catholic Spiritual Writer / Certified Massage Therapist & Cranial Sacral Therapist / Previously Int'l Shipping)
As we begin this Jubilee year of hope celebrating the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God, it seems fitting to draw from her example of holiness, humility and patient listening. The Prologue of the Rule of Saint Benedict begins with the words:?"Listen carefully my son, to the master's instructions, and attend to them with the ears of your heart."
What does our new year resolutions list consist of? Perhaps it includes eliminating unhealthy food from our diet or exercising more regularly. Those are good resolutions, but they benefit only the body and mind. What about the spiritual life? When God calls us to depart from this earthly life, what will matter then is the state of our soul, not our fit body and mind.
The Blessed Virgin Mary listened attentively to God, pondered everything in her heart and was always obedient to his holy will. We need to listen more and speak less. When we listen, we learn, we show love and compassion. When we speak less, we give God the space to speak to us and his Spirit to guide us.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was obedient to God's will and his plan of salvation. When we are obedient to God's will in our life, we thrive and grow in holiness. But when we do our own will, we commit sin and feel miserable.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was patient and hopeful, even when she did not fully understand God's plan. When we are patient and hopeful, we are at peace and joyful, but when we lose our patience, we lose our peace and fall into sin.
The Blessed Virgin Mary read the sacred Scriptures and taught the young Jesus. When we study the Scriptures, we get to know God and we can lead others to God.
So let us resolve to eat healthy and exercise regularly, but most importantly let us emulate the Blessed Virgin Mary, and with God's grace, grow in love, humility and holiness in this new year.