Are you resilient?
You may well be and don't even realise it.
Have you faced and eventually overcome adversity? Sometimes time and time again.
We all at some point have experienced the above. Not everyone survives, don't assume they do. If you have and your still going your more special than you think.
What differentiates those who give up (and many do, they give up turn to drink,drugs or whatever their fix is) is their character and steel ,they keep going.
For me you find out about others and in particular yourself when you are in uncomfortable situations and when you are really up against it. I mean when you are in a corner in life and feel you have nowhere else to go. That is when some give up as mentioned above. But others and mostly likely 'you' discover that 'inner chimp' and realise you you have what it takes to get through this.
You decide to bite down on that gum-shield and face another day. Doing this day after day and working hard while continuing to believe, you always always turn that corner. Always.
Keep being resilient, keep being you.