… Research Question Matters!
Robert Faff
Research Professor Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary; Emeritus Professor University of Queensland, Australia; Honorary Adjunct Professor of Finance at Bond University, Australia
HOT OF THE PRESS ... my latest SSRN working paper on creating an effective RESEARCH QUESTION for your prospective research study. Access the paper here:
See the abstract below ...
Faff’s (2015; 2021) “Pitching Research” framework (PRF) is built on a research planning tool that challenges (novice) researchers to productively communicate their prospective research ideas to academic field experts. The framework gives you a total communication budget of 1,000 words ± 20%, to be allocated across 11 items. The current paper focuses on the second listed item in the PRF, (B) Research Question (RQ). Informed by an extensive personal research career together with insights gleaned from the latest relevant literature, I give practical guidance and tips on how to create an effective RQ.
This paper is the third in a series designed to unpack the PRF Faff (2015, 2021a) into its eleven component parts, providing detailed advice for each. The other two companion papers are:
Meaningful (to me and society?) and Effective (for me and society?) RQ = impact? Possibly...