Resilience in the face of adversity
Meet Krish, the little boy with a happy face. However, when I first laid eyes on him, he wasn't smiling. During my recent visit to Jeeva Jyothi NGO in Chennai, where I provided digital marketing training at their administrative office in Madhavaram, I met Krish at a shelter home in Budur district, Tamil Nadu. He sat alone in a corner, lost in thought. Despite being only seven years old, Krish appeared to be mature for his age and expressed a desire to become a doctor someday, which made me proud.
Krish's mother passed away when he was five years old, and his father, Ganesh, was unable to provide for him due to extreme poverty, leaving Krish to stay at the shelter home. Although I tried to communicate with Krish in English, he was unable to understand me. Fortunately, an older boy who spoke both Tamil and English assisted us, and we were able to converse.
The other children at the shelter told me that Krish did not cry when he first arrived there, and I was amazed by his strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Despite his difficult circumstances, Krish is a happy child who enjoys playing with the other children and making new friends. Spending time with him made me feel connected to him on a deep level.
As I left the shelter, I experienced mixed emotions. I felt sorrowful for Krish's struggles at such a young age, but also happy to see him laughing and playing with the other children, and optimistic about his future prospects. Krish has left a lasting impression on my heart as a brave little boy who has endured so much but remains strong and hopeful.
Jeeva Jyothi NGO is dedicated to supporting many other underprivileged children like Krish. Founded in 1994 by four dedicated social activists, Jeeva Jyothi works to improve the lives of children in difficult circumstances, particularly those living on the streets or working. Their programs include supplementary education, medical assistance, school enrollment, vocational training, and creative and sports activities. Their work has benefited over 30,000 street and working children in North Chennai. Additionally, they have established a Children's Assistance Booth at Perambur Railway Station, which has helped many runaway children reunite with their families or find a place in children's homes. For more information, visit