Residential sprinkler installer scheme
The Fire Protection Association
The UK's national fire safety organisation
Dr Jim Glockling,?Consultant and the former Technical Director of the Fire Protection Association and RISCAuthority?discusses the residential sprinkler system installer?scheme in development at BAFE.
In association?with a building’s built-in?passive fire resisting features, residential?sprinkler systems have been demonstrated?to be very effective at protecting lives from fire,?both of the occupants and those attending.?Their use has typically been prevalent where?normal safety measures might be considered?insufficient to assure the safety of occupants?either due to their own special needs, or due?to the specific challenges of the building such?as its height, layout, or remoteness from Fire?Service support. Post-Grenfell, and with new?specific legislation for their inclusion in new?in some UK nations, there has been a?proliferation in demand for residential sprinkler?systems and the market has often struggled?to keep up. This is of course a recipe that can?lead to challenges of quality in terms of:
As part of the Fire Protection Association's continuing commitment to increase fire safety awareness across the built environment, a number of informative feature articles are available to read on our website.?You can read the full article here.