Repurpose Your Legal Career
Pegotty Cooper, Co-Founder Certified Divorce Coach
Certified Divorce Coach Training -Divorce Coaches are Thinking Partners for clients. They support a healthier divorce, a healthier two-house family, and healthier relationships.
If you are an attorney wanting to retire from what you currently do and remain as part of the dispute resolution field without the stress, take a serious look at divorce coaching!
Perhaps you tried mediation.
Perhaps you tried Parenting Coordinator.
Reduce the stress and simplify the logistics of your work life; and work with clients in a more holistic way by focusing on divorce coaching.
Attorneys who have been through the CDC Divorce Coaching Intensive, attorneys with several decades of practicing family law, with mediator credentials, or parenting coordinators, share with us that they have found this new way of working with clients to be life-changing, transformational, and something they wish they had discovered years earlier.
Many attorneys tell us they want to impact people going through divorce in a more holistic way. You have seen the good, bad and the ugly in divorce and have the perspective of having worked with many different clients in widely differing circumstances, and you have a great deal to contribute.
As an attorney you have a depth of knowledge, a richness of insight and the desire to impact the outcome for clients in a positive way. Through personal divorce coaching you can leverage your knowledge and insights and do it with far less stress, and far less time spent doing things that detract from the quality of your life and your relationships.
In the article “8 Steps to Repurposing the Retiring Lawyer in You” from the January 2018 ABA publication Experience, James R. Nowlin includes practices such as refocusing your life, prioritizing your health and fitness, expanding and deepening your social circles, never stop learning, and saying yes to repurposing the years you have invested in your career. All of these are part of developing the toolbox and practices for divorce coaching.
Explore what personal divorce coaching could mean to you by looking at the information on the website: Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.