Resignations on Moral responsibility- a drama ?

Resignations on Moral responsibility- a drama ?

There are some unfortunate incidences of rape and a popular TV news channel along with many opposition parties are demanding resignation of Chief Ministers of those states.  It made me thinking.

Why stop at asking resignation of Chief Minister ? Why not Police Heads? Why not the Judges who gave bail ? Why not the lawyers who fought for bail? And finally why not the Prime Minister of India ?

Does resignations help?

Yes. It may help in escalating the issue.  Very often , the resignations are more of drama. A person may claim moral responsibility on his own or some one may ask him to resign depending on pressure.  In majority of the cases either the resignation is not accepted  or the person comes back into the same position after few days.

If you are involved directly, you must resign..

If you aware and ignored till became an BIG issue, you must resign.

Why resignations  are not required ?

Presume that you are an efficient Manager. You are very innovative and take care of things well. Clients are happy. Your staff is happy. Your Boss is happy. And then one of your employees make a mistake. Some damage is done. If the damage is huge, yes, the heads will roll out.  This  incident may have happened without your knowledge and some may have misused their power. As a Manager, do you need to resign on moral grounds?

You have clear conscious and know that you are clean and you can clean up the system and ensure that proper action can be taken to avoid such things. If so, why to resign ? There may not be a better person than you to address the issue.

If some one has to resign, who is it? You as an immediate Manager? Or you along with your  Departmental Head and the CEO of the company? Why only one person shall be responsible for a failure of system?


Yes if you resign , the employees may understand the gravity of situation and be careful in future. 

 A Chief Minister is the right person to address the issues of state administration. Rapes and crimes are social issues which I am sure have to be dealt strictly by Judiciary along with enforcement agencies. Resignation may be seen as an act of escapism. Can the opposition parties, which demand resignation of Chief Minister because of rapes, confidently assure that there are no rapes in the states ruled by their party?  If the Chief Ministers , Judges & Police need to resign for every rape,  there will not be enough people to sit in those seats !

What is required?

A system that addresses the issues. Tighten the system. Make people accountable. Sensitize people. Make the rules stringent and act quickly. 


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