Research Roundup: Yaws eradication optimism, Nipah virus vaccine trial, Next-generation polio vaccine, Antibiotic R&D funding
Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC)
Advancing innovation to save lives
Yaws could soon be eradicated—70 years behind schedule Nature (1/11)
There is new hope that yaws, a chronic, disfiguring childhood disease, could be eradicated by 2030 with a renewed focus and hopefully, some new tools, especially given the emergence of resistance in the last few years to azithromycin, which has been used as an alternative to penicillin for yaws treatment since 2012. Despite the need for new tools to address the remaining burden of the disease, there are disappointingly few in the pipeline. There is one drug, linezolid, being evaluated that, like azithromycin, is easy to transport and administer, as well as an updated mass community treatment approach with azithromycin. Although the bacteria that causes yaws is tricky to target with a vaccine, ongoing research on a syphilis vaccine that targets the same bacteria that causes yaws could offer cross-protection. With underreported cases also a barrier to eradication, new, robust tests are also a major gap in the tools in our arsenal.
Scientists test world-first Nipah virus vaccine Independent (1/11), features CEPI
The first human trial of a new vaccine against the deadly Nipah virus began last week after the work, which started in 2017, was paused during the COVID-19 pandemic. South Asia faces the greatest burden of Nipah virus, the priority pandemic pathogen that can be fatal in up to 75 percent of cases. There are currently no treatments or vaccines available against Nipah. The new vaccine, ChAdOx1 NipahB, which was developed using the same viral vector vaccine technology as the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, will be evaluated over the next 18 months in a trial led by the Oxford Vaccine Group and funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
WHO prequalifies next-generation oral polio vaccine CIDRAP (1/10), features the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and PATH
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently prequalified the novel oral poliovirus vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), the first prequalification of a vaccine being used under WHO's emergency use listing. nOPV2 was developed by an international consortium, which included GHTC members: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and PATH, and is as safe and effective as its predecessor, the oral polio vaccine, but more genetically stable, meaning it is much less likely to lead to vaccine-derived outbreaks. Nearly 1 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered across 35 countries since the rollout began in March 2021, and it has already played a key role in addressing outbreaks of type 2 variant poliovirus. WHO's decision now paves the way for even more countries to receive the vaccine.
Novo Nordisk Foundation gives CARB-X $25 million to combat antibiotic resistance CIDRAP (1/9), features CARB-X
The Novo Nordisk Foundation, the nonprofit holding of Novo Nordisk and Novozymes, has announced a new grant of $25 million to the Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator (CARB-X). With this grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation joins major governments and foundations in supporting the work of CARB-X to accelerate the early-stage development of innovative tools to prevent, diagnose, and treat drug-resistant bacterial infections. Efforts are focused on the most dangerous bacteria, which have been prioritized by the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the syndromes with the greatest morbidity and mortality across the world, and the performance characteristics that clinicians and patients need the most. Since 2016, CARB-X has funded 93 projects in 12 countries, with 19 projects having advanced into or completed clinical trials; 12 actively in clinical development, including late-stage clinical trials; and two diagnostic products on the market.
WHO certifies Cabo Verde as malaria-free, marking a historic milestone in the fight against malaria World Health Organization (WHO) news release (1/12), features the Gates Foundation
Valneva vaccinates first participant in pediatric trial of single-shot chikungunya vaccine Valneva press release (1/10)
The WHO and drug regulators want to reformulate the flu vaccine. It’s easier said than done STAT?(1/16)
Ultrasensitive tools ‘detect asymptomatic malaria’ SciDevNet?(1/15)
World leaders to meet to discuss threat of hypothetical ‘Disease X’ pandemic in Davos Independent?(1/15)
BioNTech, keeping its powder dry, pays WuXi $20M for 2 preclinical monoclonal antibodies Fierce Biotech?(1/11)
Unlocking the mechanisms of HIV in preclinical research MedicalXpress?(1/11)
Bacteria stitch exotic building blocks into novel proteins Science?(1/11)
Study shows safety of MVA-BN vaccine for mpox CIDRAP?(1/10)
Higher viral load during HIV infection can shape viral evolution MedicalXpress?(1/10)
Bird flu confirmed among mass sub-Antarctic seal deaths as virus continues global spread The Guardian?(1/10)
US discusses emerging tech to bolster biothreat security The Defense Post?(1/9)
COVID-19 variant JN.1: What you need to know about its global takeover Health Policy Watch?(1/10)
Bivalent COVID vaccine very effective against severe illness in children, study concludes CIDRAP?(1/9)
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