A repressed truth and the disastrous consequences!
Over the course of the last 2017 years, again & again, prophets of GOD, true followers of Christ or enlightened man & women brought to mind the true teachings of the Christ of GOD & pointed out the falsifications by the Church. Among them were Marcion, Mani, Origen, Priscillisn, the Cathars, the Bogumils, Savonarola, the brothers & sisters of the Free Spirit & many, many others. At the behest of the Christ of GOD, they proclaimed aspects from the truth announced by Jesus of Nazareth, which makes us free.
But all these upright, very courageous men & women in the following of Jesus of Nazareth, many of whom knew about reincarnation & also taught it, were persecuted by the Vatican Church & most cruelly slaughtered. Until today, many of their names still appear in the Church’s collection of dogmas as alleged eternally damned “heretics” – as a deterrent & intimidation of the churchgoers. “Extinguish the Spirit” – this battle cry of external religions also applies in particular to the knowledge about reincarnation & to the Original Christian groups of the Free Spirit in the following of Jesus of Nazareth. The repression of the knowledge about reincarnation from the awareness of mankind had devastating consequences.
With the corresponding church dogma – decreed at the Council of Constantinople in the year 553 – the church leaders robbed countless people of the knowledge about the meaning and purpose of their life on Earth, for since then, they have been lacking the answers to the following questions: Where do I come from? Where will my soul go after my earthly sojourn? The knowledge of how the people could make use of their life on Earth to make amends for what they had caused in previous incarnations was kept from them.
Because of this fateful decision, people do not know what consequences it has for their soul when they continue to act ruthlessly toward their fellowman, toward nature, or when they continue to torture animals & contribute to their agony.
For this reason, many people today believe that an egoistic life at the cost of their fellowman & nature will bring them benefit & profit without any negative consequences. This is a bitter result of the abuse of the name of the Christ of GOD & of the repression of & disregard for His teachings. And that is one of the reasons why humankind today is in the midst of wars & on the brink of the climate disaster.
Where could humankind be today if the knowledge about reincarnation, about the law of sowing & reaping in connection with the teaching of love for GOD & neighbour, were still alive? Many people could have found reconciliation. The Earth could have become a blossoming homeland for all its inhabitants. That this is not the case is the legacy of external religions & their leaders!