Reprogramming Your Mind: Your Money Blueprint

Reprogramming Your Mind: Your Money Blueprint

Do you realize the reason for your financial success or lack of success is due to your beliefs about money and how you have been programmed?

This is called your money blueprint which is how you have been programmed to view money and wealth.

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If you are currently achieving your expected financial results then your money blueprint is working properly and needs no adjustments.

However, if you are reading this article then chances are you desire more when it comes to money and wealth. If so then you must first change your programming.

Where Do Our Programs Come From?

Our minds are like supercomputers and since childhood we have processed ideas and concepts from our surroundings. These ideas have come from family, friends, teachers, religious institutions, and media as examples. Some of these concepts we were exposed to have centered around money and wealth and how we go about earning a living.

We have attached meanings to these experiences (whether they were right or wrong) based on how they made us feel at that time. Those meanings became our beliefs and those beliefs formed our reality and programmed our mind. This is what "truth" is to us.

Without even being aware our subconscious mind takes over and acts on these programs to produce our habits and ultimately our results.

Reprogramming Your Mind

Just like in computer software, a program is designed to automatically perform a task in a certain way. It can not operate in a manner that is contrary to what it has been programmed to do. If the software is not behaving as expected then there is some logic in the program that is just not true. The only way to get a different result is to change the program.

NEWS FLASH: Everything You Believe Is Not True!

We grew up in a home that did not have a chimney. This fact concerned me as a little child one year during the Christmas season while watching Santa Claus on TV. I saw his method of entry into each home where he would then deliver presents for all the children. Something just did not add up, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

I asked my parents "How is Santa going to bring our presents this year?" Once they realized the nature of my request they smiled and responded "Oh, he just uses the front door."

I remember the times I would look outside my bedroom window before going to sleep and believe I would actually see deer flying through the sky!

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Now, we all know as adults that Santa Claus is not real and that deer can not really fly, but it is what I believed to be true.

The same thing applies to your money blueprint. If you are not experiencing the financial success you desire then, to be direct, there is a lie that you are believing about money that is just not true.

Reprogramming Your Mind In 3 Steps

Here are 3 steps that you can take to begin reprogramming your mind:

  1. Question Your Beliefs - If your results are taking you further away from your financial goals then you must ask yourself some tough questions concerning money and how you make a living. Here are some questions to get you thinking: Do you believe that money is the root of all evil? Do you believe that you must graduate from college to have financial success? Do you believe that it is safer to own a business or to work a job? There are many more questions you can ask. Just be intentional about this step because this is where you breakthrough lies.
  2. Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs - Once you identify the beliefs surrounding money that are preventing you from achieving your financial goals then you must remove them from your speech and thought process. These are the destructive things that are keeping you bound, and they can not coexist with financial success.
  3. Create Empowering Beliefs - Replace your limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs. If your limiting belief is "the economy is so bad that I can't make money today" then replace it with "the biggest fortunes were created in so called bad economies". If you limiting belief is "no one will join the business" then replace it with "I only attract the right people to my team".

Are you tired of watching everyone else around you make money and have success but YOU?

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If you have not cracked the code, then take a breath of fresh air because IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

Sometimes you just need someone to hold you by the hand who can relate to you - someone who can walk you into The Deep Abyss and help you rid yourself from the guilt of the dark secrets that you are holding on to.

Click here to join a top-secret private mastermind group that will help you reprogram your mind so that you can get the life of your dreams!

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In Success,


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Ernest Davis - 'Team Recruitment and Development' Expert的更多文章

