Research Presentation Opportunity: The Paris Conference on Education
The Babb Group, Inc.
Instructional Design and Curriculum and Faculty Training and Development for Universities, Colleges and Corporate L&D.
Looking for a working vacation opportunity? How does Paris in June sound?
The call for papers is open for the Paris Conference on Education from June 16 to 19, 2023. The submission streams for research abstracts are broad and encompass both on-ground and on-line learning, adult education and K to 12. Those conducting research into curriculum development, instructional design, assessments and pedagogy will all find opportunities to submit. Submission streams include: Teaching and learning, educational structures, community and society, language and culture, psychology; mind and brain, and innovation and technology.
The early bird abstract submission deadline is January 14, 2023. Abstracts go through a double-blind peer review and the results are generally returned to authors within four weeks. As peer review is a reciprocal system, authors may be asked to review up to five abstracts for the conference should they choose to participate and receive a credit in the conference program.
Created by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) , the conference is affiliated with the IAFOR Journal of Education. For those who cannot make it to Paris in June, the options to live stream or make a virtual presentation are available.
IAFOR’s student members receive a 30% discount on conference registration fees.?A graduate student membership is $20 per year while professional memberships range from $30 to $150 depending the income of the potential member. The conference is being held at the historic Maison de la Chimie. It is walking distance of both the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.
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