KEY NOTE: It takes a person who is wide-awake to make his country great, you reap what you sow and you give birth to what you had conceived, thus, I want to warn you that suicide is not a problem but real problem is not to have systematic-process directly to destroy an ideology of suicide which is on high level among Rwandan.

NUMERICAL HYPOTHESIS:60% of Rwanda population hold ideology to commit suicide but 3% of Rwandan population are extremely convinced to commit suicide at any possible time. After all, I read, listen and watching through in articles, books,Youtubers, Website, blogs, Newspaper, Radio and tv news, Untold stories, Family conflicts and Childhood this, end up with findings, a batch of evident of the suicidal behaviour, and ideology of committing suicide among of young adult 15 to 35 and beyond.


REFERENCE: Artificial intelligence, highest goggle research, Youtuber channels, Websites, Newspapers, Radio and tv news, Untold stories, Family conflicts, Childhoods

SUBJECTS IN AIR : Sexuality, Wish doctors, Sports, Music’s, Drinking alcohol, Negativism, Propaganda, Human worsens.

CAUSES: Banks loans, Sexuality, Jobless, Unequipped, Post-colonial cognitive,Political will, Alcoholic functions abused.


RESULTS: Ideology to commit suicide at any possible time, Poison in human resources development, Family conflicts and poverty, Early death, unwanted pregnant, Harms in engineer of human development.

Anathole joint Myles's sensation: “The wealthiest foundation in Rwanda is not the lake Kivu and high mountain within gorillas. The wealthiest foundation in Rwanda is just human resources and down the road in the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, songs and innovations never existed, businesses never elected, peacemakers did anything, talents didn't practice, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.” Rwanda should protect people more than anything else because one person represents one future, loss of one person means loss of future, a lass of future means ruined country. some examples from over thousands of people who passed on away via suicide form. ( I have been requested not to include pictures for security purpose).


Capitalism, Socialisms’, Gender( sexuality), Materialism, Political will, Psychologism, Religiousm, Militarism, Communism, Naturalism, The United States of human greatness in Rwanda (Education state, Business state, Security state, Religious state, Political state, Technology state, Entertainment and sport state, Heritage and culture in Rwanda).

KEY NOTE: One of the most important principles of success is developing the habit of going the extra mile and There are risks and costs to a plan of action, but they are far less than the long-term risks and costs of comfortable inactions.

OUR CURRENT AREA OF INTEREST: 7,167,125 people between 15 and 64 years old (3,568,631 males / 3,598,494 females) in Rwanda. Prediction, and social media news both together has leads us to finding as such as approximately 60% people from this segment, they already hold ideology of suicide, because of theirs an external behaviors and attachments are so closely related to it. and 3% of people that are in this range are already convinced to commit suicide at any possible time.

HAVE THIS IN MIND: If not now, when? And if not we, who? to be a leader, you must stand for something, or you will fall for anything, Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die. success in life is not measured by how much you make, but by how much of a difference you make. Young adults are Engineer of future in time yet to come, protect them is the same way of securing the future of the country. In 2020 to 2050 years, Rwanda will base on people who are young adult to day 2021, in other words currently young generation are an engineer of Rwanda in time yet to come, unfortunately majority of them want to commit suicide instead spontaneous vision. if nothing is going to changes, the consequences of being resistant in wrong things will turn country into ruin.


CONCEPT NOTES : BRAINSTORMS: this research will offer a new perspective view that led to positive changes need to be done exact around, by reframing the positivist-interpretive and renewal human resources as a division between the functional outcomes of citizens let to smart practices for wellbeing. Human level headedness and inner life cycles : the Pursuit for Human Rationality ending with good conclusions can be determine to draw a reality of future of our country in 2030 to 2040 to 2050 years yet to come, because the truth is that current leaders and influencer’s will not be there, if our young and youth generations in range of 15 to 35 years old are being ruined in minds and hearts, not only suicide ideology is over dominating theirs lives due to not see, feel, sense, and being helpless to have vision and think big. Remember this, engineer of future bases. Matter fact I argued that the battles based in (1 )post-colonial cognitive on{ (culture, heritage, racism, and political will)},(2) Over loading subjects on (Sexuality, Wish doctors, Sports, alcoholic, human worsen news)(3) Causes {(Banks loans, Sexuality, Jobless and Unequipped)} (4) confusion on methodologies listed{(Capitalism, Socialisms’ , Materialism , Political will, Psychologism , Religiousm, Militarism, Communism and Naturalism} (5) lack of management throughout The united states of human greatness in Rwanda {(Education state ,Business state, Security state, Religious state, Political state, Technology state, Entertainment and sport state)} which are a disaster and real problems Rwandan faced. . It is these specific issues that has brought about the individual myths, negativism, disease of attitude, hopeless, and poor mindset lead to physically poor. Understanding of “united states of human greatness in Rwanda together with space’s roles upon any citizen in place it is a key to restoring young generation as right ways to build a great future if not suicide ideology continues to take over Rwandans and put them in earl deaths. Damaging a future engineer of Rwanda in years ahead. From this perspective, understanding is the type of knowledge that will be gain from determining the meanings, categories, and symbols humans attach to actions, knowledge, and systems. This is a phenomenon under broad general laws, or identifying causal mechanisms that will support Rwandan who are in way to commit suicide. Because lack of human resources is equal to worse nation with no future at all accept slaves within their heritage and outside.

logical positivism consists is an essentially of a attitude and a polity, These can never be dissevered because it is the former being the basis for future, and the current situation of Rwandan it cannot end by one comprehensive system which is political will, in which our intellectual faculties and our social sympathies are brought into near close to hopeless and suicide act at any time. That is why Rwandan cognitive are being ruined by suicide ideology because majority of upcoming generation of Rwandan’s world views is sound that death is better than live here.

For, in the first place, the science of Society, a general view of positivism and peace of mind in Rwandan is at the low level, which mean self-hate that leads to make plan for early death through suicide ideologue is real in Rwandan at all.

Information supplies from medias sources around in Rwanda to international normal raise negativisms pressure to Rwandan if you can have wealth logical and scientific sense link by which all our wide-ranging news, history, lifestyle and observations of phenomena can bring us to protect our future by declare that we need to development power of positive thanking which give power of positive living in both, inwardly and outwardly as one consistent other words to restore the engineer of future in years yet to come. This character cannot be understood without explaining its exact relation in all general behaviors with the art corresponding to it. Now here we find a coincidence which is definitely not fortuitous.

At the very time when the majority of the young generation in Rwanda are being laid down in a vast sphere of suicide ideology due to all mentioned above. Dusengumuremyi Anathole through VMVP- voice in millions of voiceless people as nonprofit organization I am happy to send an request to whom is responsible, and whoever have passion on what I talking about please save majority of young generation in Rwanda, by using some of your money, resources and wisdom, (skill, experience and knowledge). if we can take another point of view, and look at the great crisis of our history and economic as its character is displayed hopeless, self-hate and weak people in charge throughout all united states of human greatness in Rwanda During the gradual accomplishment of this great work, a new moral power will arise spontaneously throughout with no end, It will offer a general system of education and positive changes nation actually need to adopt in all curriculums.

PURPOSE: The primary aim of this letter is to investigate suicide ideology that may identify young men and women who are about to commit suicide at any possible time then later we will be able to create a solution to it. secondary aim is to estimate the new changes that need to be done among young adults, aged 15-35 years in Rwanda. Third aim is to set new policy that can protect young adults in order to protect an engineer future base in Rwanda in time yet to come (2030 to 250 years).

NOTE: every problem there is a hidden treasure inside. It's our job to find it. Your ideas are like diamonds without the refining process, they are just a dirty rock, but by putting those into action that how solution is meant not only they become priceless to individual but common benefits upon citizen in the place.

CURRENT GOVERNANCE THEORY: Military forces, religion ethics, fear and good governance.


1. Provide solutions to Social- economic problems in Rwanda

2. Initiating Positive thinking attitude and innovation for wellbeing

3. Create job opportunities through generating business ideas

4. Conducting counseling and inner healing therapy

5. Conducting researches on social and human behaviors in order to provide solutions



Population of Rwanda: 7,167,125 persons between 15 and 64 years old (3,568,631 males / 3,598,494 females) OUR CURRENTLY AREA OF INTEREST : 5,613,855 young people under 15 years old (2,827,819 males / 2,785,906 females)

RECOMMENDED AREA TO ANOTHER RESEARCHERS.: 316,967 persons above 64 years old (126,918 males / 189,918 females)

RECOMMEND AREA TO OTHER RESEARCHERS :ACCORDING TO THE WORLD POLLUTIONS UPDATE: ON 29MAY 2021 ,The current population of Rwanda is 13,241,114 as of Saturday, May 29, 2021, based on World meter elaboration of the latest United Nations data.

Rwanda 2020 population is estimated at 12,952,218 people at midyear according to UN data. Within just months. Rwanda increases 288, 896 people, and yet land didn’t, food expansion didn’t, education system remains worse, and job decreases. Rwanda population is equivalent to 0.17%, Rwanda ranks number 76 in the list. The population density in Rwanda is 525 per Km2 (1,360 people per mi2 ). The total land area is 24,670 Km2(9,525 sq. miles), 17.6 % of the population is urban (2,281,330 people in 2020) and the median age in Rwandais 20.0 years.


BACKGROUND: According: Journal of Global Health Reports, Muwonge J, Umubyeyi A, Rugema L, Krantz G. Suicidal behaviour and clinical correlates in young adults in Rwanda: a population-based, cross-sectional study. Journal of Global. Health Reports. 2019;3: e2019080. doi:10.29392/joghr.3.e2019080Suicide prevention is linked to the ‘Sustainable Development Goal’ (SDG) , target "to reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being by 2030" (8). Under this target, countries should reduce suicide mortality (indicator 3.4.2) partly through the creation of responsive health systems for early detection and management of mental illnesses, including suicidal behavior. This is especially crucial in Rwanda, where in addition to limited resources for mental health care, persons with mental illnesses still experience stigma and therefore may not actively seek help. The WHO estimates that approximately 25-50% of women (estimate only available for women) experiencing suicidal ideation had interfaced with a health care provider in the past four weeks, however, suicidal behavior was not detected. In addition, previous research highlights that most suicides occur within one month of a hospital visit. 11, 12 Therefore, this presents an opportunity for health care staff to identify and offer help to persons with or at risk of suicidal behavior.

THE RESULTS,: 4.7% of the number of women (n=477) and 1.4% of the number of men (n=440) had attempted suicide in the preceding one month. For women, major depressive episode (Adjusted Odds Ratio, AOR=6.11; 95% confidence interval CI=4.03-10.84), physical pain symptoms experienced almost daily (AOR=1.80; 1.15-2.84) and poorly perceived overall health (AOR=3.08; 1.89-5.00) were statistically significant correlates of suicidal Behaviour. For men, only major depressive episode was a statistically significant correlate of suicidal Behaviour (AOR=4.75; 1.72-13.12).

CONCLUSION:At health center level, trained professionals should be made aware that young adults suffering from depression may also suffer from suicidal Behaviour. It is therefore important to sensitively inquire about suicidal behaviour followed by appropriate support. For women in particular, suffering from persistent physical pain symptoms or poorly perceived overall health are warning signs that may indicate suicidal behaviour. At community level, community health workers can use the self-rated health form to identify people in poor health and escort them to the health center for assessment.


BACKGROUND: In Rwanda, an estimated more one million people were killed during the 1994 genocide, leaving the country shattered and social fabric destroyed. Large-scale traumatic events such as wars and genocides have been linked to endemic post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicidality. The study objective was to investigate whether the 1994 genocide exposure is associated with suicide in Rwanda.

RESULTS: 162 cases of suicide that were investigated, 125 (77.2%) were male and 37 (22.8%) were female. The most common method of suicide was hanging with 97 cases (59.9%), followed by poisoning, 49 (30.3%); drowning, 9 (5.6%) and suicide by other methods (use of a spear, gunshot wounds and self-immolation), 7 (4.2%). The majority of suicides, 117 (72.3%), took place at the home of the deceased (table 1). Of the suicide cases investigated, 24 (14.3%) were convicted for genocide, 16 (9.5%) were Tutsi genocide survivors and 1 (0.6%) was a moderate Hutu who was threatened during the genocide. The remaining 121 (75.6%) were people who were not classified as either a survivor or having been convicted for the 1994 genocide crimes according to the study definitions (table 1).

CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that individuals convicted for genocide crimes are experiencing continued psychological disturbances that affect their social reintegration into the community even 20 years after the event. Given the large number of genocide perpetrators reintegrated after criminal courts and Gacaca traditional reconciling trials, suicide could become a serious public health burden if preventive remedial action is not identified.

PATRIOTISM: I am fully patriotic: I spent USD 1000.00 in order to come across with these such multiple functioning ideas to save Rwandan lives.

RESEARCH DESIGN: Social media, Indoor and outdoor, Interview, Message via mobile phone, Questionaries and Radio and tv shows.

Navigate approaches, Mutual belonging and obstacles met: Capitalism formula,Socialisms ‘formula, United States of human greatness ( Business state, education state, Security state, Religious state, Political state, Technology state, Entertainment and sport state) , Materialism formula, Political will formula, Psychologism formula, Religiousm formula, Militarism formula, Communism formula, Naturalism formula and Heritage and culture in Rwanda.

ASK PARTNERSHIP : USAID, government of Rwanda, care international, Africa new life ministries, Imbuto foundation, Eroupian union and world vision, etc


ASK YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN ORDER TO CARRING OUT THIS ASSESSMENT . i am looking forward to collecting a data in order to achieve our purpose mentioned above.

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CONTACT :Rwanda- kigali, gasabo district, kimihurura sector KG555st to KG556st

Name: Mr. Anathole Dusengumuremyi : Telephone: +250783175077 (Call and WhatsApp)

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: Voice in Millions of Voiceless People

Anthon Dusengumuremyi

LinkedIn: Dusengumuremyi Anathole


