Reskilling And Upskilling: Why, When And How?

Reskilling And Upskilling: Why, When And How?

Does the creeping feeling of being stuck in a job seem familiar? We have all been stuck in our homes and this can highlight another feeling of being stuck. Generally, we are stuck when we are not progressing in our careers, in life, etc. Progress, however, is highly personal, gradual but not linear and often interrupted by "life."

There will always be hiccups and frustrations on the route that is leading forward. I have personally never seen experienced professionals with more than 20 years of career history who haven't had ups and downs, a redundancy or two and an unpleasant work experience of sorts.

However, if despite the regular hills and valleys, you think that you are stuck, one way to boost your career could be upskilling or reskilling.

What is a skill?

A skill is defined as "an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it." In contrast to something we might want to label "talent," a skill is something learned and acquired through dedication and action. It makes sense that both reskilling and upskilling are linked to processes that teach and train us in certain fields, giving us new skills that we can use to advance in our jobs or seek out new positions or industries.

It's important to periodically take stock of your skills.

Before we venture into acquiring new skills, however, the most useful first step is evaluating the ones we already have. This is a process much like taking a stock list: here is what I have, this is how much I have, etc. You could involve a ranking system, though the ranking is, of course, subjective.

Skills can be specific to the industry you're in, but there are many that we can label as "transferable skills." In simple terms, this means that if you have been able to do one thing in one context, you could do it again in a new context. Such skills are transferrable because they are useful in multiple industries and you can transfer them from one field to another. As a matter of fact, recruiters value "soft skills" increasingly because leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, communication skills, etc., are generic competencies that you can develop (or not!) in pretty much any role and industry and the presence or absence of such soft skills can significantly affect your performance and the value you bring to a company.

After you've identified the skills you have and what you can do with them, the next step is to check what is lacking. Start with skills that are urgently needed and then work your way through to the "luxuries." That's precisely what I do with my clients when we analyze roles, skills and matching options. Importantly, you want to bear in mind how this new skill is going to help your career over the course of the next two to five years. Future-proofing your career is essential, and I would caution everyone about jumping on to various different qualifications and courses without properly thinking through long-term impact.

Identifying the gaps needs to coincide with identifying your goals because it is only then that you can assess what is urgently needed. This will help you decide whether you need to upskill or reskill. Let's look at the two most typical scenarios for when you will need to upskill or reskill:

Scenario One: "I want to advance in my current career."

A global data report (download required) developed by Degreed found that economic uncertainty due to Covid-19 is accelerating the demand for new skills with "60% of managers and workers feeling that they need to upskill as a result of the crisis."

There can be many reasons why you want to change things up and upskilling might be a great opportunity to take a new step forward. Ask yourself: Which new skills, new methods and new technologies do I need?

There's always new technology that can be adopted and learning new things has never been more accessible and inclusive. There are online courses and certifications, free self-study materials and resources, as well as virtual webinars and conferences. These can all help you achieve vocational and industry qualifications or even obtain a (further) university degree.

Scenario Two: "I want to move industries."

If you feel that what has been lacking — or what you want to pursue further — lies in a different field, reskilling is your way to get there. Similar to upskilling, there is an abundance of different courses and certificates to build on your existing skills. However, moving industries is not just about acquiring new skills, but also about being able to transfer your skills and apply them to a new field.

The best way to learn is through actually performing tasks related to the job you are trying to get. You can accomplish this via a side hustle, volunteering, work experience, freelancing or by reaching out to and learning from people in your new desired field. It might also mean incorporating something you enjoy into the work you're already doing. One study conducted by Aviva in 2020 found that, especially because of lockdown, around one in 12 respondents said they hope to turn a hobby into a career. While not everyone will be in the position to do this while still working in the same job to pay the bills, there may be creative ways to fuse the two.

While you already have a valuable set of skills and experiences, it is advisable to get guidance, consult resources or get professional help to figure out how to move forward. It can be hard to change or learn new skills, but going through a skills list, career options and role analysis is the first step to figuring out your new direction and the necessary concrete steps to get there!

This article was first published by #ForbesCoachesCouncil in May 2021

Phil Spencer, ACSI, BA (Hons) VR

Experienced commodities trader, jeweller, entrepreneur and Maritime Reserve Officer

2 年

Jelena Radonjic it's a great time to upskill and develop

Asari St-Hill

ActionCOACH, Executive Coach, Trainer and Diversity Champion / Business Writer for The Voice Newspaper / Professional Speaker

2 年

Yes, I am currently reading The Coaching Habit Jelena Radonjic

Menaca Pothalingam

Resilience Leadership Mentor for Healthcare Professionals | Change Catalyst Dentist | Meet Menaca Talk show Host | TEDx Speaker| International Keynote Speaker | Author of Resilience Learned| Mental Health Advocate

2 年

I believe learning is part of growing. Upskilling is fundamental for everyone Jelena Radonjic . Nice article.

Tommie Edwards FRSA

CEO & Co-Founder @ Tech1M | AI Enterprise Software | Techstars ‘23 | UK President - G20 YEA | Board Chair | FT Top 100 in UK Tech

2 年

Everyone need to up skill if you want to progress. Thanks for sharing this Jelena Radonjic

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE DL FCL, RSA, RA, SGCW,KCL NED

Founder Wintrade Global Women Intra & Entrepreneurs Network: Exec Coach In Leadership, EDI: KCIII Deputy Lieutenant Greater London: Chair: OKRE:org. President:Association For Project Management

2 年

Jelena Radonjic Great question, still upskilling and never stop learning.


