Representation of Life in a Jar!
RaviSankar Sundararaj
Chief Product & Innovation Officer @LoyaltyNow?? MISSION: Evangelize #Loyalty #FSR #CyberSecIT #SpreadPositivism/#HolisticHealthHappiness Grow ALL Around To Their Next Levels & HELP Them Find their Lifes Bigger PURPOSE??
I learnt below in our Management Excellence Program -Time Management course sometime back. Above jar represents our life! Its an inspiring powerful analogy!
The rocks are the most important things our family, partner, health, children, these are things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full with happiness. These things are valuable/priceless that money can never buy.
The pebbles are the other things that still matter – like our job, our house, our car etc...
The sands, water & rest everything else that is not important in our life are called Little Things.
Life Jar representation in wrong order
If you fill the sand into the jar first in wrong order then, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life as well.
If you spend all our time and energy on the Little stuffs, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
So pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend quality time with family and loved ones. There will always be time to go to work, do the daily chores!
Right representation of life
Take care of the rocks first as those are the things that really matter. Set your priorities and work on it. The rest are just pebbles, sand and water etc... If you plan with Stephen Covey (First thing First) four planning quadrant these Family and long term plans/activities e.g. Job/passion fall in the Important/Not Urgent category; Just focus on it.. Remaining like sand/water all comes under not important/not urgent categories...
This is your life; you just live it once only; so live it properly; enjoy!!
The most important things in life is not things its your family.