Resilient companies matters.

Resilient companies matters.

Building a resilient company culture despite dysfunctional Leadership is not an easy task. For long I being using and preaching the approach defined by Patrick Lencioni, Simon Sinek, Jim Collins, Adam Grant, Daniel Pink and other modern gurus exploring the role of a leader and how that affect company culture. Today, I want to focus on the comprehensive approach through Lencioni's Principles.

The bedrock of any successful organization lies in its company culture.

However, when leaders face challenges, whether personal or functional, it can create disruptions within the team. Patrick Lencioni, offers invaluable guidance through his works, navigating companies through the intricate process of building robust teams and nurturing a positive work environment.

This transformative journey involves identifying the working genius within individuals, constructing an ideal team, and adeptly addressing the core dysfunctions that can plague even the most promising organizations.

Furthermore, it mandates a fundamental shift in the mindset of leaders, urging them to champion company objectives above individual functional needs.

1. Discovering Working Genius: Unlocking Individual Potential

Central to creating a thriving company culture is recognizing and harnessing the working genius within each team member. Lencioni identifies six working geniuses that individuals can possess:

The Genius of Wonder: Individuals with this genius are constantly curious, always eager to learn and explore new ideas, technologies, or ways of thinking. They are the innovators and visionaries within a team, driving progress through their insatiable curiosity.

The Genius of Invention: Those with the invention genius are creative thinkers, capable of generating new ideas and solutions to problems. They thrive in environments that allow them to brainstorm and explore unconventional approaches to challenges.

The Genius of Discernment: Discerning individuals possess exceptional judgment and insight. They can quickly analyze situations, identify patterns, and make informed decisions. Their ability to see the bigger picture helps teams avoid potential pitfalls.

The Genius of Galvanizing: Team members with the galvanizing genius are natural leaders and motivators. They inspire others with their passion and enthusiasm, rallying the team around a shared vision or goal. They excel at creating a sense of purpose and urgency.

The Genius of Enablement: Enablers excel at empowering others. They have a talent for coaching, mentoring, and providing the necessary support and resources to help their colleagues thrive. They find fulfillment in facilitating the success of those around them.

The Genius of Tenacity: Individuals with the tenacity genius demonstrate unparalleled persistence and determination. They excel in tasks that require resilience and a steadfast commitment to overcoming challenges. Their perseverance drives projects to completion, even in the face of adversity.

In his book, Patrick mention that everyone has 2 dominant geniuses and knowing your team working genius, helps to call the right leader to solve a specific situation.

He also highlights if there is an unbalance of geniuses, this can create some issues. Imagine if your company only have Genius of Innovation? A lot of great ideas will be presented, but fewer will be executed.

Find your working genius on his assessment tool:

2. Building the Ideal Team: Cultivating Virtues for Success

Creating an ideal team transcends technical skills; it revolves around virtues that promote collaboration and mutual respect. According to Lencioni, an ideal team player embodies three essential qualities:

Humility: Humble team players prioritize the team's success over personal recognition. They are open to feedback, admit their mistakes, and acknowledge the contributions of others. Humility fosters a culture of trust and cooperation.

Hunger: Hungry team players exhibit a strong work ethic and an insatiable drive to achieve more. They are proactive, always seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth. Their enthusiasm is contagious, inspiring others to excel.

People Smarts: Team players with people smarts are emotionally intelligent. They possess excellent communication skills, empathy, and an understanding of others' emotions. Their ability to navigate interpersonal relationships ensures smooth collaboration within the team.

Neglecting the essential dimensions of hunger, humility, and people smarts can lead to detrimental consequences within a team. Absence of Hunger results in complacency and a lack of drive, hindering progress and innovation. Lack of Humility breeds arrogance and disrupts team harmony, causing conflicts and hampering collaboration. Deficiency in People Smarts results in poor communication and misunderstandings, damaging relationships and trust among team members. Embracing these dimensions is vital, as their absence can impede teamwork, creativity, and overall team effectiveness.

Additionally, an extreme focus on being an ideal team player might result in burnout, as individuals might overcommit themselves to meet the demands of the team, neglecting their own well-being. Balance and self-awareness are crucial to avoiding these potential pitfalls.

3. Addressing the Five Dysfunctions: Overcoming Challenges Together

Are you happy with the results your leadership team is developing? It may shows signals of a dysfunctional organization.

Absence of Trust

Trust is foundational. Leaders must create an environment where vulnerability is embraced and trust is nurtured. By openly sharing experiences and challenges, leaders encourage trust to flourish organically within the team.

When the company have Absence of Trust: A stifling atmosphere where fear of vulnerability inhibits open communication and collaboration, leading to stagnation.

Fear of Conflict

Constructive conflict is the gateway to innovation. Leaders should promote healthy debates, ensuring that differing opinions are respected. Managed effectively, conflicts lead to creative solutions and strengthen team bonds.

Fear of Conflict: Superficial harmony prevails, but unaddressed disagreements fester, stifling creativity and hindering genuine progress.

Lack of Commitment:

Commitment is fostered through clarity of vision and goals. Leaders must articulate a clear vision, ensuring that each team member understands their role. Facilitated discussions and active participation instill a sense of ownership, driving commitment.

When Lack of Commitment is present, ambiguity and indecision persist, causing hesitancy in pursuing goals and undermining team cohesion and enthusiasm.

Avoidance of Accountability

Accountability ensures tasks are completed efficiently. Leaders should establish clear expectations, empowering team members to hold themselves and others accountable. A culture of responsibility instills pride in one's work.

Mediocrity becomes the norm as responsibility and ownership are lacking, hindering growth and individual development. That is the consequence of Avoidance of Accountability.

Inattention to Results:

A results-oriented approach is pivotal. Leaders must emphasize collective objectives above individual achievements. Recognizing and celebrating team accomplishments reinforces the focus on shared goals, motivating everyone to contribute their best.

Self-interest prevails over collective success, impeding overall organizational progress and jeopardizing long-term sustainability. You have an Inattention to company results.

4. Shifting Focus to Company Objectives: Fostering Collective Success

A fundamental shift in leadership perspective is paramount. Leaders must recognize that the success of the company transcends individual roles and achievements.

Prioritizing company objectives over personal functional needs demands a selfless approach. Leaders championing the overarching goals inspire their teams to work collaboratively, paving the way for enduring success and a positive work environment.

In conclusion, despite the challenges posed by dysfunctional leaders, the implementation of Lencioni's principles can transform a company's culture. By identifying working genius, building an ideal team, and addressing the five dysfunctions, leaders create a workplace where collaboration, trust, and commitment thrive.

Embracing a company-first mentality dissolves personal conflicts and nurtures a cohesive team spirit. In this environment, innovation flourishes, productivity soars, and employees find purpose and fulfillment, ensuring the organization's prosperity in the long run.

And remember, your role as a leader is to serve your team, not having him serving you. The change starts with you.

I help leaders to overcome culture challenges and my genius lays on the Genius of Invention and Genius of Enablement. Let me know if I can be any help.


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