The Republican Party and German Ethnic Cultural Conservatism
Germantown, Pennsylvania;

The Republican Party and German Ethnic Cultural Conservatism

The Republican Party coalition that elected Ronald Reagan President in 1980 and reelected him in 1984 started falling apart with George HW Bush in the 1988 US Presidential Election. The only elected position George HW Bush held prior to Vice President under Ronald Reagan was US House of Representatives (1967-1971). Prior to his 1980 Republican Primary challenge against Ronald Reagan, George Bush campaigned for US Senate in Texas against US Senator Ralph Yarborough in 1964 and against Lloyd Bentsen in 1970. George Bush lost to both Democrats by a significant margin. Prior to his 1980 Campaign for President, George Bush was appointed as UN Ambassador and RNC Chairman under Richard Nixon and as Liaison to China and CIA Director under Gerald Ford.


Around this same time period, Ronald Reagan was elected Governor of California as a Conservative Republican in 1966 and reelected in 1970. He opted out of campaigning for a third term in 1974 and left office in January 1975. The California Assembly was controlled by the Democrats during his Governorship (1967-1975). The Democrats outnumbered the Republicans in California in voter registration around the time period of the 1960s and 1970s. Approximately ten months after he left the Governorship of California, Ronald Reagan mounted a conservative challenge against President Ford in the 1976 Republican Primary campaign.


George Bush was among the six Republican Presidential candidates to line up for a 1980 Republican Primary challenge against Ronald Reagan. Bob Dole, Howard Baker, and Phil Crane dropped out after Ronald Reagan won the New Hampshire Primary. John Connally dropped out after Reagan’s victory in the South Carolina Primary. Unable to make any headwinds against Reagan or Bush, John Anderson dropped out to mount a third party candidacy. The 1980 Republican Primary campaign came down to between George Bush, backed by the Republican Party Establishment, and Ronald Reagan with the support of the conservative grassroots movement.


Eight years after this, riding on President Reagan’s conservative bona fides as Vice President, George Bush had two main challengers in the 1988 Republican Primary campaign. The famed Televangelist from Virginia, Pat Robertson appealed to Southern Evangelicals. US Senator Bob Dole of Kansas did well in the Midwest and lost the 1988 Republican Primary campaign to George Bush. Prior to the General Election Campaign, polling showed the Democrat, Michael Dukakis with a sizable lead over Vice President Bush in the Summer of 1988. About August- September 1988, Dukakis’ lead started shrinking as Bush started taking the lead.


The 1988 US Presidential Election took somewhat of a negative connotation as George Bush attacked Michael Dukakis on his record as Governor of Massachusetts. 1988 was marked by a low voter turnout in the election results. Michael Dukakis fared better in 1988 than either Jimmy Carter in 1980 or Walter Mondale in 1984. George Bush did not win as big in 1988 as Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984. Michael Dukakis won Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Washington DC, West Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hawaii, Washington, and Oregon for a total count of 112 in the Electoral College when you count the West Virginia Elector who voted for Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate, Lloyd Bentsen. George Bush swept the rest of the United States with a total count of 426 in the Electoral College.


Conservative syndicated columnist, Pat Buchanan, emerged as an heir apparent to the Reagan Coalition with his 1992 Republican Primary challenge against Bush. Four years after his challenge against Bush, Pat Buchanan mounted a serious 1996 Republican Primary challenge. Bob Dole managed to win the 1996 Republican Presidential Nomination after he weathered the Primary challenge of Pat Buchanan. Ross Perot mounted a third party challenge in both 1992 and 1996 and threw both elections to the Democrat, Bill Clinton. But, even without Ross Perot as a factor, Bill Clinton would have still been elected in 1992 and reelected in 1996. Conservatives distrusted George Bush and Bob Dole. Enough conservatives would have voted for a third party candidate and not voted to have thrown the 1992 election and 1996 election to Bill Clinton.


2000 and 2004 were nail-biters for George W Bush. The 2000 Presidential Election came down to Florida with its 25 Electoral Votes. 2004 came down to Ohio with its 20 Electoral Votes. Barack Obama easily won against John McCain in 2008 with the Northeast, Great Lakes, Virginia, North Carolina, Iowa, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Hawaii, and the West Coast. Mitt Romney fared somewhat better against President Obama in 2012. But, Obama still won reelection in 2012.


Donald Trump took advantage of the popular discontent against the Democrats and Republican Party Establishment to win the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination. He attacked Hillary Clinton in the Fall Campaign as a criminal, proclaiming she should be behind bars in prison. Winning the States Mitt Romney won in 2012; Donald Trump additionally won Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Donald Trump easily won against Hillary Clinton.


But, Trump’s personality and character is repulsive to many. His perceived mishandling of the pandemic additionally hurt in 2020. He was as merciless in his attacks on Joe Biden as he was in his attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016. The 2020 Democrats campaigned on the mantra, “Anybody but Trump,” “Anybody is better than Trump.” Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. But, many on the Right challenged the results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.


The Republican Party cannot win future elections with the “Big Tent” Model. The Republican Party cannot win future elections with Twitter wars. The Republican Party cannot win future elections with social media bashing. The Republican Party cannot continue being a Country Club and expect to win future elections. The Republican Party cannot win future elections as a carbon copy of the Democrats. The voters do not want to vote for a Republican Party in the image of the Democrats.


A group of Democrats and Republicans recently formed a new political party. The political party was formed as a result of the merger of the Renew America Movement and Save America Movement with the Forward Party. They formed the Forward Party to appeal to “Moderate” voters around the United States. The aim of the Forward Party is to build “the foundation for a representative and stable democracy. No Left. No Right. Forward.” The Forward Party calls for Ranked Choice Voting. It calls for nonpartisan primaries.


Ranked Choice Voting sounds all well and good. But, it is not. Nonpartisan primaries sound all well and good. But, it is not. Contrary to what US politicians and government officials claim, democracy is not a value the United States was built upon. Democracy is dangerous. Democracy is the greatest evil of the world and in the land. Ranked Choice Voting is democracy in its worst form. Nonpartisan primaries are invitation for mob rule, majority tyranny, and anarchy in US Elections.


The Forward Party would create a government of the masses, by the masses, for the masses. The Forward Party would result in mob rule. The Forward Party claims to be for thriving communities. The Forward Party does not create thriving communities. The Forward Party would have to negate property rights and throw property ownership out to create its perfect democracy. The Forward Party is demagoguery, licensure, agitative, discontented, and chaotic.


But, we have a better way. The Republican Party offers a better alternative to the Forward Party. The Republican Party is the only alternative to the Leftist Progressive Liberal Forward Party. The United States is not a democracy. The United States is a Constitutional Republic, governed by the Rule of Law. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. The Republican Party and Conservative Movement stands for statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress and advocate for property rights and property ownership.


The German-American Community was estimated at 43,000,000 in the United States in 2019. The German-American Community is estimated at approximately a fifth to a fourth of the US Population. The first Germans arrived in North America on October 6, 1683. They established their first community in Germantown, just Northwest of Philadelphia. The Germans who resettled in the United States and their posterity are largely concentrated in the region we call the “Rustbelt.”


The US region we call the “Rustbelt” has been in decline for several decades now. This region of the United States, the Mid Atlantic and the Midwest, was a hub for manufacturing and industry. But, these areas started declining as manufacturing and industry declined in the United States. Manufacturing and industry recently declined in the United States with the emergence of STEM and the tech industry. The “Rustbelt” population declined with its decline as “Rustbelt” politics and governance grew dysfunctional. The “Rustbelt” plummeted with every market crash. The “Rustbelt” plummeted with every recession.


“Built Back Better” is not going to rebuild the “Rustbelt.” Inflation is not going to revive the “Rustbelt.” Rising interest rates are not going to revive the “Rustbelt.” Keynsian Economics are not going to revive the “Rustbelt.” Subsidization of manufacturing and industry is not going to revive the “Rustbelt.” Pork-and-barrel and earmarks are not going to save the “Rustbelt.”


We will revive the “Rustbelt” with limited constitutional government and republican self-government. We will revive the “Rustbelt” through a constitutional republican revival. We will revive the “Rustbelt” with a Talent Market Economy and a Stewardship Economy. We revive the “Rustbelt” through innovation, ingenuity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and individuality. We will revive the “Rustbelt” through German ethnic cultural revival. The Republican Party will revive and reinvigorate the “Rustbelt” through and with German ethnic cultural conservatism.


The Germans who immigrated to North America and eventually the United States came over for various reasons. Many of these Germans who relocated to North America came in search of economic opportunity to escape poverty. Many Germans sought to escape religious persecution and seek religious liberty to worship as they please. A small minority of Germans came over simply sought a better life in thriving, flourishing communities. But, these German migrants and German immigrants had one thing in common. Each of these groups sought to escape tyranny, despotism, and oppression. Each of these groups sought greater liberty, greater opportunity, and a better life for themselves and their posterity.


Germans did not come over with hand-outs. They did not come over to the new land, seeking hand-outs. Their relocation to this land was not subsidized by governments and political authority. They came with what they had, many without much of anything or without anything. They came to North America and eventually the United States with their customs, traditions, and cultures.


Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans are typically property owners. Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans typically tend to be religious and theological. Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans typically are typically well-educated. Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans share the traits of typical US conservatives. 2019 data showed the ethnic German population of the United States consisted of approximately one-third of the world ethnic German population. Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans typically split their votes 50-50 Democrat and Republican until very recently.


They heavily leaned one way on issues that were salient to the German-American Community. They opposed slavery and its expansion, leading them to be among the early Republican Party adherents in the 1850s, especially in Ohio. German-Americans overwhelmingly voted for Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and 1864. They opposed secession, desired to preserve the Union, and supported the Union war effort in the Civil War. Many of them deserted the Democrats for William McKinley in 1896 in opposition to Free Silver and for the Gold Standard and Sound Money. Many of these voters returned to vote for William Jennings Bryan in opposition to President McKinley’s foreign policy after the Spanish-American War.


Many German-Americans voted Republican in 1918 and 1920 in opposition to Woodrow Wilson, the Democrats, and the Treaty of Versailles. The German-Americans were part of the “New Deal” Coalition. But, the German-Americans soon quickly started leaving the “New Deal” Coalition for the Republican Party. The German-American vote contributed to Truman’s 1948 victory as a result of his tough anti-Communism and the Berlin Airlift. But, they did not particularly like Dwight Eisenhower. George Wallace won the votes of the white ethnic Northern urban working class in 1968. The German-Americans typically voted Republican since 1980.

The Democrats and the Forward Party are like the Consensus in the Sci Fi television series, Andromeda. The Consensus is a mythical mechanical society Captain Dylan Hunt of the Andromeda and his crew confront in Season 1 Episode 16, “The Sum of Its Parts.” Some parts come together as a whole for a specific mission. These newly formed beings merely act as a means to an end under the Consensus to serve its specific purposes. Then, these beings disassemble, never to be used again after they complete the tasks assigned to them by Consensus.


The Democrats and the newly formed Forward Party do not value the people. The Democrats and the newly formed Forward Party see little worth in the people. They consistently lie to the people. They flatter the people into a false sense of security. The Democrats and the Forward Party deceive voters and the people to get them to vote for them. This is especially evident in the Democrats. This will soon be evident with the Forward Party as well.


So, these politicians get elected to office. But, the people get forgotten and abandoned by them. The people in power grow, expand, and extend government to seize more power for themselves. They create and expand bureaucracy and raise taxes on us to line their pockets and enrich themselves off of us. Our lives get ruined. Our livelihoods get devastated. The Democrats plunder and loot us. If the Forward Party gains any power over us, they would do the same with us. We would be left destitute by those in power.


HD, the being who infiltrated the Andromeda in Season 1, Episode 16 of Andromeda, possessed and gained control of Rommie, the Andromeda AI. The Andromeda engaged in battle with the Consensus. HD commanded the used-up spare parts, what the Consensus referred to as the outcasts, to rise and unite in opposition to the Consensus in revolution. These outcasts came together and attached themselves to the Andromeda. They opened fire on the Consensus and destroyed it. Then, these spare parts separated from the Andromeda and formed a new battleship, a new battleship formed out of battle.


The Republican Party has the unique opportunity before itself to expand itself again and regain control of the Northeast and Midwest. The Democrats take too many voters and too many voting demographics for granted. The Forward Party will be as bad, I would even say worse. The Great Lakes region specifically is being left behind and pacing far behind much of the rest of the United States. The Republican Party could specifically win the Great Lakes region back specifically with the Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans.


Donald Trump won large swaths of these voters in 2016. This voting block of German-American swung Pennsylvania, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin to Donald Trump. He appealed to these same voters in his 2020 reelection campaign. But, it was not enough to save him in 2020. He announced his intentions to campaign for President again in 2024. Many within the Republican Party and Conservative Movement soured on him. But, many of them would most likely not vote for Mike Pence in the 2024 Republican Primary campaign. They most likely would not vote for Sarah Palin, Liz Cheney, or Adam Kinzinger. But, the “Rustbelt” will be crucial to the Republican Party in November and future elections.


2021 was a victory for the Republican Party in Virginia. Polls predicted a blowout reelection victory for Governor Phil Murphy over Jack Ciatarelli in New Jersey in 2021. Phil Murphy certainly won reelection. But, the race was closer than what the polls otherwise predicted. The Republican Party scored numerous local election victories across Pennsylvania in 2021. Many former Pennsylvania Democrats recently switched over to the Republican Party over inflation and the economy and in opposition to the woke agenda. The Republican Party gained approximately a 370,000-new voter registration advantage over the Democrats between from 2021 and 2022.


Voters typically swing Left and vote Democrat in a real or perceived crisis or emergency. Voters typically swing Right and vote Republican when their personal liberties are under attack and being threatened. They vote Democrat almost by impulse in crisis with the belief the Democrats would end the crisis and get us back into recovery. They vote their heart and conscience and vote Republican with the hope of recovering their lost liberty. We are stuck between power-hungry politicians and those on the Right who lost their way and lost touch.


The Volksdeutsch Amerikaner Republikaner has its origins in me being at Christkindlmarkt-SLC 2018. I formed the Volksdeutsch Amerikaner Republikaner as a result of me reconnecting with my German ancestral background and my German ethnic roots. I gained a greater vision of higher possibilities and a higher purpose beyond politics and beyond self. I discovered my greatest desire for my political involvement is beyond simply campaigning for elected office and holding office. Those things are still important. But, campaigning for and holding elected office only serve as a means to an end.


Who protected the German-Americans and German immigrants from mob attacks and government encroachment?


Who protected the Alsace-Lorraine Germans from France?


Who protected the Dutch Germans from the Netherlands?


Who protected the ethnic Germans of the USSR and Eastern Europe from Nazi Germany, the USSR, and the Communist Eastern Bloc?


Coming down to it, the Democrats do not have any genuine interest in the German ethnic group and German ethnic identity. The Forward Party does not hold any genuine interest in the German ethnic group and German ethnic identity. The Democrats and the Forward Party place little value on German ethnic culture and the German ethnic identity. The Democrats instigated Germanophobia under Woodrow Wilson. Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the interment of German-Americans and German immigrants after Pearl Harbor in World War 2.


The Republican Party cannot pander to Hispanics and Latinos and expect to win elections. The Republican Party cannot pander to Asian-Americans and Middle Eastern immigrants and expect to win elections. The Republican Party cannot pander to African-Americans and African refugees and expect to win elections. The Republican Party cannot pander to seniors, retires, and millennials and expect to win elections. The Republican Party cannot copycat the Democrats and the Forward Party with the expectation of getting elected to office.

The Republican Party wins elections and governs well when it is principled. The Republican Party wins elections and governs well when it stands for the US Founding Principles. The Republican Party wins elections and governs well when it stands for and takes a stand for the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States. The Republican Party wins elections and governs well when it appeals to the conservative grassroots. Voters want a clear choice, being appealed to by political parties and candidates taking a definitive stand on the issues of the day. The Republican Party is most successful when it stands for the sanctity of marriage and the sanctity of life.


I came up with twelve political principles for the Volksdeutsch Amerikaner Republikaner. I derived these political principles from the Ancient Germanic civilization.


The twelve political principles of the Volksdeutsch Amerikaner Republikaner are as follows:


1 The welfare of humanity rests on the family.


2 All human beings are “created equal.”


3 We are endowed with unalienable rights.


4 Every individual is unique and distinct from one another, from a different background, and with a unique life experience.


5 Every individual has something to contribute to the whole of humanity.


6 We have a duty to God, the United States, each other, and all of humanity.


7 Loyalty to the United States and the Constitution is our foremost pertinacious duty to God, our forebears, and our posterity.


8 True patriotism is true community spirit with hospitality toward each other and all of humanity of every culture and background.


9 It is crucial for the United States and the Republican Party to stand firm with valor for the Founding Principles and Constitution.


10 We were born and created for a divine purpose.


11 We have a destiny and are on a personal journey of becoming the best version of ourselves.


12 We are of divine origin with a divine nature and with divine potential.


Ezra Taft Benson (1899-1994), US Secretary of Agriculture under Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961), explained in the April 1960 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:

“Patriotism is more than flag-waving and brave words. It is how we respond to public issues. Let us rededicate ourselves as patriots in the truest sense.”


Ezra Taft Benson explained further in the October 1968 General Conference:


“Unlike the political opportunist, the true statesman values principle above popularity and creates popularity for those political principles which are wise and just.”


We win when we stand for the people and stand for the minority and the individual. We win when we stand for Republicanism and the Rule of Law. We win when we stand for principle and advocate for principled politics. We win when we stand firm for the Constitution of the United States and the Founding Principles. We triumph when we stand firm for truth, virtue, and justice for all.


