The Resilient Mindset
Faris Alami ?????? ?????????
CEO at ISM | Founder of Connecting Dots Globally | Host of Finjan podcast/show, GEW & SG | International Keynote Speaker | Author of several Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Resiliency Books
It’s been almost a year since COVID hit. When we initially heard about it, we figured it would be here somewhere between 18 months and three years. We got lots of push back, people thinking it would be only 2-4 weeks before things went back to normal. Some are still waiting for things to get “back to normal” before they do anything.
While I admire that approach and hope that one day “normal” - whatever that will be - comes to reality. Meanwhile, we need to operate businesses within the parameters of what we’re actually living today, especially those interested in staying in business, and those who want to lead communities that continue to prosper.
I’ve been fortunate to study entrepreneurs for 30-something years. Having observed and engaged with millions of people starting or launching a business, I’ve determined that learning what they have done to stay afloat is key to dealing with a crisis such as the ongoing Covid pandemic.
What we’ve learned from observing and engaging with these amazing entrepreneurs around the planet is that they have what we call the Resilient Mindset. They look for solutions rather than staring at the problem. They see the situation as an opportunity to renovate their approach to the solutions they thought initially were going to implement.
Many of them have compassion and wish to show people that they care about them and their causes. The resilience that keeps them going comes from ability to show empathy to the people they serve, whether customers, clients, or entire communities.
And then their is the Leadership aspect of the Resilient Mindset. Resilient entrepreneurs and leaders take the initiative. They step up and say: If this is how it’s going to be going forward, I have to figure out a new way to deliver, perhaps new products or services, and potentially attract new customers since I may not be able to reach my existing customers.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
- What are you willing to do to create new opportunities for yourself?
- What leadership steps do you plan to take to keep your efforts going?
- What other tools or resources have you used to stay afloat during a crisis?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.
#entreprneurship #theresilientmindset #leadership #farisalami