Rerating a superpower
Dear Readers,
“German engineering, Swiss Innovation, American Nothing”
That was the advertising slogan on a billboard in South Africa by Daimler to promote its smart 'Forfour" compact car. Noted American commentator Thomas Friedman referred to this slogan in his book Hot, Flat and Crowded. However, Friedman could have easily said "dollar privilege" instead of Nothing.
That's how you rate a country - by the value and supremacy of its currency. For a long time the dollar has been the king of currencies. But a soft coup is being hatched to dethrone it.
And that's how the US has been able to stave off all the crises including the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. But during the Covid pandemic, the dollar printing went too far, its effects on inflation too wide. The burden on debt it created on itself has now led rating agencies to downgrade its sovereign rating.
Let me remind you it still enjoys AAA status but over spending during the crisis has hit them hard. Higher debt at higher interest rates which are still rising is not good news for any country. Moreover, Fitch Ratings pointed out governance issues.
This week, Fitch delivered a blow to the US, reducing its highest possible sovereign credit rating of AAA, granted only to the US, by a notch to AA+. While the new rating is still well into investment grade, Fitch cited the worsening political divisions around spending and tax policy as a key reason for its decision. It said U.S. governance has declined relative to other highly rated countries and noted “repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.”
Another factor in Fitch’s decision was that it expects the US economy to tumble into a “mild recession” in the final three months of this year and early next year.
While this "unthinkable" act left the White House fuming and the economists puzzled, the move was in the offing for long as Fitch had warned on May 24 that it could remove the government’s triple-A rating as Congress again struggled to raise the borrowing limit.
Earlier S&P Global had downgraded US ratings and while Moody has not done it, two out of the three largest rating agencies doing it means a big shock.
Interest rates in the US are at a 22-year high, while the banking sector still remains shaky emerging out of a crisis recently.
Ballooning debt, interest payments at $1 trillion
The Fitch action comes at a time when it is revealed that the US faces a deteriorating financial situation. The US budget deficit nearly tripled to $228 billion in June.
The cumulative deficit for the first nine months of the fiscal year is already the third-highest on record, reaching $1.393 trillion. These numbers suggest that the US is on a fast track to fiscal peril, potentially leading to the Federal Reserve being forced to monetise the debt once again, which could have serious consequences for the economy.
The weighted average interest for total outstanding debt reached 2.76% at the end of June, a level not surpassed since January 2012, and is expected to surpass 4% in one year if the Fed keeps rates "higher for longer." This could lead to a disaster for the US, with interest payments on total debt of $32.3 trillion potentially hitting $1.3 trillion within 12 months, surpassing social security as the single biggest US government expenditure.
Interest payments by the Federal government have surpassed $900 billion for the first time ever and are expected to rise above $1 trillion within a quarter.
No wonder, the global markets are in the throes of panic, with the Indian markets too giving up gains in the last seven out of nine trading sessions.
Shining in turbulence
While the US was downgraded, this week there was also good news for India. Morgan Stanley upgraded the Indian market to "overweight," predicting a long-wave boom while suggesting that China's growth wave is set to recede. This remarkable upgrade comes just four months after India was elevated to "equal weight" from "underweight," thanks to its narrowing valuation premium and resilient economy.
Now, India stands as the core overweight market for Morgan Stanley within the Asia Pacific Ex-Japan and Emerging Markets basket. The valuation premiums that once soared in October have since moderated and are on the rise again, making India an attractive investment hub.
Drawing striking parallels, Morgan Stanley's note highlights that India's future resembles China's past. As we step into the next decade, India is anticipated to achieve a remarkable GDP growth rate of 6.5 per cent, outshining China's projected 3.9 per cent, it said.
What sets India apart and fuels this positive shift? Fundamental changes have taken root, shaping India's promising future.
Structural reforms, sown over the years, are now bearing fruit, while stagnant growth opportunities are being unlocked, paving the way for progress.
Supply-side policy reforms, such as corporate tax cuts and PLI, are invigorating the business landscape. On the other hand, infrastructure progress is accelerating, propelling India's development to new heights.
The economy is being regulated and formalised, laying the groundwork for stability and prosperity. With these transformative factors at play, India's path to prosperity is now clearer than ever. As the country embraces its potential and shines on the global stage, investors are eagerly joining the journey towards a brighter tomorrow.
The brimming malls and robust vehicle sales that have been going strong for over a decade now are a testimony to the growing economic clout of India.
There may be a short-term impact of the US downgrade on domestic markets as there is uncertainty now. There has been a fall in the Indian stock markets which may continue for some but India remains a long-term bet as it remains the fastest-growing economy for the foreseeable future. Indian pharma and IT companies may face a hit because the US is their major market. But India, which made a sensible decision not to print money as a way out of the pandemic, will see bright days ahead.
Birds don't fly
On the other hand, the USA has not just been a superpower but it's a country of dreams for the world as a whole. It changed a lot post 9/11. But despite the fact of the weakening economy and internal problems where even the former president got investigated, it believes in preaching to the world.
Ominously, Friedman, after the 9/11 attack, wrote: "While no single change is decisive, could it all add up in a way so that 20 years from now we will discover that some of America's cultural and legal essence — our DNA as a nation — has become badly deformed or mutated"
"This would be a tragedy for us and for the world. Because, as I've argued, where birds don't fly, people don't mix, ideas don't get sparked, friendships don't get forged, stereotypes don't get broken, and freedom doesn't ring." Friedman's 20 years are up now. It's now time for the US to look into the mirror.
GST on track
This week was a happening one. The GST data showed significant growth with 11% collection to Rs 1.65 lakh crore. This week was the closing of tax filing and data showed that the number of tax filers jumped 16%, or 53.67 lakh new taxpayers, to touch 6.77 crore. The global conglomerate Tesla opened its office in India this week and a data protection bill has been scheduled to be tabled in Parliament.
Like always, I am adding the top five stories here for your reference. Trust, you will find them meaningful.
Happy Reading,
Amol Dethe