Request for contributing a paper
Manoranjan Sharma
Accomplished Chief Economist, Globally Acclaimed Scholar, Senior Banker
This is a difficult time for the global economy in general and the Indian economy in particular. In this difficult post-COVID 19 time- a time like perhaps no other in this century- several issues of the development discourse have increasingly come into focus. Some of the major strands of this debate relate to the emerging process and pattern of the Indian economy and the dynamics of the banking sector. Against this backdrop, I propose to bring out an edited collection of papers on the Indian economy and the banking sector. Contribution of a Chapter (8,000 to 10,000 words, including footnotes, graphs, and references) to the proposed book, which is in conformity with this broad thematic pattern, is welcome. The timeline is February 28, 2020. All manuscripts will be subject to the process of a “double-blind review”.
Incidentally, I had published 6 books earlier and all my books received an excellent response. In case of contributing a Chapter to the proposed book, I have two specific requests: (i) in-principle acceptance of this assignment. (ii) mention of the topic/ broad area.
With a brilliant academic record, I was the Chief Economist of Canara Bank for 17 years, General Manager for 6 years and Chief Learning Officer for 5 years. Widely traveled both in India and abroad, I am globally recognized as an expert in the Indian economy, banking, MSMEs, financial inclusion, etc. I have made presentations and Chaired sessions at national and international conferences. My papers have been globally accepted, viz., Global Finance Conference-Las Vegas; Emerging Issues in Business and Technology-Western Illinois University; Applied Business Research Conference, Florida; International Symposium Economy & Business, Bulgaria International Business Research Conference- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Global Business and Economic Research Conference-Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Globalization, Technology and Sustainable Development-Abu Dhabi, UAE; Max Planck Indian Institute of Science (IISc) International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth-Bangalore.
Nominated a member of over a dozen Advisory Councils, viz., Member, Governor’s Advisory Council, Rajasthan; Chancellor’s Nominee on Senate, Rajasthan University, Jaipur; Chancellor’s Nominee on Board of Management, Kota University; Expert Member, AIMA, Delhi; Vice Chairman, Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD), Gurgaon, India; former Chairman, Editorial Committee of IBA’s flagship journal The Indian Banker, Mumbai, etc. I am associated with banks, Universities, leading institutions, viz., Terrapinn Pte Ltd., Singapore, Marcus Evans (Malaysia), naseba (Paris/Dubai); Government of India and State Governments, IICA of Corporate Affairs Ministry, NIEPA of Education Ministry, RBI, IIMs, IITs, IGIDR, Mumbai, NIRD, Hyderabad, etc. I have been on a large number of Selection Panels of several banks; Expert Evaluator, BML Munjal Award and Expert, Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS); Mumbai.
My papers and books, viz., Global Financial Meltdown; Leading Issues in Indian Economy; Studies in Money, Finance and Banking; India’s Transforming Financial Sector; Dynamics of Indian Banking; and Indian Economic Policies and Data figure in important University Libraries, viz., Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, London School of Economics, Library of Congress, Washington; Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc. I have 300 publications, viz., The Business Review (Cambridge), Journal of Economy and Business (Bulgaria), Occasional Papers (RBI), The IndianBanker, Bank Quest, CAB Calling, The Eastern Anthropologist, Lucknow Management Association Convention Journal, Professional Banker, Analyst, Yojana, Property World, The Economic Times, Financial Express, Times of India, Hindu Business Line. My views have been cited in The Associated Press (New York), Dow Jones (New York), International Herald-Tribune (New York), Wall Street Journal (New York).