Research Evaluation beyond standardized approaches

Research Evaluation beyond standardized approaches

Research evaluations often take a standardized approach. With research policies linked to societal challenges and economic goals, new approaches in research evaluation have been developed. How can they help you in improving your research policy and make it more evidence-based?

Think of evaluations of policies that fund research to strengthen regional economic development. Or peer reviews of international research programs in medical science. How to evaluate a research institute for transitions in agriculture? In such evaluations, questions of research quality and research management are connected to issues of impacts, effectiveness, policy logic, implementation and policy legitimacy.

Register for 3 consecutive half day online courses on new developments for Research Evaluators and Government Officials on 28 - 29 - 30 June 2021. The courses are offered by the University of Twente. Read the full program.

Course 1 - June 28: Designing research evaluations for policy-making

Course 2 - June 29: New evaluation methods for research organizations and programs

Course 3 - June 30: Evaluating research for system interventions and social transformation

The course faculty includes Erik Arnold, Technopolis Group & Royal Institute of technology (KTH), Kate Barker, University of Manchester, Stefan Kuhlmann, University of Twente, Thed van Leeuwen, Leiden University, Mireille Matt, INRA French National Institute of Agronomic Research, Philip Shapira, University of Manchester & Georgia Tech, Barend van der Meulen & Gonzalo Ordó?ez-Matamoros, course-directors, University of Twente.


