A Republic of Laws, act accordingly!
06-09-2020 - VOTE TRUMP 2020 - Learn from History and Act Accordingly!

A Republic of Laws, act accordingly!

We say NO to Socialism, Communism! LATINOS FOR TRUMP! We are united!

Let’s learn from the lessons of history, shall we?

In political science, a revolution is a fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organization which occurs when the population revolts against the government, typically due to perceived oppression - political - social - economic, or due to political incompetence… The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle described these as…

1. Complete change from one Constitution to another

2. The need to modify an existing Constitution

What is happening the United States is the desire to usurp power, destroy and or re-write our Constitution… But… what the Trump Administration MUST do now is to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States…

We are a Republic, a Country of Laws, and as such, we must learn from history and take Constitutional steps to safeguard our way of life, under attack as we speak…

1775, What were the major causes of the American Revolution? 

Colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies, an increase on taxes, duties, and fees… to make the colonies repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (1754–63).

1778, France joins what became an international war against the British Empire…

1779, Spain joined the colonies against Britain… 

 1789, French Revolution shook France from 1787 till 1799

The most violent / universally significant of these revolutions. The social structure of the West made the French want to emulate US. Feudal regime weakened step-by-step was disappearing in parts of Europe. Prosperous elite of wealthy commoners -merchants, manufacturers, and professionals, often called the bourgeoisie, aspired to political power in those countries where it did not already possess it. Peasants, many of whom owned land, attained improved standard of living and education and wanted to get rid of the last vestiges of feudalism so as to acquire the full rights of landowners and to be free to increase their holdings. About 1730, higher standards of living reduced the adult mortality rate. This led to an increase in the population of Europe: it doubled between 1715 and 1800. France, with 26 million inhabitants in 1789 was the most populated country of Europe, the problem was most acute. A larger population created a greater demand for food and consumer goods. Discovery of new gold mines in Brazil led to a rise in prices throughout the West from about 1730, a prosperous economic situation. About 1770, this trend slackened, an economic crises, provoked alarm and even revolt. Arguments for social reform began to be advanced. Intellectuals writings inspired arguments: Rene Descartes was thought of as a leader of conspirators who, before any- one else, had the courage to arise against a despotic and arbitrary power and who, in preparing a resounding revolution, laid the foundations of a more just and happier government, which he himself was not able to see established. Benedict de Spinoza's political philosophy is a logical extension of his view of human nature. To understand ends, sources, and justification of political authority, one does well to begin with the Conatus Principle and the associated psychological axioms employed by Spinoza. John Locke in the Two Treatises of Government, defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarch. Therefore, intellectuals came to very different conclusions about political, social, and economic matters. A revolution seemed necessary to apply the ideas of Montesquieu, Voltaire, or Jean-Jacques Rousseau

This Enlightenment was spread among the educated classes by the many “societies of thought” that were founded at that time: masonic lodges, agricultural societies, and reading rooms.

1868, Cuba

Dissatisfied with the corrupt and inefficient Spanish administration, lack of political representation, and high taxes, Cubans in the eastern provinces united under the wealthy planter Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, whose declaration of independence in October 1868, the Grito de Yara (“Cry of Yara”), signaled the beginning of the Ten Years’ War, in which 200,000 lives were lost. Céspedes had the support of some landowners, whose main interest was economic and political independence from Spain, whereas the farmers and laborers were more concerned with the immediate abolition of slavery and greater political power for the common man.

In 1876 Spain sent Gen. Arsenio Martínez Campos to crush the revolution. 

Lacking organization and significant outside support, the rebels agreed to an armistice in February 1878 (Pact of Zanjón), the terms of which promised amnesty and political reform. A second uprising, La Guerra Chiquita (“The Little War”), engineered by Calixto García, began in August 1879 but was quelled by superior Spanish forces in autumn 1880. Spain gave Cuba representation in the Cortes (parliament) and abolished slavery in 1886. Other promised reforms, however, never materialized. In 1894 Spain canceled a trade pact between Cuba and the United States. The imposition of more taxes and trade restrictions prodded the economically distressed Cubans in 1895 to launch the Cuban War of Independence, a resumption of the earlier struggle. Poet and journalist José Julián Martí, the ideological spokesman of the revolution, drew up plans for an invasion of Cuba while living in exile in New York City. Máximo Gómez y Báez, who had commanded the rebel troops during the Ten Years’ War, was among those who joined Martí’s invasion force. Although Martí was killed (and martyred) in battle about one month after initiation of the invasion on April 11, 1895, Gómez and Antonio Maceo employed sophisticated guerrilla tactics in leading the revolutionary army to take control of the eastern region. 

In September 1895 they declared the Republic of Cuba and sent Maceo’s forces to invade the western provinces.

1916, The Irish War of Independence, the period of nationalist rebellion, guerrilla warfare, political change and civil war which brought about the establishment of the independent nation, the Irish Free State, which sparked the Irish Civil War between pro-treaty and pro-republic forces. 

In April 1916, Irish republicans launched the Easter Rising against British rule and proclaimed an Irish Republic. Although it was crushed after a week of fighting, the Easter Rising and the British response led to greater popular support for Irish independence.

1917, The Russian October Revolution. Bolsheviks take over the provisional government of the Russian Republic, instituting the first socialist society in the world. The chaos leads to the final collapse of the Russian Empire, as many peripheral territories declare independence and anti-Bolshevik forces rose in revolt against the new Soviet Russian order…

A population boom at the end of the 19th century, a harsh growing season due to Russia’s northern climate, and a series of costly wars—starting with the Crimean War (1854-1856)—meant frequent food shortages across the vast empire. Large protests by Russian workers against the monarchy led to the Bloody Sunday massacre of 1905. Hundreds of unarmed protesters were killed or wounded by the czar’s troops. The massacre sparked the Russian revolution of 1905, during which angry workers responded with a series of crippling strikes throughout the country.

When we hear that we must ‘send in the troops’ we must stand back and realize that brutal force to prevent change have been the spark of all revolution. We, as a Republic should do everything in accordance to the Law. Trump should write an executive order that REMOVES from elected office any and all public officials that have shamed themselves before rioters, looters and criminals.

The Executive Order should invoke the power to prevent insurrection and if Trump appoints powerful Justice Department individuals to go into the focus of this insurrection and apply LAW AND ORDER, reviewing the background of each and every policeman, not covering up their abuse, but carefully analyzing with the help of psychologists / psychiatrists and Mental Health Counselors if they are fit for carrying a badge.

For example, former Attorney General, Matt Whitaker, who just authored the book Above the Law, ought to be sent to take control of Minneapolis, removing from office the disgraced Mayor Jacob Frey, and bringing that spot to order. The same thing ought to happen with Chicago until we eradicate the perception that ours is a country that is out of control!

Now… on September 13th, 2010, we appeared for the first time before the County Commission to protest, and my two minute speech sparked the movement that removed Carlos Alvarez from the post of Mayor of Miami-Dade County… click on the link provided below, you must scroll down through the list of videos going back to the year 2010… stop at around 03:27 on the dial where the speaker before me is featured… Watch my speech… 

Budget Hearing - First Sep 13, 2010 08h 24m Video Documents                                                                            Agenda MP3 Audio MP4 Vide


Find that video and click, go to @ 03:27 on the dial and watch… 

On that day, we got #129 to speak, we stood in line since 2 PM in the afternoon, the Chamber doors opened and allowed us to sit at around 5 PM… and we waited all that time listening to the 2 minute public comments of 128 people before us. I realized most people were there to ASK… for funds for causes for which they wore T-Shirts and carried signs… Camilus House, Battered Women, Police, Fire, Poor, Disenfranchised, Education… you name it… Because my 2 minutes would be like no other, I became rather concerned that it would make no sense to the audience and I feared the crowd's reaction… 

Joseph Adler - Born 10-05-1940 - Died 04-16-2020

Notice as I speak how Joseph Adler, the producing artistic director at Gables Stage, who recently died, gets exasperated with what I am saying because his turn was after mine and he knew what I was saying was becoming an issue and he was hoping to go before the Commissioners when they were in a good mood…

Regardless… when I started speaking, I knew I was being different, challenging, the Mayor had left his seat… yet he returned because he could not believe his ears, the Attorneys were all staring at me, the Commissioners who by then were hungry and had gone in the back to grab something to eat returned and stared… some knew me and you could see their surprise, at one point it all was so overwhelming that I read the numbers incorrectly but… I continued…

My mind kept thinking… everyone else is here to ‘beg’ but I am here to demand a stop to the abuse through taxes… and when I am done… the Chambers go into an uproar… At first, I thought… they are coming toward me, but as I turned… I realized… I discovered a great aspect of our government of the people by the people and for the people and that is that the people are used, abused, made to wear T-Shirts, paid to demonstrate, enticed to volunteer so they become the puppets of government, they are encouraged to become activist of whatever fad is in the flavor of the month… but when I spoke… they all agreed… Why?

Because at an individual level, without the influence of anyone, we all stand firm in the resolve that taxation without representation, the perennial SPEND attitude of government is destroying the USA!!! Please notice how Board of County Commissioner Dennis C. Moss, an African American handles the crowd’s reaction and how he threatens US with removal from the Chambers by the Police Officers that are always there to protect the proceedings… Interesting how the police is invariably used to control law abiding citizens where protestors, agitators, infiltrated, when looting, destroying property and causing harm… are protected, demanding the police do not act to prevent what they are doing!!!


  1. Tucker Carlson Tonight Opening Monologue of last night, Monday, 06-08-2020, was not only frightening and thought provoking, but it reminded me that in an age of excellent communications means, we know NOTHING!
  2. When Socialism / Communism overtook Cuba, that was the most dangerous realization… how do we protect this Nation? How do we protect our own property? Our rights? Good working people are working for Nation / Family / neighborhoods… are hardly ever pay attention to the large scheme of things. When it knocks at our door, and we are told hand over the title to your lands, no longer yours, the Agrarian Reform has rendered you NO longer owner of your lands… yes that is what happened to my father… I was by his side pealing corn. He looked up and asked, what you are doing here, is that happening all over the Island? YES!!!
  3. Well… we were working hard to ensure an improved communications that made all property owners aware of the impending demonstrations to be held close to our homes and we achieved quite the network because as I rode my bike most were not only aware but had made sure their kids, family, were at home!!!
  4. Now, Tucker Carlson told us the events that unfolded…
  5. We went insane during the weekend
  6. 80 year olds said they had never seen these events in the USA
  7. Groups are demanding that we OBEY and do as we are told
  8. People were fired! For no other reason than controversy over events!
  9. The New York Times opinion editor ‘resigns’ after column controversy  https://www.amny.com/news/new-york-times-opinion-editor-resigns-after-column-controversy/ James Bennet, the New York Times editorial page editor responsible for publishing a column that advocated using the military to quell violence amid protests over U.S. racial inequality, resigned on Sunday, the newspaper announced. The New York Times has come under fire after it published an editorial on June 3 from U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, titled “Send in the Troops.” Cotton wrote that an “overwhelming show of force” would restore order after protests spread across the country, some of which turned violent. “It’s past time to support local law enforcement with federal authority,” Cotton wrote. Bennet and a representative for Cotton could not be reached for comment.
  10. Watch the take by CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/07/media/james-bennet-new-york-times-resigns/index.html 
  11. Where are we going as a Nation when a newspaper will not publish the words of a Senator, here is the video where Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmxp6aBwQu8
  12. The latest clamor is to defund the police, but Tucker takes the time to puzzle this together to identify why would this move be happening when Democrats NEVER want to lose control!
  13. It is unpopular with the people, but the protesters continue to push
  14. @ 1:58 on the dial, the Mayor of Minneapolis, who by the way looks like a child, Tucker confronts the public SHAMING of this elected official… Manic enthusiasm and feigned empathy… shows this young person doing community outreach… what on earth?
  15. Activists go at him and he does an act of contrition in front of demonstrators / agitators and what happens is simply outrageous… at a microphone, loud four letter words and the demand of NO MORE POLICE can be heard… and he is REJECTED right in front of the crowds… and he does NOT STAND FIRM as HE RUNS THE CITY!!!
  16. What does this tell us, black lives matter have turned into a political party… the representative actually challenges Mayor Jacob Frey and tells him she will defeat him in the next elections! Here is the report by The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/jun/08/shame-minneapolis-mayor-heckled-by-protesters-video 
  17. Next, at 5:07 on the dial, Tucker brings in the example of City Council President, Linda Bender, who not only wants to defund the police but wants them eliminated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bpDq10_XqY to tell the truth, the system is not working for our neighbors, reform measures do not seem to work, tragic death, a wake up call so they announced to rebuild the police in a way that keeps the entire community safe… what?
  18. Rather that investing so much in the militarized police, let’s invest in the things the communities really need… in other words, the taxes paid are being used to pay for a militarized police force that sits around waiting for a phone call when the reason why they are called into communities is because people are desperate and commit crimes because their needs are not met… what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bpDq10_XqY Linda Bender, President of the Minneapolis City Council then says: We need to take the time to IMAGINE THAT FUTURE… what on Earth?
  19. Also when called into neighborhoods, they attack perpetrators… what?
  20. @ 5:22 on the dial, Tucker shares a clip where CNN reporter interviews Linda Bender, asking if she realizes that to defund the police would mean that when we call for help because our homes are being invaded, we would have NO ONE at the other end of the line to come and save US? What if, in the middle of the night my home is broken into?
  21. Her reply is UNACCEPTABLE… @ 5:35 on the dial she says ‘that comes from a place of privilege’ the system is not working imagine already living in that reality when the police do more harm than good, she probably refers to the case when the police is deployed, and a woman is killed as the cop fires through the window: Tatiana Jefferson is shot at, only 28 years old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1MBaOK0VSs 
  22. Lisa Bender is calling for a world where calling a police officer for help is an act of racism… 
  23. Seems it does no longer matter what we think, no one has called on the American people to voice opinions on how to reform a system, now… demonstrators, through loud voices of groups ORGANIZED / PAID not only to protest, but as they are arrested… bail paid by organizations, foundations, the wealthy, Hollywood stars…
  24. @ 6:33 on the dial… Keith Ellison, Chief Law Enforcement argues against cops having guns!!! Attorney General… CBS The Morning interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw2ZRtevl3A Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on George Floyd’s death, protests… ‘Macho men’ threats of violence, STOP IT! What he says to protesters, you have made your point! Conversation now must shift to what will happen to officers, refocus the attention away from Donald Trump… what? What does Justice look like in his views? 6th Amendment Right to a fair trial, deeply disturbing video, abuse, knee on the neck may have been the cause of death. 
  25. AL: Are police unions too powerful? KE: In Minneapolis, I’d say yes. I’m not an authority on all of them, but personally, I think that when it comes to pay, pension, working conditions, that there should be strong police unions, strong unions – period. But when it comes to misconduct and discipline, when it comes to mistreatment of persons in custody, or I think that the officers should have due process in the hands of the City Council or mayor. https://www.revealnews.org/article/keith-ellison-talks-about-police-power-protest-and-george-floyd-murder-prosecutions/ 
  26. AL: So what’s been your personal experience with the police? Have you ever felt singled out because you’re black? KE: Yes. Oh, yeah. More than once. But, you know, at an early age, I grew up in the city of Detroit, and I just remember my father was the first one, he told me: “Put your hands on the wheel. Don’t talk back. Keep your ID with you at all times. Don’t do anything they say don’t do.” And then he said to me, “Because they’ll kill you and there won’t be much of anything any of us can do about it.” And it kind of scared me quite a lot. But I was fine. I just figured that was the way it was. He told my brothers the same thing, and that was the way it was, the way we grew up. But then I had other experiences which sort of inform me. But I have good experience with the police, too.      https://www.revealnews.org/article/keith-ellison-talks-about-police-power-protest-and-george-floyd-murder-prosecutions/ 
  27. @ 6:55, a particular clip is used where Keith Ellison is saying cops with guns are sent for whatever reason they are called for… Of course! They take their lives into their own hands if they were deployed without protection Mr. Ellison!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZTEG7OwK70 
  28. Tucker Carlson cautions us that Keith Ellison could very well become the Attorney General under a possible Biden Administration…
  29. @ 7:55 on the dial Tucker brings in the case of brilliant ‘trend spotter’ Alexandria Ocasio Cortez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-aa7rv1CbA She calls these systemic problems, she reports on police tactics without the reality of what is truly happens in the USA… if you are out there on the streets, she says… you are a PROTECTOR… what? Rhetoric! She has no patience righto now, tough, bold political sacrifices, Federal government ENABLES what is happening on the streets… she says! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says elected officials have immunity from committing violations even if it is violation of Constitutional Rights… What??? She claims that we need to REMOVE qualified immunity!
  30. @ 3:28 on the dial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-aa7rv1CbA Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quotes Martin Luther King, saying that budgets are MORAL documents because they reflect what we consider the priorities of our Nation! We are not investing on the real areas where that would prevent the problems we have… what?
  31. Political courage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn4uodEHSXI Now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sounds off on defunding the police, asking elected officials what are they willing to sacrifice to make sure over funded police departments are defunded… what?
  32. Let’s get back to Tucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZTEG7OwK70   @ 8:14 on the dial where he uses the same clip we provided on #27…
  33. What is going on here? Tucker gives it a shot to try to figure out what appears to be the Democrats giving up on relinquishing the power of having a police department and we think, he gets close to the real issues behind the scenes… Democrats have no intention to eliminate the police… @ 9:41 on the dial he explains… they want to REPLACE the police with a system that works, which means, the men/women in blue for the most part stand with Donald J. Trump, Democrats want to replace these officers so they can gain control of another important aspect of government…
  34. Let’s face it, he says, they already took over the Pentagon!
  35. What are we prepared to do? How do we make the SILENT majority become LOUD enough so we can put a STOP to this madness?
  36. Is it even possible at this point? Have we just witnessed the events necessary to ALLOW that our Republic be taken away from US????
  37. Connecticut’s Janet Ritucci shares that proud black woman confronting black lives matter, video that had gone viral, it now removed from Social Media… what? Remember, she cried BLM is a joke! https://dcwhispers.com/proud-black-woman-confronting-black-lives-matter-goes-viral-blm-is-a-joke/
  38. Did we know what many of signs that are displayed in these demonstrations mean? We had not a clue!!! It feels as though there is a new language in our Country and we have yet to learn how to speak it… frankly, after finding out what those letters mean, I rather skip learning the INSULTING and DISGUSTING new form of expression found throughout the land…
  39. We learn that candidate for Miami Dade County, Alex Penelas… marched with protesters… as we try to determine whom to vote for come election day, it is important to understand where these candidates stand…

Don’t know about you, but we have connected the dots and we are definitely confronting an attack on our way of life, on the values of our Society, on the institutions that form our Republic… WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Janet Ritucci of Connecticut sends US HOPE!

“Do NOT be dismayed by the brokenness of the world!

All things break. And all things can be mended.

Not with time, as they say, but with intention!

So… go… LOVE intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally!

The broken world waits in darkness for the LIGHT that is US!!!

L. R. Knost

Thanks Janet!!

Our prayer...

We do not know if our President, Donald J. Trump, ever reads what we write, but this article intends to share our opinion of how to deal with what is happening in our Nation, through Executive Order, REMOVE / REPLACE the government of Minneapolis, install Matt Whitaker, former AG, author of Above the Law and have him review the supply chain of government, streamlining, investigating each and every police officer to determine who is not worthy of carrying a badge, and through LAW AND ORDER demonstrate how things are done in a Republic...


May GOD guide us to act WITHOUT sparking the flame of yet another revolution / insurrection / Civil War... but still... as a Republic, a Nation of Laws, restore safety to the people... FUND THE POLICE... but make sure officers deserve to carry a badge! Amen! 

Comments received from readers:

06-10-2020 From Town of Miami Lakes Residents who prefers to remain anonymous:

#1: "I just finished reading this incredible piece of work by my incredible amiga, Hope. Jaw dropping. Every line I read, it gave me a sense of pause - at times my heart would race - and I said to myself - I ”Hope” there are a lot more of us who want to stop this madness! Our country is in extreme turmoil to put it mildly. The “defunding of the police” was shocking when I first heard about it last week was beyond belief You say “what?” and I say “What the hell!“

#2: "Fully agree with you, Thank you very much, Have a wonderful day!"

#3: "Dear Hope:

How is it that you always make me strive to learn more, and to enlighten myself at a time when I am closing down due to personal reasons? Just when I think I don't want to know more of what is happening in the world, and our own back yard, there you are, encouraging me to want to become an active participant in the knowledge of what is happening all around us! Thank you for boosting  me to open those closed doors once again!


#4: "You are truly taking pen to paper seriously. 76 pages plus email

Your mom was Esperanza and you are Esperancita. That is what Tia calls you.

?? You realize you missed conversation while talking to your neighbor

Like helping Sunday @ church preparing for Catechism but enjoyed the children.

Liked Long Ranger and you were Tanto

Your family pictures are warming ?? 

Alex is your rock ?? dedication of book (then and now).

But this is not a test!


06-10-2020 Lynette Popieluch:

"Good morning Hope. As always informative and concise blog. Thank you. Tucker Carlson is to be admired. He speaks unafraid, the truth!

I am going to take a photo of the stickers in my car today that are from the police. In this crazy environment, it might be unwise to show them.... but if we all bow to the Left, as they want, there will be too few of us left to stand up to them. A small gesture, along with supporting them as well as having joined President Trump s campaign makes me feel a little better. As always, thank you for your always brilliant essay."

06-11-2020 Bonnie

"Dear Hope,

They called Socrates "The Gadfly" because he used to provoke his students into deeper thinking on issues by presenting opposing points of views and arguments. Your writing always inspires thought, not just for me but for many others as well, as evidenced by the comments your PDF articles generate. You are a veritable fountain of information!! Your mother would be very proud to know how your efforts generate deeper thinking among those who read your reports.

As I started thinking about the situation we are facing in our country right now, the ideas expressed by people like Candice Owens came to mind. Yes, racism exists in many individuals in all races. Yes, we need to have better police training and more careful monitoring of those in uniform. But, it must also be said that the vast majority of policemen and women are great people and deserve our wholehearted support. And saying that this country is a "systemically racist" place is counter-productive..

Ever since the 60's, there has been steady improvement in the socio-economic condition of black people - and of any other minorities living here as well. We are a country of opportunity for all, but some will be willing to pursue the paths that could open for them whereas others won't. That is an individual choice and has nothing to do with race or skin color.

Since many American families began having either two working parents or a working single parent, large numbers of children have been put into daycare centers at early ages. At these facilities, children of all races mix together even before entering elementary school, and it is easy to see that different colors and ethnic backgrounds interact freely without regard for skin color. Today we see many more inter-racial marriages and mixed-race children than we did decades ago. This is definite proof that the country is moving in the right direction.

The sad thing to notice is that over 60% of black children come from single-parent homes, and more black children are aborted each year than are born. Both of those numbers have risen considerably since the dawn of the civil rights movement. These are things black leaders and churches should be addressing to get their followers to understand the value of making better choices in life. These problems have nothing to do with white oppression, but the contribute heavily to the lower quality of life led by many African-Americans.

The Black Lives Matter group has never protested the dire living conditions for black people in Chicago and other cities. Why did they not organize demonstrations in those inner-city neighborhoods to pressure residents and local officials to make changes for the betterment of those beleaguered areas??! This proves that the organization exists solely for the real purpose of trying to bring down our republic. Knowing one of their big funders is George Sorros should be an obvious wake-up call to everyone. 

Unfortunately, since 90% of the media is biased toward the Left, they will never point out the flaws with the propaganda that Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others are pushing. They will portray these people as "social justice heroes", and many sitting at home watching may think they are right because they never get told or shown the truth. It is up to all of us to be steadfast in the defense of our Constitution and our rule of law. We are walking on a tight-rope now, trying to get the message out without being misunderstood and labeled as racists. I hope the people really listen and get the message.



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