Request for an investigation into human rights violations and request for the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to UN
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Auteur scénariste Journaliste Réalisateur Metteur en scène
Le 9 décembre 2019
Office of the Director-General United Nations Office at Geneva Palais des Nations
Avenue de la Paix 8 -
14 1211 Geneva 10
Mrs Tatiana Valovaya
United Nations Office at Geneva
Release Request of Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange
Prisoner of opinion : Julian Assange (03/07/1971)
Prison : Belmarsh
Prisoner Number: A 93 79 AY
Subject: Request for information on mandate
representation in the case EAW 131226-10
European Arrest Warrant File No.
AM 131226-10 :
File No. RCJ CO/1925/2011
Dear Sir or Madam
Enclosed, a situation report and a request for the release of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange addressed to the English State.
You will find attached to this e-mail the following documents :
- a request for the release and compensation of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
- a request to launch enquiries about the torture and theft of intellectual data he is victim of.
- a detailed situation report upon Julian Assange illegal detention, the torture he is victim of, and regarding his physical and mental health.
- A SOS send by the Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange to one of our delegates
- Julian Paul Assange Affidavit
- Declaration of Constitution Human Rights Wikijustice Julian Assange Association (WJJA)
The WikiJustice Julian Assange Association requests the United Nations to defend whit it the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, to demand with it for his immediate release and to conduct investigations to determine the responsibilities of the various countries that participated in his persecution, his illegal imprisonment, the torture of which he is a victim and the probable theft of his intellectual data.
Indeed, to persecute political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Sweden and Ecuador have violated fundamental international laws together with fundamental rules of democracy (See Release request and Situation report 1).
No country having ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all texts relating to human rights and freedom of expression can and should not tolerate democratic countries persecuting, illegally imprisoning and torturing an innocent journalist for any crime.
We therefore call on the UN, with the association WikiJustice Julian Assange, with the cultural personalities and citizens of the world (Petition of artists and personalities from the world of culture for the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, all of whom respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to demand the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
We call on the UN to conduct an investigation to determine :
- Who, on English territory, is torturing the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
- Where, on English territory, the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is tortured.
- Since when, on English territory, is the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange tortured.
- Why, on the English territory, is the political prisonner Julian Paul Assange tortured.
The United Kingdom and Sweden are involved in the CIA's rendition programmes. Numerous documents and testimonies attest to this (See situation report).
However, many witnesses and our delegates can attest that the United Kingdom does not allow the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to see his lawyers and organise his defence. His incarceration is similar to incommunicado detention. He shows all the signs of a tortured individual in a "dark place" (See Situation report 1 and release request).
We have repeatedly requested to the United Kingdom authorities that one of our teams, staffed with a doctor, a psychiatrist, one or two delegates and a translator, be allowed to meet with political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. We received no answer.
The United Kingdom should allow delegates from the Human Rights Association, WJJA, to meet regularly with political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. He must be able to speak freely to them and organize his defence with their help.
This is an emergency case. UN rapporteur against torture, Nils Melzer, has said on several occasions that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is at risk of dying in prison.
There should not exist any political prisoner in democratic countries that have ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Normally, no political prisoner is tortured or dies in prison in democratic countries that have ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Would the United Kingdom no longer be a democratic country?
We ask the UN to remind the United Kingdom that torture is illegal, that imprisonment for crimes of opinion is illegal, that torturing and letting a man die in prison is a crime.
We ask the United Nations to ask the United Kingdom to kindly allow our delegates to meet with political prisoner Julian Paul Assange in order to assess his state of health and his psychological state.
We ask the United Nations to kindly ask the United Kingdom to allow us to have regular contact with the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange until his release, which we hope is imminent.
To date, the United Kingdom has not responded to any of our letters or emails asking to meet with political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange cannot be reached by email through prisoner address. However, our delegates, our doctors tried to contact him through prisoner email address and credited him with money so that he could answer them. In vain. Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange does not answer any emails.
He does not acknowledge receipt of any packages, even to his friends.
Many people, friends, doctors, supporters, have asked to be included on its visitor list. In vain. Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange did not respond to any requests.
We therefore ask the United Nations to ensure that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, who is in solitary confinement 23 hours out of 24 according to visitors, is not imprisoned either in a hidden (“dark”) place nor in a psychiatric hospital nor in a US military base.
We therefore ask the United Nations to ensure that the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is indeed within English territory.
During the hearing on 21/10/2019 in the Westminster court, the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange explained to the judge that his “DNA children”, referring much probably to his computer science discoveries, are being stolen (See release request).
We therefore call on the United Nations to investigate and refer the matter to the competent authorities to determine which country or private consortium are involved in the robbery declared by political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, with possible violation of international intellectual property law (See release request).
Mr Julian Paul Assange must be able to sell his computer science developments to whomever he wishes according to the laws of the international market or make them available to all people.
The countries or private consortium that tortured the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to appropriate his intellectual discoveries have caused unprecedented damage to all other countries. They have improperly appropriated critical computer data that would benefit the international community as a whole.
All countries, in equal measure, should have been able to position themselves on the international market to acquire them.
We therefore ask the United Nations to do its utmost to ensure that thieves are clearly identified and they return his intellectual data to the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange so that he can sell them to the highest bidder, while respecting the rules of equality that all countries must enjoy in the broadcast of intellectual data.
We call on the United Nations to do its utmost to ensure that thieves are brought to justice and severely sanctioned.
No democracy can tolerate this kind of theft worthy of banana republics.
Prisoner Julian Paul Assange was subjected to judicial persecution by Sweden.
Three preliminary investigations were opened. The first was closed within days of its opening by prosecutor Eva Finné on the grounds that there was no evidence justifying to launch an investigation.
The second was opened by prosecutor Marianne NY at the request of the plaintiffs' lawyer, Claes B?gstrom. No additional supporting documents had been added to the file. It was closed in 2016. The third was opened by prosecutor Eva Marie Persson with hardly understandable reasons and with the same result as the one closed nine years before. The objectiveness of these Swedish judiciary procedures is highly questionable.
Sweden is the only country that opens three preliminary investigations to determine whether or not a crime has been committed when the first investigation has shown that the crime did not take place.
We therefore request the United Nations to kindly request Sweden to issue an international public apology to political prisoner Julian Paul Assange in order to publicly restore his honour and reputation.
We ask the United Nations to launch an investigation to :
- Scrutinize the personal and organisational relationships existing between the people involved in the Swedish case, who almost all belonged to the same social democratic political party: Anna Ardin, one of the complainants had been the lover of the police officer, Irmeli Kranz, who took the statement of the other complainant Sofia Wilén. At the time of the events, they were neighbours and running mates on a social democratic electoral list. The plaintiffs' lawyer, Claes Bogtr?m, worked on a committee within the government, with prosecutor Marianne Ny. The journalist who published the article about rape in the Expressen was a friend of Anna Ardin, etc…
- Determine how far this leads to complicity with common interest in pursuing Julian Assange, and determine those interests.
- Explain why three preliminary investigations were opened when the first concluded that no crime or misdemeanour had been committed, while the complainant Sofia Wilén refused to sign her statement and file a complaint.
- Explain how and why prosecutor Marianne Ny issued a European warrant on the grounds of rape when Julian Assange was not the subject of any legal proceedings. The second preliminary investigation was on-going. Julian Assange was formally a bare witness. If a prosecutor can issue a european arrest warrant for an offence about which no evidence exists, the European arrest warrant is obviously contrary to the presumption of innocence. It opens the door to systematic persecution and to the excessive multiplication of miscarriages of justice. This dangerous cycle has to be stopped urgently. How many European citizens are now subject to a European warrant for unlawful reason? How many are illegally imprisoned? How many people are in danger in dark places or incarcerated incommunicado? You need substantial evidence to accuse a citizen of a crime. Otherwise the presumption of innocence principle is to be applied. No European warrant should be able to be issued until guilt has been proven.
- Why did prosecutor Marianne Ny give Julian Assange permission to leave the territory if she needed to interrogate him in short-term ?
- Why did not the prosecutor in charge of the case question Mr Julian Paul Assange in England until two years after the Swea prosecutor gave him the order to do so ?
- To ensure that Mr. Julian Paul Assange has not been drugged and raped as his statement suggests.
- Investigate the motives of Anna Ardin activities. She is linked to many individuals suspected of having links to the CIA: Lino Fernandes, Aka Ojeda, who was allegedly involved in the Bay of Pigs' operation, Miriam Leiva, widow of Oscar Espinosa Chepe, who wrote for Cubanet and Cuba Encuentro, both funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), itself funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), an organization funded by the US Department of State. In 2006, Anna Ardin was expelled from Cuba on suspicion of CIA membership (See article Cuban magazine Gramma). These elements raise suspicion on Anna Ardin ideological and organisational interests in putting on trial Julian Paul Assange, tracked by the US Grand Jury, through false or exaggerated testimonies.
- Determine who told the press that Julian Assange had been accused of rape. At this stage of the preliminary investigation, the courts were supposed to interrogate him as a witness. The word "rape" should never have appeared in the Swedish press.
Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén plaintiffs’ lawyer Claes Bogstr?m is also the partner of Thomas Bodstrom. The latter was Minister of Justice when the rendition of Alzery and Agiza occurred in Sweden. Sapo services handed over the two men to the CIA. They were then tortured in Egypt. We ask the United Nations to conduct an investigation to verify if the whole Swedish affair around Mr. Julian Paul Assange was set up from scratch to neutralize him.
Indeed, in his 2013 affidavit, Mr. Julian Paul Assange expresses his fear of being renditioned if he has to return to Sweden to testify.
"The rendition of the Swedish political refugees Agiza and Alzery resulted in strong condemnation by the UN Committee Against Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and others.There is still complete impunity for the officers of the Swedish state involved and their US counterparts. No charges have been laid although the complicity of the Swedish state has been well established in successful civil litigation. I recently learnt that Sweden was partly implicated in CIA renditions of its own citizens from Djibouti earlier this year.
Through an intelligence source, I became aware that on 19 August 2010, the Swedish Security Service (S?PO) requested information about me from an Australian intelligence organisation. The Australian intelligence organisation responded to the request with information about me on 21 August 2010." (See Affidavit Julian Paul Assange)
Through this request, we also ask the UN to launch an investigation into the CIA's illegal rendition programme. We also ask UN to do everything possible to ensure that the Black Sites, also called Dark Places, also called secret prisons, are all closed. We ask United Nations to do everything possible to build a complete list of prisoners who were or are being tortured in those sites, to identify the Black Sites and to act for their definitive closure. We also ask UN to do everything possible to ensure that the tortured victims be compensated.
Incommunicado imprisonment and torture are crimes.
We ask the United Nations to kindly ask the United States of America to stop their illegal activities, or to push for sanctions against them so that they put an end to them.
"We, the people of the United Nations determined :
- to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
- to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
- to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
- to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
And for the ends
- to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
- to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
- to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
- to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples
(Charter of United Nation. Preamble)
We are not supposed to ignore the law. No one is above the law.
When countries claim to be democratic countries, and as such prescribe human rights rules to others countries, as Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom claim to be, they must strictly respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all the related texts. When countries claim to be democratic countries, give themselves the right prescribe of human rights rules to others countries, as Sweden, the United States of America and the United Kingdom claim to be, they are beyond reproach in the area of human rights.
V. Human rights, democracy and good governance
24. We will spare no effort to promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law, as well as respect for all internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development.
25. We resolve therefore:
To respect fully and uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To strive for the full protection and promotion in all our countries of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all.
To strengthen the capacity of all our countries to implement the principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights, including minority rights.
To combat all forms of violence against women and to implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
To take measures to ensure respect for and protection of the human rights of migrants, migrant workers and their families, to eliminate the increasing acts of racism and xenophobia in many societies and to promote greater harmony and tolerance in all societies.
To work collectively for more inclusive political processes, allowing genuine participation by all citizens in all our countries.
To ensure the freedom of the media to perform their essential role and the right of the public to have access to information.
(United Nations Millenium Declaration. General Assembly resolution 52/2 of 8 september 2000)
If the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Sweden persist in violating human rights laws, the assigned role of the UN is to apply sanctions to them as it does to any country.
The political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is the subject of only one procedure in the United Kingdom : an extradition procedure to the United States based on the US Espionage Act.
Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange did not spy on anyone. He is a journalist who has exposed war crimes, state misappropriation and p?do-criminal networks, with intentions world-widely perceived as peaceful. He exercized his rights to freedom of information and freedom of expression. His actions known from the public are in line with both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the US constitutional First Amendment.
This extradition procedure is unlawful. No political prisoner shall be extradited (See Release Request and Situation Report 1).
Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange is the victim of persecution form Sweden, USA and United Kingdom authorities.
He was tortured and his computer discoveries had been steal to him.
He is in a critical health situation while imprisoned in The United Kingdom, while he is not guilty of any crime.
The United Kingdom does not let him to organise his defence, does not carry out any investigation to find out who is torturing him on its territory and why, whereas he should have done so long ago if he had respected the rules of the Convention against Torture.
Article 2
1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture.
Article 3
1. No State Party shall expel, return ("refouler") or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.
2. For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights.
Article 4
1. Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law. The same shall apply to an attempt to commit torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or participation in torture. 2. Each State Party shall make these offences punishable by appropriate penalties which take into account their grave nature.
(Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatmentor punishment. Resolution 39/46 of 10 december 1984)
The United Kingdom did, and do, not respect the presumption of innocence (See Release Request and Situation Report), nor the fundamental rights of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
The United Kingdom violated the Vienna Convention by kidnapping political prisoner Julian Paul Assange from the premises of the diplomatic mission of Ecuador. The United Kingdom has again violated the Geneva Conventions by failing to respect the political asylum and Ecuadorian nationality (See Release Request) by Julian Paul Assange.
In this process, The United Kingdom violates several times the international laws.
We therefore request the United Nations to kindly request the United Kingdom to ensure that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is physically present at all hearings as required by law.
We ask the United Nations to kindly ask the United Kingdom to make audio-visual recording of all the hearings of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
We ask the United Nations to make these recordings available to citizens so that they can ensure that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange benefits from a fair procedure that respects the laws of international law, that he is in good health, that he understands the issues at stake in the debates and that he can properly defend himself.
We ask the United Nations to kindly request the United Kingdom to ensure that the hearings of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange are accessible to a wide public, neutral foreign observers, delegates of human rights associations, the media including the independent media.
We request the United Nations to mandate one of its members to attend each of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange's hearings to testify the proper functioning of the proceedings.
Justice concerns all citizens.
It is therefore obvious that the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange cannot benefit from a fair trial in the United Kingdom.
We therefore ask the United Nations to :
- Investigate the process of the bail paid by political prisoner Julian Paul Assange for his provisional release: is the amount of the bail in line with the standards of the UK Justice in similar cases? Who paid the bail and to which institution?
- investigate why American officials attend all hearings, including those related only to the release of politicalprisoner Julian Paul Assange
- investigate why a person who isn't employed in the Westminster Court, Mrs. Emmy Butlin, known as GreekEmmy on Social Networks, manages the entrances in to the courtroom, has seats kept for some people, asks the people present their names and the reason for their presence at the hearing.
- Investigate to determine who Mrs. Emmy Butlin is and who she works for.
- investigate why none of the lawyers of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange claimed the presumption of innocence and requested his release on health grounds.
- Investigate who is in possession of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange's identity papers. Why is her lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, in possession of her press card?
- Investigate why the lawyers of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange did not ask for compliance with the 2016 UN ruling calling for the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, his safe conduct and compensation.
- Investigate who in the United Kingdom is responsible for not complying with the 2016 UN Ruling calling for the immediate release of Julian Paul Assange, his conduct in safe place and his compensation.
- Investigate to determine who in the United Kingdom is responsible of the Vienna Convention, the Geneva Conventions and many human rights principles violations. This is a very serious crime, all the more because it is taking place in a country having written a democratic constitution and ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Investigate the fact that the United Kingdom did not file a complaint against the torture of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. Is the United Kingdom involved in the torture of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange? How? All individuals and organisations responsible for this torture must be identified and pursued for their acts. Torture is a crime. It goes against laws, against civilization, against ethics. There is no excuse for it. Ifpolitical prisoner Julian Paul Assange dies in prison, all those who practiced this torture would be criminals. All those who have watched without doing anything to save political prisoner Julian Paul Assange are accomplices. In the field of human rights, democratic countries that have ratified the Universal Declaration of human Rights hold enhanced responsibilities. There must be no black sheep in their ranks.
- investigate to determine who in Ecuador diplomatic mission let happen the hand-over of Julian Paul Assange defence documents, computers and medical documents of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to the American justice system. This procedural defect as itself cancels the entire extradition procedure. This fundamental principle regarding the right to defend oneself has been violated by both the Ecuador and the United States of America.
- investigate to determine who among the Ecuadorian officials ordered to throw away Mr. Julian Paul Assange's personal belongings (photos show this) such as those of a dog or of a deceased person without any family. This is a violation of the fundamental rights of the individual. The belongings of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange that have not been thrown away must be returned to him. Mr Julian Paul Assange is an innocent political prisoner illegally imprisoned. Taking his things from him, throwing them away, is a theft combined with humiliation, this is aggravated theft. Moreover, the hurry of the Ecuadorian government to get rid of the personal belongings of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange raises suspicion. It is possible that Ecuador officials got rid of compromising evidence that could be used against them in legal proceedings related to acts of torture committed against Mr Julian Paul Assange.
- Investigate the nature of the torture imposed to Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange. UN torture Rapporteur Niels Melzer diagnosed on May 9 2019 a “psychological torture” that could be explained by more or less intensive torture methods. May 9 is one month after the arrest. It is thus highly probable that the torture started at the Ecuadorian embassy: in which conditions; was there willingness to torture him? Were there specific torture methods applied?
- Investigate to understand where political prisoner Julian Paul Assange was staying in the premises of the diplomatic mission of Ecuador. According to the London land registry, Ecuador owns one apartment in 3 Hans Crescent building, first floor. Its size is estimated in the range 60m2 to 80m2 based on the elements at our disposal. Ecuador also owns a storage room in the basement. With Julian Assange as a host, there is little room left for the ambassador, his assistant, the secretariat, the meeting room.
- A floorplan of the Ecuadorian diplomatic mission is required to understand precisely where Mr Julian Paul Assange may have been placed for seven years, in which conditions, and if it is compatible with the activity of an embassy.
- The building and the land was acquired in 1977 by real estate company 3 Hans Crescent Freehold Limited. This company is listed in the Panama Papers, and one of its directors (natives from Gulf countries) is Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, son of the President of the United Arab Emirates.
- The apartment of the Ecuadorian diplomatic mission is adjacent to that of the Colombian embassy.
- Journalist Julian Paul Assange is tracked by the United States government.
- Colombia and the United Arab Emirates have privileged relationships with the United States. 3 Hans Crescent can hardly be seen as a friendly environment for Julian Paul Assange. The passive or active role of these two entities (Colombian State officials, company owned by Gulf countries citizens) might be of great importance.
- Investigate who took his passport from Julian Paul Assange. In his statement to Sweden in 2016, Julian Paul Assange said: "I, Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, have had my passport seized by the British authorities and therefore I cannot provide an official identity document, I am in a situation of arbitrary detention...". It's strange. If Julian Paul Assange received political asylum in 2012, he had to have a valid identity document. In addition, he is holed up in Ecuador's sovereign territory in London: the British authorities cannot "seize his passport" there. Therefore, either the political asylum granted was defective in form (proof of identity is required) or the British authorities subsequently seized his documents, which could not be done without the complicity of Rafael Correa's Ecuador.
- Investigate why a scaffolding was erected in front of the premises of the diplomatic mission of Ecuador and Colombia in October 2018, six month before political prisoner Julian Paul Assange was kidnapped in the premises of the Ecuadorian diplomatic mission. Apart from the entrance staircase, the cleaning result is hardly visible, and the left side wall of the building is left damaged at several places. Prisoner Politic Julian Paul Assange, at the time, is possibly tortured in these premises. It is therefore legitimate to believe that this scaffolding mounting has been planned for some hidden reasons.
- We ask the United Nations to kindly collect the testimonies of all those who met Mr. Julian Paul Assange when he was sequestered in the apartment or storage room of the diplomatic mission of Ecuador. We keep the names of these witnesses at the disposal of the United Nations. These testimonies will make it possible to determine under what conditions Mr. Julian Paul Assange was sequestered and when torture began. We request the United Nations to collect the testimonies of all those who visited the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange in Belmarsh prison and all prison staff in order to determine the conditions of detention of the prisoner Julian Paul Assange and the torture he is subjected to. We kindly request the United Nations to hear these witnesses at public meetings in the presence of word's citizens drawn by lot, delegates of human rights associations and representatives of the media, including the independent media. We request the United Nations to film these witness hearings and make them public. Respect for human rights is of the responsibility of all citizens.
- Investigate why it is impossible to meet prisoner Julian Paul Assange in Belmarsh prison. Is he being held incommunicado?
We would like to remind you that, according to the witnesses :
political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is in solitary confinement 23 hours a day.
Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange has no access to a computer and the Internet to defend himself.
Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is not allowed to meet his lawyers even during the authorized hour before the hearing and the two authorized hours following it.
Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange does not receive his mail and packages sent by his friends.
Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange does not answer any e-mails.
All requests for visits made by friends, supporters, doctors of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange are refused on false grounds (For example : dates available which become unavailable as soon as the request is made. Screen shots for proof)
Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange shows signs of torture (See Release Request, Nils Melzer Report and Situation Report and testimonies of our delegates present at the hearings)
- Investigate who in the United Kingdom prevents political prisoner Julian Paul Assange from physically attending the hearings. His video-links appearances during hearings do not look like the videos of other prisoners (Our delegates can attest to this). Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is filmed from above as well as on the premises of the Ecuadorian diplomatic mission. The other prisoners are filmed head-on. Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange introduces himself but does not seem to see the courtroom. He gives his name and date of birth and then keeps quiet and seems to have no awareness of what is happening in the courtroom. He does not intervene in the debates. No one questions him, his lawyers or the judge. The other prisoners who appear in video conference intervene in the debates, are questioned by the judge and lawyers, Belmarsh prison guards appear on the screen. In Assange video, no guards from Belmarsh prison appear on the screen. The video is not dated. The video is not localized. There is no indication that it comes from Belmarsh. The law is formal: a prisoner must be able to attend his or her hearings in person to have his or her point of view heard. There are solid reasons to believe that the United Kingdom is knowingly preventing political prisoner Julian Paul Assange from controlling his own defence, and from benefitting of normal means to defend himself. Moreover, the word “Belmarsh“ is never used during the hearings. Judges and lawyers use: "from where you are", "where he is", etc.
- Investigate who in the United Kingdom prohibits political prisoner Julian Paul Assange from seeing his lawyers, having access to a computer and the Internet to organise his defence.
- Investigate to determine who in the United Kingdom gives the order to place prisoner Julian Paul Assange in solitary confinement 23 hours a day as several visitors have witnessed. Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange shows all the signs of an individual placed in isolation in a dark room and tortured psychologically (See Situation Report 1, Nils Melzer Report and Release Request). This is indamisible in a democratic country.
All these procedural defects, added to the fact that the law forbids the extradition of a political prisoner (See Release Request and Situation Report), result in a non-valid extradition procedure. Mr Julian Paul Assange is a political prisoner. English law does not allow for the extradition of a citizen facing the death penalty. However, the USA is asking for the extradition of Mr Julian Paul Assange for espionage. He therefore faces the death penalty.
In addition, in view of the state of health of prisoner Julian Paul Assange due to torture, the United Kingdom may terminate the extradition procedure on the basis of the 2003 extradition act. (See Situation Report 1 and Release Request)
Prisoner Julian Paul Assange also denounced war crimes (Collateral murder, Afghan notebooks), torture at Guantanamo Bay, dark place (Affidavit 2013) and paedocriminal networks. To date, no legal proceedings have beenheld against the perpetrators of these crimes, and the chance is high that they remain in powerful positions. They initiated the extradition procedure and led the persecution offensives against Mr Julian Paul Assange. Mr. Julian Paul Assange is a witness in the hands of criminals whose crimes he has denounced.
Paedophiles whose networks and crimes Mr Julian Paul Assange has contributed to denounce are also involved in the extradition process. There is strong suspicions of on Mrs. Hilary Clinton involvement in paedocriminal networks, in connection with the Ranière case, particularly with the Rainbow Cultural Gardens, the NXIVM cult, the "pizza gate" in which John Podesta is involved, and her links with the Bronfman sisters.
Mr Donald Trump and Mr Jeffrey Eipstein have been subject to complaints, among other things, quoted as such : "1. sexual abuse under threat of harm. 2. conspiracy to deport civil rights.” (Central District of California. April 26, 2016)." The plaintiff, KJ, was 13 years old at the time of the sexual abuse.
All the facts cited above suggest that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is also a prosecution witness. All those who persecute him and prosecute him for extradition have an interest in seeing him disappear.
We would therefore like to draw the UN's attention to the great dangers facing political prisoner Julian Paul Assange if he remains in the hands of those whose crimes he has denounced.
In view of the investigative evidence in our possession, it is likely that the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Ecuador and Australia (It did nothing to oppose the persecution and torture of which Mr Julian Paul Assange, Australian citizen, was a victim) are holding common interests in keeping him confined and totally isolated and acted as an organised gang against him and for arrest him.
As long as the extradition procedure to the United States of America is ongoing, Mr Julian Paul Assange cannot find refuge in Australia, Ecuador, Sweden or the United Kingdom. All these countries have a privileged relationship with the United States of America and are, for at least two of them, involved in rendition programmes. In addition, Mr. Julian Paul Assange was raised in the Family Cult sect in Australia. The inheritors of this sect created other sects, still active today, one of them is called the Santiniketan Park Association. As the Family Cult had paedocriminal activities until 1987, as its members have close links to establishment and decision centres, and as we do not know at this stage of our investigation the status about their links with international paedocriminal networks, there are multiple reasons to affirm that the safety of Mr Julian Paul Assange in Australia is not at all ensured.
Canada cannot be considered either because of Mrs. Hilary Clinton's ties with the Bronfman sisters involved in the Mr Keith Ranière paedocriminal case. Indeed, one of the Bronfman sisters is close to Mr Justin Trudeau.
We therefore ask the United Nations to investigate to determine the responsibilities of these five countries in the persecution and torture of the prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
We ask the United Nations to support the request for the immediate release of prisoner Julian Paul Assange by the WikiJustice Julian Assange Association.
We ask the United Nations to support the request to transfer political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to France.
For many reasons, France is the most suitable country for the case of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange:
- He sent an SOS to one of the WikiJustice Julian Assange association’s doctors.
- He has an address in France (See Release request)
- An application for a temporary residence permit is in progress
- The WJJA doctor who received the SOS did everything possible to ensure that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange will be taken care of as soon as he arrives on French soil. Mr Julian Paul Assange, unless absolutely necessary, will not be hospitalized. He will evolve in a familiar and friendly environment and will be absolutely free to dispose of him as he sees fit.
- WJJA's psychiatrists and psychologists are ready to receive him, to listen to him, to help him.
- WJJA's lawyers are eager to provide legal assistance.
- WJJA is the moral guarantor for Julian Paul Assange and undertakes to assist him in all administrative and legal procedures.
- The Human Rights Defense Association, WJJA, will provide assistance to Mr Julian Paul Assange as long as his judicial, administrative and property situation is not regularized, as long as his state of health is not stabilized.
- France is in no way involved in the political persecution and torture of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
- There is no US military base in France and, in view of the investigative elements in our possession to date, no dark place or airports hosting the Guantanamo express.
- Many people are willing to work with him.
- Finally, many personalities from the world of culture, many citizens, the Yellow Vests movement are actively working for his liberation and are eager to welcome him as one of their own on French territory. For numerous French citizens, Julian Paul Assange is French with or without political asylum because he defended a freedom that is dear to them among all, freedom of information and expression.. (See Petition of artists and personalities from the world of culture for the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange/:
We therefore call on all UN member states, which respect democracy and human rights, to join us in demanding the release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. The words "political prisoner" and "torture" should not exist in a democracy where Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, Justice are true values.
The request for the release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange was submitted to the English authorities for the hearing on 18/11/2019. We have not received any response.
It will be filed again for the hearing on 13/12/2019.
We ask the United Nations and all member countries to send release requests in view of the next December 13, 19, 20 and 21 hearings.
It would be crucial that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange be released before Christmas.
We also ask the United Nations, in view of the procedural flaws described above, in view of the political prisoner status of Mr Julian Paul Assange, in view of his proven innocence, in view of his precarious state of health due to the torture he is suffering, in view of the persecutions he has suffered, in the name of freedom of information and expression, to demand that the United Kingdom put an end to the extradition procedure which is in no way justified and which expose Mr Julian Paul Assange to the death penalty.
First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 1791 :
" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1 : All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 14 :
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 9 (1) :
Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.
Article 19 ( 1 and 2) :
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice
The political prisoner Julian Paul Assange is a victim as defined in the Declaration of basic principle of justice for victims of crimes and abuse of power (UN Resolution 40/34. November 1985) :
A. Victims of crime
1. "Victims" means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within Member States, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power.
Access to justice and fair treatment
4. Victims should be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity. They are entitled to access to the mechanisms of justice and to prompt redress, as provided for by national legislation, for the harm that they have suffered.
5. Judicial and administrative mechanisms should be established and strengthened where necessary to enable victims to obtain redress through formal or informal procedures that are expeditious, fair, inexpensive and accessible. Victims should be informed of their rights in seeking redress through such mechanisms.
6. The responsiveness of judicial and administrative processes to the needs of victims should be facilitated by:
(a) Informing victims of their role and the scope, timing and progress of the proceedings and of the disposition of their cases, especially where serious crimes are involved and where they have requested such information;
(b) Allowing the views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of the proceedings where their personal interests are affected, without prejudice to the accused and consistent with the relevant national criminal justice system;
(c) Providing proper assistance to victims throughout the legal process;
(d) Taking measures to minimize inconvenience to victims, protect their privacy, when necessary, and ensure their safety, as well as that of their families and witnesses on their behalf, from intimidation and retaliation;
(e) Avoiding unnecessary delay in the disposition of cases and the execution of orders or decrees granting awards to victims.
7. Informal mechanisms for the resolution of disputes, including mediation, arbitration and customary justice or indigenous practices, should be utilized where appropriate to facilitate conciliation and redress for victims.
We therefore request the United Nations to kindly demand the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange
We ask the United Nations to ensure that justice is done to him, that he is protected, that his assets and financial assets are returned to him, that he can take over the management of his two companies SunShine Press Production and Wikileaks, that the profits of his shareholder shares are paid him in full from his incarceration to the present day, that he is compensated and conducted in a safe place, that he is completely free to make decisions and move freely.
We request the United Nations to ensure that the release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange occurs in presence of witnesses and audio-visually recorded.
We ask the UN to ensure that prisoner Julian Paul Assange is placed under the protection of the UN and of any other countries that may wish to guarantee his safety. The Human Rights Association WikiJustice Julian Assange has the capacity and the willingness to provide material and human means for his safety.
Mr Julian Paul Assange has a temporary address in France. It will be in a spacious and comfortable accommodation. He will be with friends. He will be completely free to move. A team of doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists is ready to provide him with care and attention. His lawyer friends are waiting for him to help him prepare his defense. An application for a temporary residence permit is pending.
As soon as Mr Julian Paul Assange is healthy again and free from legal proceedings, he will be free to live wherever he wishes.
We therefore call on each of the United Nations Member States to grant him political asylum.
We request the United Nations to consider the implementation of an international political asylum system, valid in all member countries. Thus, when a political refugee is exposed to violations of the law such as Mr Julian Paul Assange, he could be promptly welcomed in the nearest country eager to protect him.
Democratic states must do their utmost to protect prisoners of opinion and whistleblowers.
For WikiJustice Julian Assange
Véronique Pidancet Barrière