Resisting To Let Go Of Your Shadow?
Gregory Reece-Smith MBA Author, Creator, Shamanic CEO
★Guiding All ◆ To Find Their Why ◆ By Knowing And Being Themselves ★
This weekend′s solstice indicates we are on the threshold of a new cycle. In the Northern hemisphere, it means the light will begin to grow stronger, moving toward the re-birth offered by Spring.
Traditionally this was celebrated using pine cones as pines stay green all year, representing resurrection and re-birth. Interestingly, it is only the female reindeer that retain their antlers in the winter. In some of the Northern cultures, especially shamanic ones, it was the reindeer mother who flew up into the sky and brought back the sun.
Other markers of the power of the solstice are the stone circles that align with it, indicating when the veils between realms are thinner.
Around this 21st December, we will experience a powerful transition from the 19th to 23rd of December. During this your heart will be aligned to that of Mother Earth and the cosmic heart, where the planets are all aligned—the Earth, Sun, Sirius and Pleiades star systems.
It marks entry to a period of profound growth, renewal, new beginnings and a reminder of the light within you. The invitation is to embrace both the mystical that is grounded in the physical to access more profound levels of love and joy and move closer to your Soul’s desires.
Is Your Choice To Evolve Or Continue With Pain?
This will require you to trust you are capable of connection to the infinite possibilities that will bring profound change and healing.
Your heart knows. Even when – especially when – it does not make logical sense.
Have you heard the quiet voice suggesting possibilities that your rational mind immediately dismisses?
Most people spend their lives trying to figure out "the right way" to survive, let alone succeed!
Following formulas, chasing credentials and forcing themselves to fit into conventional paths.
True creation – the kind that leads to extraordinary results – comes from a deeper place within you – your heart and Soul!
However, we all face inner doubts and resistance that hold us back, creating barriers to fulfilling our desires. Though, such fears lose their power when we bring them to light and confront them.
For this, you need to be ready to unmask the fear held in your shadow currently directing your thoughts and actions. Only then can you move past the roadblocks to follow your Soul′s desires!
That is the way to unlock the hidden potential that has been dormant inside us all – waiting for THIS period.
When you do encounter your shadow self, recognise it as a place of vulnerability within you. Care for and nurture yourself in the way the Creator does with all of creation.
Everyone has something they want or need to forgive themselves for, which is why this period is so intense. No matter what it is you feel ashamed of, constrained by or guilty about, it wants to be released.
Hence, the body′s messages of emotional and physical pain and dis-comfort many are experiencing.
Even though you may be anxious or fearful about stepping outside the comfort zone of your beliefs, remaining inside their identity denies you the opportunity to evolve.
Put simply, your choice is to evolve or continue experiencing pain and dis-comfort!
More is outlined in my latest article. It contains seven examples of the shadow behaviour of not-love
Do You Know Your Shadow Self?
As I have said to many these past weeks, you simply need to state your choice - ideally verbally.
Should you choose to do so, my suggestion is you add:
“I now choose to live my life at the level of Creator Love”.???
This is how you create a new life for yourself and through that a new world for all.
This is the magic we are all seeking at the moment.
The latest Message From Source offered an overview of the adaptation? underway, including the comment: ???
“Each of you has the choice as to how quickly or slowly you allow yourself to adapt. This process is taking place across all of Creation.”
Carl Jung describes those aspects of the personality we choose to reject and repress as “shadow”. For one reason or another, we all have parts of ourselves we do not like—or we think society will not like.
These beliefs have been accumulated from our ancestors, other lives and experiences in this life. From conception, through infancy, childhood and adolescence we collect both conscious and unconscious messages about what is acceptable in terms of our body, feelings and behaviour.
All that is viewed as unacceptable is suppressed and repressed and becomes part of our shadow.
Bodily pain and dis-comfort highlight the need for you to release beliefs that are no longer in balance and harmony with what you desire.
It is your choice whether or not to set your body free from such beliefs and filters.
My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love who may need some help to step out of the gap between where they are and where they desire to be.
Enjoy this solstice as well as the coming Christmas period. ??????????????????