A Republican Canard (one of many)
I noticed that Mitch Mc Connel tweeted today that it was the "Entitlements" that are causing the government deficits. He couldn't be more incorrect. The two largest so called entitlements are, Social Security and Medicare.
Lets' look at these two so called entitlements. First,Social Security is a program where you, as an employee, pay seven and a half percent of your wages into Social Security. Your employer also pays seven and a half percent into the program under your name.
Lets' make just two assumptions to calculate the money paid into your Social Security account at your retirement. First the average worker works fifty years. Second the average annual wage for that period is fifty thousand dollars.
Calculations: $50,000/year at 15% is $7,500 into your social security account in one year. Multipy that times fifty years and you have contributed $375,000. Now to complete the calculations, every seven to ten years your savings would double depending on the interest rates.Your Social Security account is now worth between $600,000 and $1,000,000. Hardly an entitlement. Ask Mitch McConnel where your money is? He'll tell you that there are many other services that have been attached to Social Security driving up the costs. Aswer him with a question. Where are all of the monies contributed by people that died before they reached the age where they could collect any of their contributions to the program?
Health care is really simple, just provide medicare to everyone and you will have eliminated a real drag on our economy, insurance companies. The cost to have health insurance is not affordable to millions of Americans. These Americans either wait to seek medical care until the problem has become major and the costs are excessive. Then there are those who also can't afford it and go to the emrgency room for their health care, again the costs are excessive and the tax payers are paying their bills.
Every industrialized nation has health care for all, we're the only one who dosen't and their health care costs per person are several times lower than ours. This is where the republican cunard comes into play. Their health care isn't nearly as good as ours and you have to wait until you're nearly dead to get treatment. Well that just isn't true. Their populations are healthier than ours.
Another benefit of the health care for all are the monies spent on the insurrance companies and doctors will now be spent on the goods and services of busineses,creating jobs and benefiting the entire economy.
There is one other item that needs to be addressed by the Republicans, free college education for everyone, nothing will benefit our economy more than that. The final Republican cunard is that all of this is nothing more than socialism. Their usual response to evoke the emotional rath of their base.
I'm a complete capitalist and if everything mentioned is in play capitalism will flourish with an educated healthy work force. But not our capitalism, it has become dysfunctional through the past several decades. Both Republicans and Democrats have allowed our corporations to merge into oligarchies and monoplies where they compete more for government actions that will enhance their status as a corporation forged by the government than by competiting to sell their goods and services.
This type of capitalism will only exasperate the already wealth disparity. But you know all about that Mitch, the Republican tax cuts this year are also doing that and you also know those tax cuts will generate another great recession in one to two years.
What will it be Mitch, fascism, or capitalism?
Book Author and certified copy/line editor
5 年You managed to speak about the topic of Republicans without igniting my ire...excellent work.