Resistance is Futile!
“What you resist not only persists but will grow in size.”
– Carl Jung
When?Carl Jung?first wrote these words, he explained his view of the ‘The Shadow’, an aspect of the self – the?Human Dark Side. Through his research, he came to believe that if we resisted negative aspects of our personality, they would remain part of us, even when they caused pain and suffering. On the other hand, if we acknowledged these traits, we could begin to work with them. This will lessen the negative impact on our lives.
He based his understanding on the premise that we get more of it when we put energy into something – even something we don’t want.
Jung’s premise is just as true today, but our understanding of this concept has expanded over time. There is now a widespread belief that when we resist aspects of the world around us, we cause those things to manifest in our lives. Resistance is futile.
Of course, we can’t avoid?noticing?what we don’t want, if for no other reason but contrast. It’s tough to fully embrace the pursuit of success, for example, without acknowledging that we don’t want to fail. It’s human nature, however, to do far more than just notice. We tend to focus, even obsess, on what we don’t want.
Consider for a moment: how much time do you spend thinking? With stress, fear, anxiety – about what you want to avoid? Conversely, how much time and energy do you spend visualizing what you want more of?
Law Of Attraction
This concept aligns with their understanding of the Law of Attraction for many people. In other words, the energy, thoughts, wishes, and desires that we put into the universe will draw things to us. So, we must ensure that the energy we’re putting out (and in) is positive.
If you don’t subscribe to the Law of Attraction, that’s fine too. There’s a concept taught in driving courses called ‘target fixation’. It’s common for new drivers to fixate on what they don’t want to hit – an oncoming car, for example, or a tree. Instead, drivers are taught to fight against this innate impulse and fix their attention on the road ahead.
Whichever resonates for you – the Law of Attraction or target fixation, or both. I can promise you that when you turn your attention and energy to the things you desire, your quality of life?will?improve. You?will?attract more of what you want.
Visualize & Meditate
A daily practice of visualization and meditation can be a great way of incorporating this into your thought patterns. Over time, it will become easier and more natural – if not second nature – for your thoughts to focus there through the day as well. Give this a try, and let me know what changes for you!
With intention, put more energy into visualizing and embracing what you desire in your life. For instance, instead of fearing and resisting failure, vividly envision success. Instead of resisting financial struggle, fully embrace abundance. Instead of working through the things that could go wrong in an important meeting or presentation, causing you to lose the job, imagine yourself in the same meeting where everything is going well and ends with the job offer.
Remember,?Resistance is Futile!
Positive Thoughts blog posts. From the beginning of COVID in 2020 until the Fall of 2021, I posted Positive Thoughts Daily. I now post one every Monday. There are enough on my blog to read one every morning to start your day and one every evening before drifting off to sleep.
Mike Dooley’s book,?Infinite Possibilities, and you can subscribe, for free, to his daily email,?Notes from the Universe.
Author: Jim Newcomb