Request for Presentations

Request for Presentations

the NHEDA Conference Committee is working hard to line up key presenters for our annual conference to held in April in North Conway NH. Please consider submitting a Call For Papers if you have information to present that would be of benefit to Dispatchers, Supervisors, Managers, and Directors. Any topic that may of interest is welcome.




Proposals for quality presentations are now being accepted for the 2016 New Hampshire Emergency Dispatchers Conference being held at the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort in North Conway, New Hampshire on April 11-13, 2016


            Presentation proposals should be of interest to public safety professionals on topics related to, but not limited to:


  • Homeland Security
  • Management, Supervision, Development and Planning Strategies
  • Tele-communicator Training, Hiring and Retention
  • QA/QI Policies and Procedures
  • Social Media
  • Liability
  • Recruiting, Training, and/or Retention of employees
  • Succession Planning/Continuity of Operations
  • Information Systems Utilization
  • New Radio System Technologies
  • Radio Interference and Indoor Coverage
  • Interoperability of Communications Systems
  • ADA, FCC and Regulatory Issues
  • Local, State, National and International Telecommunications Issues
  • IT Systems Technology
  • General Interest/Other Radio, Telephone and Data Issues




Presentation Proposals must include the following information:


  • Presentation Proposals of 45 minutes in length, if additional time is required please indicate length of presentation: _______ minutes.
  • Biography of the presenter(s).
  • Brief description of the presentation in 75 words or less.
  • Date and place the presentation was last presented as well as any date and location it will be presented prior to the 2016 NHEDA Conference.


A completed “Presenter’s Fact Sheet” entry form must be submitted with your

Presentation proposal.



            Presentations must be submitted to the Program Chair Dir. Jon Goldman in outline or paragraph form by email to [email protected] or by mailing to the Derry Fire Department, Attn: Director Jon Goldman, 131 East Broadway Derry, NH 03038. Any further questions please email [email protected] or call 603-845-5224. All requests for presentation should be submitted by 1/31/16.


Presenter’s Fact Sheet


            If selected to present, this information may be printed in the official Conference Program Guide. It may also be used by a proctor for introduction purposes. Therefore, if there are a number of presenters, each must fill out a Presenter’s Fact Sheet. Please include the email address or mailing address at which you prefer to receive conference correspondence.


Presenter’s Name




Moderator (if a panel presentation)


Title of Presentation


Agency or Company


Job Title or Position





City:____________________________ State:__________________ Zip:____________


Telephone:___________________________   Fax:______________________________


E-mail Address:_________________________________________________________


  • Please provide a brief description of your presentation in 75 words or less and attach as a separate document.


Jonathan Goldman, CPE的更多文章

