Resistances That Keep You From Making More Money

Resistances That Keep You From Making More Money

Why you don’t get the money you want & how you can

I wrote an article called?How Evolved Is Your Money Mindset? ?and in it I talked about the different levels of money mindset and how one goes from one to the next to make more and more money. After I published it, I started thinking about the resistances that I’ve seen clients engage as they tried to step through this work. I wanted to write a follow-up piece to address those resistances.

Here are the common resistances to moving forward in your money mindset:

  1. It shouldn’t be like this!?This can include being mad at the government or corporations or society or an illness or disaster that took all your money, or your parents or anyone other than yourself. If you are pointing the finger, you are playing the blame game and that is the biggest resistance of them all. It keeps you living in the past and that keeps you out of the present moment which is the only place where change is possible.
  2. Refusing to Take Responsibility?— In Spiderman, they say with great power comes great responsibility, but in this case, that’s backwards. It’s actually with great responsibility comes great power. Until you take responsibility for something, you have no power over it. Yes, admitting you did this to yourself sucks. But staying here sucks more. Take responsibility and move forward into a new tomorrow.
  3. Fantasy thinking?— You’ll know your inner child is in the driver’s seat of your life if you are thinking “this is what I’m going to do when I’m a millionaire” when you’re struggling to pay the rent. If you’re waiting for someone to discover you, looking for a rich spouse to save you, trying to win the lottery, or anything else that is less than likely, you’re living in fantasy thinking and no positive change happens there. You’ve got your head in the clouds, but progress is made on the ground. And before you throw Law of Attraction at me, let me say that it is far more complicated than simply saying some affirmations. You have to bring your energy into resonance with what you’re speaking — and this means doing the work required to get your limiting beliefs and your desire to live in a fantasy world under control before your affirmations can take you there.
  4. Confusion/Overwhelm?— If you’re thinking that you can’t learn about money because you’re not good with numbers or you don’t understand the jargon that the people teaching it are using or it’s just too much to learn, then you’re falling into this resistance. It ISN’T too hard. It’s just hard. Too hard is what you say when you want to give up. Even if you just study one financial term a day, you’ll build your vocabulary until you CAN understand what the financial gurus are saying. Yes, the financial world is an elephant of knowledge, but you can still eat that elephant one bite at a time.
  5. Fear?— Fear is a bitch because on top of being scary, it has also scientifically been proven to reduce your IQ by 10 points when you’re in it. You are literally less intelligent when you are afraid. So getting out of fear is a crucial step to taking charge of your financial life. Most fear is a fear of not being able to handle a situation if it arises, so simply making a plan for how you will handle it if it happens is often sufficient to defuse it. If this process is bringing up fear for you, ask yourself what you’re afraid of and then make a plan to deal with it.
  6. Financial CoDependency?— For many empaths, the challenge is not in getting the money, but in keeping it. If you are financially codependent, then you’ll feel the need to give it away — to friends, family, charity, etc. You’ll feel guilty for having it because someone else “needs it more”. This requires that you have to claim your space and your right to have more than enough.
  7. Refusing to Receive?— For many empaths, money has been conflated (become synonymous) with love. And when love came with an obligation or guilt or a requirement to give the same amount of love back, empaths have often learned not to let love in because it was toxic. But then money can’t get in either. It is important to de-armor that armored heart you’ve been carrying around. This is a complicated process, so I can’t go into it here, but I will say that it is crucial to opening to receive money if you have conflated the two. You can begin the process by simply asking for and accepting help. You can also do better at accepting compliments. These are small but significant steps in the right direction. If you need more help with this or any other issue in this list, set up a?Discovery Call ?with me and I can help you figure out a path that will work for you.
  8. Finding a New Purpose?— Many people who set financial freedom as their goal will get there and go “ok, now what?” At this point, the purpose that has taken them to this point is no longer valid and they feel deflated and lost. If you’re in this stage, it’s not that you picked the wrong thing or that you’ve failed, it’s that you need a new purpose for the next stage of your life. If you need help determining what will be interesting enough to keep you moving forward,?set up a time to talk with me ?and I’ll be happy to help you find some clarity.

Hopefully this has given you some insight into your own resistances and how to overcome them. Let me know if you see yourself reflected in anything I’ve listed above.

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Kelle Sparta is a Transformational Shaman specializing in helping empaths build lives and businesses they can love. She is also the host of the popular?Spirit Sherpa Podcast . If you are an empath and you’re having trouble separating yourself from other’s emotions, download her free?Boundaries for Empaths program . You can find out more about Kelle at? .

Thanks for sharing this eye-opening guide to breaking free from money barriers!



