Reprogramming Minds and Companies: The Path to High Performance
Hey everyone! How’s it going?
We’re in the age of artificial intelligence, experiencing a huge hype around this new technology, which is already revolutionizing current software, creating digital twins, and changing the lives of people and companies. What’s happening is a true reprogramming of how systems can correlate information and, based on pre-programmed models, generate quick responses with impressive results. Every time I interact with our AI, Hive, I’m amazed by what we’re modeling and the applications we’ll make available to our clients.
Well, as you all know, last year I started a personal development journey by taking a course in Excellence and Leadership. This training, or rather, this experiential experience, is promoted by the Instituto Elos Desenvolvimento Humano, a company founded and led by Erick Loureiro, a specialist in the unconscious mind.
“Rodrigo, what does AI have to do with the unconscious mind?” Actually, everything! Before AI, we have IH, human intelligence. This intelligence is completely connected to our unconscious mind, as Erick explains in many trainings, because it’s the unconscious that governs our daily actions, according to the experiences each of us has lived, creating our own world maps.
The unconscious mind is responsible for our basic needs, such as our survival and maintenance of life! And also for our successes and failures, depending on the experiences that marked us, as the unconscious learns by repetition and/or strong emotional impact.
The big deal here, or a disturbing truth, as Erick would say, is that the unconscious mind, just like AI, can be reprogrammed and reshaped. In my first experience, the Excellence and Leadership course, I went through incredible moments in three intense days, which were like a RESET in my mind and the installation of an excellence program that made me a more detail-oriented person and professional, as well as bringing essential learning on how to be a servant leader!
This change made me feel the need to take our leaders to the same training and, soon, all our employees. The sum of unconscious minds being reprogrammed for excellence and leadership creates a collective unconscious that can make a company UNBEATABLE!
This week, I’m coming back from the second experiential course, Overcome Your Limits, where we had another three days of insane and exhausting moments! It’s a course based on the champion mentality of my childhood idol, Ayrton Senna! An unbeatable mentality, of extremely high performance, which I experienced through dynamics and activities I never imagined facing one day in my life. In particular, one dynamic completely bugged my brain. Something that was impossible, unimaginable, and even dangerous for me was overcome with firm steps towards the victory I still want to achieve!
I get goosebumps just thinking about it… Yes, this year of 2025 will be a grand transformation for our company! As a leader, I want to serve my leaders and clients with the best we can offer, always seeking excellence and overcoming our limits!
Want to know more about these courses and the experiences I’ve had? Just message me privately, and I’d be more than happy to chat with you about it.
In the end, no one wins alone, and my greatest wish is that everyone can experience this surreal journey!!