Research Article

Health and Safety Work Act at work 1974

Oxford Home study centre.

Research Article

Health and Safety Act at work 1974

Oxford home study centre. London




Health, Safety and Welfare

1. Give short answers to the following questions: (20)

i. What are the main purposes of Health and Safety at Work Act?

Employers' Responsibilities

Employers have a general duty of care to protect the health and wellbeing of their employees, and also members of the public, visitors or contracts. This includes:


Adequately maintaining equipment and other systems to ensure their safety

Provide training and information on how to carry out work processes safely

Provide a safe place to work and working environment

Develop a health and safety policy

Undertake risk assessments

Liaise with health and safety experts when necessary

Ensure tasks are handled safely

Employees’ Responsibilities

Employees also have health and safety responsibilities, including:


Taking care of personal health and safety and that of others

Not interfering with health and safety protocol or anything else related to it

Cooperating on matters of health and safety

Enforcement of Health and Safety legislation

Health and safety inspectors are entitled to inspect businesses for their measures and protocols. They have various rights and obligations, such as:


The right of entry to the premises at reasonable times but without appointments

The right to disassemble equipment for inspection purposes

The right to request assistance from others, e.g. the Police

The right to question businesses on their health and safety

The right to see health and safety documents

The right to investigate a premises

The right to seize particular articles of imminent danger

Enforcement Action

Injuries, accidents and ill-health are not necessarily prerequisite to enforcement action being taken against a business. If a business is found to be in breach of its health and safety duty, that is enough to warrant enforcement action. Offences can be defended if the business is able to demonstrate that it wasn’t ‘reasonably practical’ to manage or eliminate the risk. Such is quite subjective? - it’ll be down to the courts to work this out.


Legal Notices, including both Improvements and Prohibitions. Improvements outline what is wrong and provide a deadline for the business to fix it. Prohibitions instruct to stop and prevent dangerous practices.



Prospection, including unlimited fines and custodial sentences.

Legal law covers damage caused by disqualification of institutions.

Civil law follows a court order on how to fill this loss such as paying a hefty fine of the damaging entities to the affected employee

ii. Outline the benefits of health and safety at work place.

Improvements in health and wellness

More productivity

High performance

Increasing job satisfaction

Increased participation and social inclusion in more work

Increase individual, team and organizational flexibility

Low absentee rate

Reduced workplace injury and workers ' compensation claims

Fast return to work

Reduced workers ' compensation premiums

iii. III. What is risk assessment about?

Risk assessment is the identification of hazards that could negatively impact an organization's ability to conduct business. These assessments help identify these inherent business risks and provide measures, processes and controls to reduce the impact of these risks to business operation


iv. What are the different types of risk assessment?

Before we start looking at different types of risk assessments, keep in mind that different types of risk assessments can be used together. It's not always either or the situation. Certain parts of each type may be present in the same risk assessment. Health and safety risk assessment considers the risks present in a job or activity. This looks at the possibility of damage that may occur. And the severity of that damage. Risk assessment should include 3 steps: Identify risks Decide who can do harm and how Assess risks and decide on precautions Record your key findings Review your assessment and update if necessary With each type of risk assessment, the reviewer must have the type of work experience they are evaluating . They need to know what risks exist and how to manage them. They must also qualify in the risk assessment process, to identify high risks and what action may be needed to reduce risk. Let's look at 3 types of risk assessments and when you want to use them.

1. Qualitative risk assessment

?Qualitative risk assessment is the most common form of risk assessment . You will often see this type of risk assessment in workplaces . This type of risk assessment is based on the personal judgment and expertise of the assessor, who will often use his experience to decide on the level of risk involved. The reviewer will also consult with others who guide the activity and best practice to reach their decisions. You will probably start any health and safety risk assessment with a simple qualitative assessment . In qualitative risk assessments, the evaluator will classify risk in levels, usually high, medium or low. Qualitative risk assessment must be a systematic review of what may harm people in the workplace, to make decisions about whether current precautions or control measures are appropriate or whether more needs to be done to prevent risks A qualitative risk assessment will look at someone's risk of injury, and if it is high, medium or low. As with any other type of risk assessment, any high risks will need to be addressed as a priority.


?Low-level risks can be seen later , or perhaps no other action is needed.


Risk = probability of magnitude

?Just because a qualitative risk assessment does not need to include numbers, the risk is still calculated (by the magnitude of the probability of loss X). A qualitative risk assessment involves making a formal decision on the outcome (severity) and probability (probability).

2. Quantitative Risk Assessment



?Quantitative Risk Assessment is used to measure risk by assigning a numerical value. So instead of high, medium and low, you can have 3, 2 and 1. Or the scale can be much larger than 3. This type of risk assessment is more likely to be used with larger risks, such as aircraft design, complex chemical or nuclear plants. Measured quantities may be Chemicals and machinery or the presence of hazards from modeling techniques and estimates, for example. In conducting quantitative risk assessments, special quantitative tools and techniques will be used to identify risk, and to assess the severity of the results and the likelihood of perceived risks. Often qualitative risk assessments can also assign numbers to different levels of risk. Like a 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 Risk Matrix. But this does not quantify the qualitative risk assessment. If the risk assessment is still based on the decision of the one assigning the risk values, it is still essentially a qualitative assessment.

dynamic risk assessment is the process of assessing risk in an on-the-spot situation. This type of risk assessment is often used to deal with unknown risks and manage uncertainty. People who need to deal with evolving and changing situations will often use Dynamic Risk Assessments.


Dynamic risk assessments can be used by emergency services or care workers, for example. Because the location, the situation and the people you are dealing with will change from case to case.? So you must continue to anticipate changing conditions .


If there are significant changes, is the actual risk assessment still valid ?? Should you try to deal with the situation ?? Is it safe to continue?

It is not always possible to prepare for every threat or threat.? A written risk assessment should assess the level of' unknown ' risks. Where an element of Dynamic Risk Analysis is required, workers require skills and awareness to recognise and deal with risk.


v. What is Health and Safety audit?


A health and safety audit will generally cover the following areas:


Health and safety policy and procedures

Risk assessment

Training and communication

Reporting of accidents and accidents


Corrective and preventive measures


A health and safety audit


The audit will be conducted by a qualified health and safety auditor who will use a variety of methods to gather evidence, including interviews, observations and document reviews.? The auditor will then prepare a report identifying any areas where the organisation can improve its health and safety management system.


2. Discuss different approaches that employers can adopt to help employees manage stress.


Working in stress is not easy for any employee.

When additional work pressure is put on the employee, increased mental stress increases the work load micromanagement and toxic work environment will have a huge impact on the mental health of the affected employee.

If you are married, the children will die of starvation.

If he is unmarried, he will be struck by making him generation less in disparity.

?And if the appropriate clinical counseling is not found, the madman will be found wandering around, which the children will call out to Mama Mama leading him to bleeding stoning and putting him on horrific end.

?In fact, many institutions commit unethical white-collar crimes in which employees who don't comply with corruption and crimes covering activities are economically murdered toxic environment and micromanagement have negative effects on the mental health of affected employee and the joy he is moving forward with? a vision

?There is politics.

That rank them among weakest countries in the world.

He is made mentally ill by micromanaging in a highly toxic environment.? He goes into stress so much because of this political planning of toxic workplace is so haphazard that there is now no choice but to call the counseling and clinical psychiatrist.

The below 5 methods are

?stress management

1.Reorganisation of work? related cognitive load

First, which causes of having an infected employee undergo a therapeutic examination are becoming the cause of his depression.

Change the nature of his work then reorganize the assignment assigned to him.


2 Weaknesses and strengths Analysis

You may be examining him from his weakness.

3 Job rotation

Try it in different positions and engage him where you find it better. his perseverance will lead him consistency and regrowth. This is his strength and strong ability.

4 Presence of clinical psychologist in medical crew of organizations

These experts examine

toxic environment

workload and micromanagement

Examine the side effects caused by the stress on the mind and what behaviors the institution has to change by taking the victim into consideration how to fix the behavior of team members save him from the bullying of work

And what kind of

Safety and measures policies

They have to make after the

stress related Safety of mental health audit


5 Private rehabilitation centers for mental health

A number of mental health clinics have opened that bring the victim back to light and life through psychiatric medication and through counseling

When the cause of mental health is the institution itself, it is not authorized to disqualify it on medical grounds, but if convicted, the legal Court will prove its crimes and the civil court should order to pay the premium as compensation.

from rehabilitation Center

After the restoration, he? also has to be given the rest of the service back to him.

For the rest of the social

stereotypes? Bringing the law into the realm is the work of sensitive institutions ISI army and police and the work of supervisory courts.



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