Research Connections News and Resources

Research Connections News and Resources

July 2024? ?

This edition of Research Connections includes resources on the following topics:?

  • The relationship between social-emotional skills and children’s challenging behavior
  • The effect of animations on children’s story comprehension
  • The dual enrollment of children in Head Start and state prekindergarten programs
  • Quality rating and improvement systems (QRISs) in multiple states
  • The well-being of child care and early education leaders

This month’s critical topic showcases resources on child care subsidies.

Most of the research resources in this newsletter are available to the public for free. We also link to some publications that require a fee or additional steps to access (such as articles in subscription-based journals). Don’t have access? Check out our tip sheet on accessing resources.

Monthly Spotlight

A young boy with his hands on his face, upset.

Associations between Social–Emotional Teaching Practices and Reductions in Preschoolers' Challenging Behavior?

Can teaching children certain social-emotional skills help prevent them from displaying challenging behavior? This study uses data from a randomized trial to examine four types of social-emotional skills and their relationship with children’s challenging behavior. Results indicate teaching children behavioral expectations and how to problem-solve were associated with significant reductions in young children’s challenging behavior. However, teaching children to express their emotions and supporting children’s friendship skills were not associated with a significant change in children’s behavior. The authors discuss these findings and implications for further study.?? ?

Find more resources on social-emotional interventions in the Research Connections library.?

Other Featured Resources

Effects of Varied Multimedia Animations in Digital Storybooks: A Randomised Controlled Trial with Preschoolers

This study looks at whether the animations that accompany digital storybooks affect young children’s story comprehension. The researchers found animations focused on illustration details reduced children’s comprehension at all difficulty levels, while animations focused on storytelling elements improved children’s comprehension in less difficult stories. In more difficult stories, animations focused on storytelling elements improved comprehension only for children with larger vocabularies. The authors discuss the study results and a “less-is-more” approach to adding animations to digital storytelling.? ?

Find more resources on early literacy in the Research Connections library.?

Head Start Children's Dual Enrollment in State Pre-K: Prevalence and Child Outcomes

How many children who participate in a Head Start program also participate in a state-funded prekindergarten program? The researchers in this study used statewide administrative data and found more than half of children who participated in Head Start also participated in a state-funded prekindergarten program. The findings indicate participation in both programs is associated with higher school readiness outcomes than participating only in a Head Start program. Strong partnerships between school districts and local Head Start programs predicted higher rates of dual enrollment.?? ?

Find more resources on Early Head Start and Head Start programs in the Research Connections library.?

Insights on QRIS from Six States & a Literature Review: Findings from an Evaluation of Parent Aware, Minnesota's QRIS?

This report discusses quality rating and improvement systems (QRISs) in six states. The report includes findings from a literature review and interviews with QRIS administrators in Delaware, Louisiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington. The authors discuss defining quality in QRISs by creating meaningful standards and indicators and emphasize embedding equity in such standards and indicators. The authors also discuss (1) engaging and supporting providers by embedding continuous quality improvement strategies into standards and indicators and (2) improving QRIS structures and processes by ensuring fairness and reducing burdens on participating programs.?? ?

Find more resources on QRISs in the Research Connections library.

Working Conditions and Well-Being of Early Childhood Leaders in the United States?

This study explores the well-being and working conditions of directors and associate directors of child care centers and principals of elementary schools. Center-based and elementary school leaders reported high workloads; few opportunities for professional growth, coaching, and mentoring; and poor physical health markers. A significant portion of both groups (40%) were at high risk for depression. Despite the physical and psychological demands, both groups reported high job satisfaction. Notably, the salaries of center-based leaders were 60% less than the salaries of elementary school leaders despite center-based leaders having more years of experience in their respective roles. This article is available for a fee or requires additional steps for access. ?

Find more resources on leadership in child care programs in the Research Connections library.?

Critical Topic

A mother and daughter hugging and smiling.

Critical Topic: Child Care Subsidies?

Child care subsidies serve an important role in expanding access to child care. Many high-quality child care programs are not affordable for families. Although policies vary across states and territories, every state and territory receives money from the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) to subsidize the cost of child care and extend access to families who may not otherwise be able to afford child care. The following resources explore a variety of child care subsidy programs:?

Find more resources on child care subsidy policies in the Research Connections library.


Grant Opportunities

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) has forecasted multiple grant funding opportunities. OPRE makes grants to support research in areas such as child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, child welfare, home visiting, welfare and employment, strengthening families and healthy marriage, family and youth services, and interoperability and data sharing.

See the full list of grants for the latest information.

Looking for Research Translation Topics!

Calling all state and territory leaders in the child care and early education field! The CCEEPRA Research Translation project is inviting you to share topic ideas for short, easy-to-use resources that can help make research-informed decisions that support young children and their families. Learn more about the project here and submit your ideas to [email protected].

A row of children in beach chairs.


Child Care and Early Education Research Connections的更多文章

