The Resilience Network
Dr Peggy Burrows JP, AMINZ Associate
Manukura/Principal at Haeata Community Campus/President Christchurch Business Club
The Resilience Network was founded after nearly three years of conversations with friends, colleagues and family about what it’s like to reinvent yourself after a catastrophic event in your life.
Overcoming Adversity - The Resilience Network was launched today on Facebook. The brianchild of like-minded, resilient individuals who truely believe it is not over until the fat lady sings! Like me all members of the Resilience network have faced adversity. For me it was a catastrophic assault on my career and by extension, the very essence of me and who I was as a person.
For other Resilience Network members it has been grappling with the effects of the challenges of living in Canterbury post earthquakes; or the the death of a loved one, a significant illness, a divorce, or significant bullying in the workplace.
The one thing we all have in common is our ability to bounce back - not immediately and not without considerable pain and suffering. But bounce back we did, have and are!
Please join us on Facebook in this new forum to celebrate the human spirit and our unending capacity for joy, hope, love and forgiveness.
It is our inherent resilience that sets us apart and makes us unique. Together we are stronger, better, faster, tougher. Together we are connected by kindness.
Join us and share you journey and tell us what made the difference for you. For me it was people - the special people who cared and genuinely believed in me.
He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
?What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.