Resist The Urge To Be Complacent
"I have not yet completely become the person that God wants me to be. But I am trying very hard to reach that place." Philippians 3:12 EASY
Sometimes I take on projects, not because of the outcome of the project, but for the new knowledge that I'll acquire in the process. There's just so much curiosity that comes with learning something new.
It's also good to know and look forward to what the outcome will be. That's why it's key for me to also desire outcomes to avoid staying stuck in the learner's loop.
Let's do a simple exercise; In your current season, who does God want you to be? Can you see and feel that new you? To keep it simple, just think about something good and keep it short-term (no 40-year projections please).
Does it look like something you can achieve? If you doubted it for a second, then it means you have work to do. You'll need to leverage the fear you feel, build your faith, understand how to use your subconscious mind, work on your confidence, etc.
If you didn't doubt, then you're an incredibly positive person, or your imagination is too small. If you're a positive person, then ensure you stay positive even when external factors try to make the future impossible to achieve. If your imagination was too small, dream again.
The point is, there's always something to improve or adjust. Complacency is not caused by the absence of obstacles but by blindness to those obstacles. Do you feel complacent because you just hit a milestone or feel like you are living your best life? Don't fall into that trap.
Becoming whom God wants you to be is not a one-off project. You'll probably not get there until the end of your days. But in each season, there is a new you that must emerge so that you can step into the next season. You're not where you were yesterday, but you're also not where you should be tomorrow. Keep moving.