Repton: successor of Brown: underloved?
Humphry Repton stepped into the practice and defended against critics the legacy of, Capability (Lancelot) Brown, arguably England's greatest landscape designer and chief exponent of the 'English Landscape School's style of informal, 'like-nature' estate and farm (re-)design. He had a considerable practice of his own and 'humanised' many estates, re-introducing terraces, pergolas, flowers - much of the 'bones' we enjoy of many loved places, we might thank him for. This year marks 200 years since Repton's death and despite calls from Brown scholar John Phibbs for a Repton-celebration year (like that of 2016 for 300 years since Capability Brown's year-long events/books/celebrations), I'm unware of much happening (not that I'd know!). I just heard of this: Historic England post on: HERITAGE CALLING" check it out: