Dr. Paul Theron
Resilience Governance & Engineering Crisis analysis, management & resolution Education, Research, Consultancy
I remember the happy unworrying days of my youth, in the 70s. Even if we were all sure that the World was not ideal because of wars, famine, crises of all kinds, we were enjoying life to the full. None of us was fearing to find no job, and our material environment, simple as it was still at the time, was satisfactory. Well, some clouds showed over our heads though. The 1973 oil crisis, the beginning of business delocalisation and some massive strikes, none of these facts affected us. People were working hard, and, yes, life was simple. We just had to go with the flow, register with the university of our choice, find a companion, build a family. We could say whatever came to our minds, do as we wished with so few restrictions that we felt really free. We had a problem with anything, there was always someone competent round the corner, a mechanic, a plumber, a teacher, a doctor… Issues used to get resolved quickly. Prices were reasonable. Young couples could afford buying or renting houses despite high interest rates. Those were not stopping them. A fridge was a fridge, a human a human, the future a promise. We had landed on the Moon, motion pictures were blossoming, literature was now uncensored. A perfect, easy life. And, today, we may feel nostalgic about that time.
Tomorrow is to be feared. And it actually is.
Suicide rates are on the up, trust has gone, using the phone gets people crazy as it works when it wants and no one knows anymore if using it 1) will work, 2) if we’re not going to get spammed by bad guys who’ve gone completely nuts. We fear war, can you believe it?, we were summoned to stay home for two horrible years and forced to take vaccines that many respectable scientists declared dangerous and that, being experimental still, should never have been forced upon us. Now, we’re told to buy electric cars, because of global warming, not to use electricity however, because it is too expensive and sometimes in short supply. Our politicians have lost all credibility and we can’t anymore turn to them via elections to change our collective future. Supra-national institutions take sovereignty out of our own hands and we should just stay silent and quiet. And just saying this merits us to be called complotists or whatever else. Our most intimate data are stolen and used against us. Food is full of adverse substances that give us cancer. The air stinks. Farmers have no right anymore to do as they wish while we depend on imports from countries that might one day turn against us for geopolitical motives. And when we speak to someone in a teleconference we can’t anymore say if the people we see on the screen and talk to are real or deep fakes created by generative AI. Poverty has grown to extents we can’t imagine. The super rich grow greedier and greedier and have adopted a totally indecent, unjustifiable life style. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Honestly… What is that kind of life?
Honestly… Are those who make it such proud of their creation?
Honestly… What is our future? One of zombies living underground like in horror movies?
What I wonder is “Who wants that sort of life?”
Not I.
Do you?
If, young or less young, you accept that kind of life for yourself, your children or parents, than you have a problem. Only, you don’t think clearly yet about it.
Your margins of manoeuvre will shrink soon to the point you will be, we will all be, reduced to mere puppets the strings of which someone will pull at their convenience.
You will have to comply with every single injunction made either by state powers or by economic tycoons. Otherwise, as in some country already, you will lose your social credit and be assigned to be restrained at home.
This is why RESILIENCE is your future.
You must think about how you will cope will all the demands and issues and threats the near future promises you.
Get started now.
When you’ll be under pressure, you won’t be able anymore to think clearly and act accordingly to overcome the hardships you’ll face.
Does that all sound too philosophical? Too pessimistic? Perhaps completely crazy and defeatist? Hopeless? As a friend told me recently, what can we do apart, maybe…, voting for the right guys at the next election???
Honestly... Are you feeling totally comfortable about the way our World is changing?
I tell you something. Young people in their twenties share these views, as well as old guys like me. Does not that sound an alarming bell?
Think, take your time.