Reset is Natural

Reset is Natural

Of late, I have been starting up and sharing around The Humanity Map... and digging into KNOWledge, and now UPRIGHTness. That said, several moments this Week have reminded me of the importance of reset and it's natural need. Actually, Lessons from the Maple, planted the proverbial seed... back in late September. In it, I noted:

  • "Which brings me back again to rest and reset. Nature is filled with such. My Maple is about to go into rest and reset mode as Fall and Winter approach. Growth in Spring and Summer... rest and reset in Fall and Winter. It has spent the last 6 months coming forth and growing outwards and upwards. Now, it is heading into a period of consolidating... resting and resetting. Much of nature follows such pattern. It is not a process nor journey of go-go-go. It is expansion and consolidation alternating. Ebb and flow. From seedling to now, the Maple has grown but not in a straight, all consuming line. It has grown and flourished, then rested and reset itself, only to grow again the next year. And some years, growth was better than others. Some periods of rest and reset were longer or shorter too. For me, I am coming ever better to such Understanding... that I am in a stage of rest and reset."

I knew that then (at some cognitive level), but matters around changes in functionality with article writing (off and on issues around the use of visuals and character counts in particular, ugh) here on LinkedIn... and continuing matters around Health... both cause me to take it ever more to heart.

Indeed, and of late, I have posted on (in addition to the above)... on what unites us and conversation as action and getting the Lead out... and The Barry Unit, forward. And with internal Unity, and internal conversation, and leadership and "forward" in mind and heart, I have decided that article posting will soon take a rest and reset until 2024, as part of a more conscious rest and reset of my own. Expansion partners with Consolidation for sustainable and sustaining growth. It is time I initiate my own phase of Consolidation.

What might Expansion and Consolidation look like to you... for you... pour vous... for long term growth? For me, as I study Stoicism, I am seeing Stillness as Key. How about you?

And, for me, The Humanity Map exploration be will part of the wait. Until 2024.

Reset is Natural.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

And here are some other offerings to possibly consider...


And some resources...

And Music...

Leading into 2024!


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