Repowering of Islam

Engineers can re power any Ship, Any industry, any Plant because they can diagnosis the defects. Islam is no more in Power & hence need Re powering too. Main defect is Alems are Hiding the truth of islam because of personal & political Interests. As per Quran Hiding the truth of Quran is the Greatest Sin. If Alems are the greatest sinner then Islam has to suffer & the God will stop his Rahamat to Muslim Ummah. Modern Muslils, the Doctors, the Engineers to read & understand the Quran with their Logical thaught which is not present any more with modern Alems & then become islamic engineer for re powering & re establishing the Islam in the Society & states for rulling the world Again.

informatively my previous Islamic books in Bengali 01. ???? ???? ??????? & 02. ????? ??? ?????????? is full of Direct Quotation from the Holly Quran. in Bengali But I could not translate them in English since should not be any deviation. Same is not included here but would be added on my next Book in English for world Muslims.

Writer--- Md. Shahidul Islam, The founder & the Managing Director of "All round Engineering Repairing & Consultancy & Shipbuilding(AERCS-MERCS, Bangladesh)

My next book in english…“Perfectly balanced Islamic economy & the truth of Islam.”

Starting from below.

Few talks about learning The Quran & Islam.---Part-1

01. We should learn Islam only from Alems.

02. So we should know first who is Alem.?

03. Alem knows , the Quran & Hadith both & also follows both.

04.Our Prophet (SW) stopped talking with his favorite Sahabah after that Sahabah made a Expensive house because Islam does not allow luxury for a Alem .

05.Ownership is allowed & Business is more encouraged than Cultivation in Islam

06. Islam allows to be rich as much possible after paying only 2.5% of his earning as Jakat to the poor.So there can be many & many rich/highly rich good muslims.

07.But all good muslims can not be Alem .

08. Since the muslims will follow the Alems so only Model muslims deserve to be an Alem. who can be followed by general muslims & to become a Model for other muslims the Alems will follow our prophet(SW)

09.Our Prophet(SW) was always peniless & never stored any extra food in his house so that he does not become responsible for anyone suffering due to shortage of food when extra food remains in his house.

10. Hazrat Omor (R) did not sleep at night(his only leisure time After Esha Prayer) & visited to look for any hunger people.Because as per Islam the Khalifa is responsible for hungriness of the people..

11. Khalifa(not the King) is responsible for Controlling & establishing Islam in the society & if Islam is established then there cannot be anyone hungry in the Society. Otherway can say if anyone is hungry means Islam is not perfectly established and/or no perfectly followed in the society by the Muslims..

12. Islam Ask rich people to help first of all to his nearest door neighbor . If someone is hungry then the neighbor will know it first.

13.So if Islam is established then everyone has to share food with his hungry neighbor & thus no one can be Hungry in the Islamic Society.

14.There can be hungry people only if the rich people does not share his food to his poor neighbor.But why Khalifa is responsible then ?

15. Because only the Jakat is faraz for Muslims.And helping neighbors is a Nafol Ibadot.

16. For the sack of ownership & freedom God has allowed the general muslims to ignore the nafol & thus possibility exists to remain hungry people in a muslim society .

17. But the God Asked the Khalifa, as the best Alem & the best judge for islamic rules to to justice as follows...

A) If any one is foodless or cloth less then stop the Islamic freedom for the rich people of that particular area.

B) Forcefully collect food & money from rich people to arrange food & cloths to the poor people.

Conclusion--1... What a perfect Islamic balance by the God follow islam & remain reach no poor will be food or clothless & you Enjoy your Islamic Freedom & ownership. But only when you break the Islamic rules (whether Faroz or Nafol) , Your Islamic freedom will be automatically held up to establish economic justice to the people & the society..

Conclission ---2... Modern rich Muslims therefore captured the society power first & then captured the Islamic rulers, Alems & all.

Hence the Modern Alems does not encourage the muslims to read Bengoly version Quran & Hadith with Tafsirs. Because they already learned the false version Qurans from their illitterate forefathers & teaching same to the next generations.

Conclussion ---3..Hence must need to. read all mother language version Quran, Hadith, Tafsirs & other books by Ancient Imams to learn the religion by yourself.

Conclussion----4...No Alem can be rich which will state latter.Unfortunately our local Tablig Jamat leader is very rich people means not a Alem. Certainly I am also not a Alem but a literate muslim. .

Conclussion--- 5... I learned Islam by Myself & God has taught me just as much I wanted to know.

Conclussion---6... I wanted to find the Islamic justice for the poor people & God was very kind to me to open my knowledge on that matter only.

Conclussion---7... The Quran Says.. God has created the Quran for easier understanding for muslims.. But If you do Amol as per your learning then God will make you easier for learning more. Then you have to do more strict Amol to learn more. Learning Quran is just like climbing on the Everest to become an Alem. But every Muslim pls try for that though I have failled.

Few talks about learning The Quran & islam.---Part-2 (09-12-2016)

Easier & scientific explanation of Quran as follows on my way…

01. As per Ancient Alems & Imams Sura Fatiha is the summery of the Quran.

02. The first three Ayat of Sura Fatiha all praises about the God.

03. The last three Ayat of Sura Fatiha all for praying demand to the God.

04. The 4th Ayat is the Middle Ayat & that contains the middle policy & says that we only do Ibadot for you(Praisal of God) & beg your help only(Demand to God).

05. Those who studied physics, chemistry & math, can easily think /Feel now that if this is the summery of the Quran then---

A) we have to keep faith ( IMAAN) & Do Ibadot of God as to express/prove our appraisal to God & only beg help from God(not from others) & thus first three Ayat can be followed..

B) We have to pray our demands only to God & thus last three Ayat can be followed.

C) Above A) & B) also fulfils the Midle & 4th Ayat too. Hence following A & B is like following the hole Quran. All other Suras of the Quran are for expressing about details of Ibadot(Ibadot is Amol ).

06. Thus Sura Fatiha talks about Imaan(Faith) & Amol(Ibadot) &.

Imaan + Amol= Islam

07. Thus it is proved that Sura Fatiha very Short & smartly expressed about Islam

& that ican be expressed like scientific equation that Imaan + Amol= Islam.

08. Ancient Imams & Alems knew that matter without knowing modern/ scientific logics & Maths.

We do Ignore Ancient Imams now a days but how can we deny scientifically proved


09. No more today. But next part -3 will be posted soon insha-Allah.

Few talk about the Quran-- part-3

Today lets look about Sura Ikhlas...

01. It talks about the God as the supreme creator & authoritiy of the universe without any partner or any relatives.( Akottobad in bengali).

02. As per Hadith some one resides Sura Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reside the hole Quran once.

03. hence can say this Sura cotains one third value of the hole Quran & it talks one third of the Islam(Imaan(faith on the God) & Amol (following the prayers) -)

04. So can assume that the God kept two third value for his creations & one third for Himself because He is the greatest of all & hence kept greater value for his creations.

05. Also In all other Sura's of the Quran One third is about " Ibadot only to God"

& two third about "the socio-echonomical islamic rules cum Ibadots" needed for Establishing peacefull Islamic society.with equal Human rights of the people.

06. Man does never accepted equality & hence never accepted the religion fully & as per history he ancient people killed many prophets.

07. But our Greatest prophet Hazrat Muhammed (Sw) & islam came with further perfection & for that Our Prophet got faster supporters & could not be killed since was Strongest at all time.We still follow our Prophet & religion but not perfectly at present.

08. Quran is in written form since our prophets time partly & Fully soon after his death. Quran is therefore unchanged & only its meaning been changed by human nature of deviating from the religion.

Conclussion: Pls read the mother language version Quran , Hadith & Tafsir repeatedly till you understand. Only then you can know the perfect Islam. In Modern days a Hafez in Quran does not know what is in Quran Since he does not know Arabic. God promised many benifits for Hafez & his parrents. But I doubt about illiterate Hafezes. God pls forgive us all. Ameen.

Few Talks about learning the Quran … Part 4… Islamic Economy-

01. We the modern people knows that the human society is rulled by politics & Economy. For example Capitalist economy or socialis economy. Because of same reason the entire world peoples were politicaly divided under two supreme rullers. For example Capitalist USA & Socialist USSR

02. Human rights were encouraged theoretically in democracy but it’s capitalist economy practically did not allow the people to remain equal in wealth, power & human rights.

03. But the personal ownership caused the democratic people to work hardest for growing up his own wealth & thereby the development of Capitalist society. But oppositely due to no personal ownership benefit the socialist people remain lazy & the socialist world failed to develop much & lost their cold war with Capitalist leader USA.

04. USSR Broke up & lost her power due to their economic failure only & we all know that Broken USSR countries including Russia were bound to adopt personal ownership & gradually got developed again & now Russian leader Putin is playing a great role in USA politics, elections etc. The best example is the recent US presidential election. Trump already declared his extended hand for Russia.

05. Hence the present world politics is the live prove of economical control over politics. To rule over the world Islamic economy is also the greatest factor.

06. But modern muslims does not know about Islamic economy stated in the Holly Quran & hence do not followthe Islamic economy. They follow capitalist economy & hence all muslim countries are democratic country or Kingdom In such case we can not expect the muslims to rule the world. Best example is the USSR during their leader Gorvachev time which was out of power for long time unless modified their economic policy. China Smartly learned from USSR fall down & changed her economic policy to Exist & still existing.

07. Muslims lost their power only for not following Islamic economy & can not come back in world power unless follow Islamic economy. Hence pls Stop Zihad but learn learn & follow the Islamic economy & come back with popular Islamic world.

08. Short conclussion in English will be given on my next post—5 about learnig the Quran.

December 20 at 5:23am

Few Talks About Islamic Economy-- Lerning the Quran part---5.

01. Learning the Quran Part-4 had talked only about the importance of Islamic Economy which is unknown to modern Alems & hence the modern Muslims & therefore not followed by the Muslims which is the main cause of loss of Islamic Power over the world. Since the Islamic economy is unknown to us we then first need to talk & learn about that certainly.

02. Capitalist Economy allow private ownership & freedom of spending money. So this economy is very popullar & has the best advantage that everybody works hardest for their personall interest & the country & society gets developed fastest way .

03. Socialist Economy does not allow personal property & hence the people do not get interested to work for the society & ultimately the society & the country become poorer day by day & for that the socialist USSR got broken into parts after USSR lost their Cold war with Capitalist America & was bound to accept private ownership in Socialist Economy.. Clever China Did not broke but learned from Russia & adopted the same private ownership.

04. Both China & Russia then improved their Economy again & Mr. Putin is more powerfull than Mr. Trump now. Modern Muslims are also the best witness for this fact now.

05. So the perfect economy for the people would definitely would allow private ownership.

06. we should also not forget that capitalist economy did not have any check & balance systems between the rich & poors. Only for that draw back Rich people in the capitalist/Democratic countries were though becoming more & more rich & as per mathematical calculation poor people became more & more poorer & the poorest Proletariat. The human society became unstable & revolution took place with hunan killing & blood-sheet.

07. so neither the capitalist economy or the socialist economy were balanced economy for the people.

08. I had a believe that the God must have given the perfect solution for his creation(humans). The bengali verssion Quran, Hadith & Tafsir also just began with their facility to learn the Quran by self study.

09. I came to know that God stated in the Quran that He has created the Quran for easier understanding to the Human.

10. I got encouraged & studied the benglali version Quran Hadith, Tafsir & Books of Ancient Imams since I already lost faith on modern Alems & Imams.

11. I have learnt little from Quran but learnt the full of Islamic economy which was my intention to learn & hence the God helped the on this regard only..on my next part I will start talking about the perfectly balanced islamic economy in brief & hence gradually. In short can say that Islam Allows private ownership but with check on rich people not to become very rich which as per mathematical rules would create Poorer or poorest people in the society. .

Remark: I do write about Islam/Islamic economy only to make the God Happy. No matter about others.

Perfectly Ballanced Islamic Economy

Few Talks About Islamic Economy-- Lerning the Quran part---5. on my previous post Explained that neither the Capitalist Economy nor the socialist Economy were perfect for humans due to the reasons that…

01. Privete ownership of property in capitalist society made the people work hardest for their personal interest. & thereby also caused the Quick development of Capitalist Block countries. (Human are always selfish since the time of Hazrat Adam (Ah). For example brother Kabil killed his brother Habil for same reason. Many ancient time Prophets were killed by the people for the same reason too.

02. Socialist Govt. took over all the properties & denied private owner ship. Hence the selfish people of the socialist country stopped working hard for getting their equal share of wealth only which not dependable to their personal work effort. For that selfishness the socialist block( USSR, CHINA, ETC) countries failed to develop like capitalist USA. & ultimately became weaker & unpopular to their countrymen. USSR Got Broken & both USSR & China Adopted private ownership. Again they became stronger & becoming World power again. Hence for the economy private ownership is the perfect policy as per facts above.

03.We now look to other facts also. we should also not forget that capitalist economy did not have any check & ballance systems between the rich & poors. Only for that draw back selfish rich people in capitalist/Democratic country were becoming more & more rich & as per mathematical calculation poor people became more & more poorer & the poorest/ Proletariat. The human society became unstable & revolution took place with hunan killing & blood-sheet.

So as a conclussion: neither the capilalist economy or the socialist economy were balanced/perfect economy for the people.

04. Why not then we conclude that Private ownership policy with control to rich people not to become very rich for maintaining acceptable difference between rich & poor people would be the perfect economic policy having balanced Human relationship in the society.

05. People who agrees the above pls read your religious Books & find the true religion from God. Because God given economy must be the perfectly balanced economy no matter the the selfish people are following that or not Since peoples habit was always to kill the prophets & thereby deny the God too.

06. Islam is that true religion & above point 03. is fully present in Islamic economy.

07. For easier understanding I would write slowly on next several posting (since I am not very good in English including many others like me.) Best Solution is to read Bengali Verssion Quran, Hadish & Tafsir by yourself. Because the modern Alems do not know anything about Islamic Economy being illiterate & learned about Islam from their illiterate fore fathers.

REMARK: Due to the reason that on my computer, I failed to re- install Bengali Typing with Vrinda Font for face book posting . But will time to time post my Bengali Islamic writings related to Islamic Economy. You may also collect & read my Islamic Books… 01. Amra Kemon Musolman( Miajee publications) 02. Islam Abong Manob Mukti (Impact Publications) 03. Postmortem ( to be published on next Ekushe Book fair insha-Allah.)

Islamic Economy as stated & explained in the Holy Quran..

01. Islam Allows & protect private owner ship which is known to us all & I have proved before with example that Private ownership is the most necessary factor for economic development of the people & society/Country.

02. But for balanced & peacefull society we need protection for the poor people not to become more poorer day by day.

03. Capitalist economy did not have that protection & which resulted the creation of the socialist Block contries by Killing & bloodsheet among the society.

04. But socialist Economy tried for common & equall property of the people which ultimately failed & ancient socialism theory by karl Marks & Angels already been rejected by the present socialist block for their own survival & economic development & come back as a world power . Present world policy is the practical proof & hence we can not deny above points.

05. But though Islam came before many hundreds years yet need to know how Islamic economy perfectly solved the Short comings of Both Capitalist & Socialist economy. Because…

a) We believe the god asked to do Ibadot/Prayer for himself but Economy needed for the people of earth.

b) Definitely the God does not need any economic policy for himself but as the creator of the universe God truly expressed in Quran the perfectly balanced economy for his creation/people .

c) For simplicity God only asked for Salat & carry out other Ibadot to satisfy the God. That is because may be the Selfish people would like to follow all ibadot for the God but not a single task for other people.

d) Why, that God kows better but 80 % of Ibadot was on the other way for the Socio-Economical stability, peace & development of the people & society & specially to keep protection for the poor & weak people.

06. Definitely muslims were very much afraid of God & perfectly following the

Salat only but not the other 80% Ibadots unknowinfully due to their selfish nature. The selfishness of the people is a proved matter also from yhe evidence that since ancient time peoples killed many prophets who ever tried for peoples equal rights & stood in support of Mazlums.(neglected poors & proleteriates.)

07. God did not create perfect people but given the perfect Ibadot policy when Most

Ibadots were to support the poor peoples interest & the Modern Selfish //rich . people ,this time could not kill our Prophet Hazrat Muhammed (SW) being the

best muslim people & the follower of the best prophet(SW).

09. But it is noticeable that After the death of the Prophet (SW) the first revolt by rich muslim group was during during Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakar ? & that was to deny of Jakat policy by the rich selfish muslims. Hazrat Abu Bakar ? Boldly destroyed the rebels. Now can start talking about economic policy of Islam & the importance of Jakat in respect to Economy..

10. Salat is un- doubtedly the best & most important Ibadot for all muslims.But for the rich people Paying Jakat is the first condition of offering Salat. Salat would not be granted so long Jakat is Un-Paid by the rich people. But the Selfish rich muslims do not follow this verdict of Quran & Modern Alems are Quiet on this matter. Only when someone poits out this matter than the so called modern Alems,who sold themselves to the rich people, then comes Ahead & says,” Do you know the Quran more than a Alem? But Islam being the last religion for the humans the Quran is in unchanged written form.

11. Then the question arises how the verdict of Quran can be hidden from the people? The answer is that….

a) Modern Alem says many verdict of Quran been Cancelled( Mansookh) latter on & only Alems Know about that. So the general people would not understand the Quran.

b) But 80% of Quran stated the Islamic socio-economical living policies for muslims & 80% talk of the Quran can not be cancelled by the God. That means if we read Quran to learn & find the Islamic economy, we would definitely find it In the Quran.

c) Democratic society is run by the selfish rich people & hence Modern Alems are controlled by the rich people & hence always keep quiet about the Islamic Economy.

d) So far just explained why we do not know about Islamic Economy & next will give explanation & guidance by which any literate muslim can understand the Islamic Economy by reading himself the Bengali version Quran, Hadith & Tafsir..

e) Best economic policy will rule over the world. Then why not to prove & know about the Islamic economy is the perfectly balanced best economy so that world people Accepts Islam Again in place of man made faulty democracy….( To be continued…).

As I talked before…

01. Capitalist Economy permits unlimited private ownership & Socialist economy allows only common govt ownership & nil private ownership..

02. As a result Selfish people of capitalist country worked very hard to increase their own properties & hence the common Country economy & GDP developed faster, but in the socialist country people remained lazy for common work & the country GDP deteriorated gradually & ultimately the country economy failled & hence the indivigual people became poorer day by day.

Remark: While traveling the world as a Chief Engineer Marine/ as a sailor I have practically witnessed at socialist north Korea that 100 of peoples are seating or just standing in a corps field with a single plough but no one is pulling the plough as because they are all equal &.hence all were equally seating Idle. It was the Govt,s responsibility to pay their monthly equal allotments for living whether they work or not.

03. We have practically witnessed the strongly sustained US Block & the destroy of

USSR Block to a weaker Russia & other nations.

04. Russia then changed her economic policy & allowed private ownership.

05. Clever China followed Russia before major damage to their economy since she adopted socialism many years after USSR & her society was not damaged like USSR.China also adopted private ownership & modified socialist economic policy.

06. Both Russia & China got developed again & till now following the modified economy & practically.their economy getting balanced & better now.

07. But many years before balanced Islamic economy caused the whole world to come under Islamic Flag not ony due to Zihad But due to establishment of Islamic Economy.

08. World people were gradually becoming Muslim due to their attraction to Islamic society for the ballanced Islamic economy & for that the Cristian world became jealous & initiated Crushed against Islamic states.

09. Zihad by muslim was then a defensive measure only & not the attacking policy.

10. Attacking Policy can never win & hence only the defensive Zihad started winning over the world.

11. For Example at present the attacking Zihad is also loosing like Ancient attacking Crushed.

12. We all are the best witness of present attacking zihad condition & the failure of our Muslim modern so called hero Osama Bin Laden & etc.

13. But why the present Zihad not connected with the defensive Zihad of Pallestine is the best reply of the political fact behind it but I want to talk only about Islamic Economy & no comment on present wrong Islami politics governed secretly by the Cristians & Zoos who are behind & secretly leading present Islamic attacking zihad to destroy Islam by using the ignorant Muslims.

On Sura Hamim-as- Sijdah Ayaat-10 the God declared that He has kept sufficient food on earth for all peoples , which are equal for all including the poor as per their effort for living . Undoubtedly the Islamic economy to ensure & establish the same. No Muslim should deny this truth . Any other economy that does not agree this Ayat-10 & other economic Ibadots stated in the Quran , can not be Acceptable for the Muslims & any country does not follow the Islamic economy can not be a Islamic State.

Hence we do not have any Islamic state in the world now.

After repeated reading of the Bengali version Holy Quran, Hadith, Tafsirs & Books by Ancient Imams & history of Zihad Against Crusheders I became sure that ancient Islamic States got rapidly established & expanded too due to the God Stated perfectly balanced Islamic economy & hence for re- establishing Islam

in the world we have to leave attacking Zihad ( Not the Mandatory defensive Zihad policy) & learn & Establish Islamic economy which will be stated now onward without any further political Logic.(Insha-Allah)

In Short Islamic Economy allows the unlimited but controlled private ownership so long the rich owners pay their Islamic contribution to the society. Islamic economy is fully different from Capitalist & socialist Economy on following issues..

01. Govt is not only for ruling over the people but to maintain the peoples interest &

Regarding this also answerable to the God about perfecction of their performed duties. For which, we all know that Hazrat Omar ? was looking for peoples condition throughout the night with out sleeping.(Due to Islamic Boundation/ responsibilities on him)

02. Rich people can Enjoy their Private ownership by following their Socio-economic duties perfectly.

03. If the rich people does not follow Islamic socio-economic duties like Paying Faros Jakat , Nafol helping to own relatives, neighbors, orphans, poors, beggers etc of his society.

04. The moment the rich people stop following Islam regulated private ownership freedom with due Islamic responsibilities & people in the Society remains hungry their freedom of private ownership gets cancelled as per Islamic rules & the Khalifa as a representative of the God ( God is the Sole owner of the universe) gets the right/authority to take over the ownership of the poorest area & forcefully can take money from the rich people of that particular area for distributing that money to the poor people.of that area to recover their hunger & providing their normal food & cloths. That means Islam allows people to be poor upto a margin only so that they do not suffer from hunger & lack of needful minimum ordinary cloths( in summer or winter).. What a perfect idea that you follow Islam first & then Enjoy your freedom of private ownership at your own wish. On other way to enjoy freedom for unlimited ownership people are bound to follow the Islamic economy & Islam. But Islamic economy was stated in the Quran as Ibadot to the God so that people remain afraid to follow that. Un fortunately due to many political changes the selfish rich people were successful to hide those Ibadots & also to propagate that those Ibadots were cancelled (declared as mansookh) & modern Alems were forced to remain quiet on this matter by the Islamic rullers after 4 Khalifa’s, death since the time of Yeazid continued via khalifa Harun-or- Rashid, & Muslim emperrors who were enjoying Luxor life prohibited in Islam for the Islamic leaders . They had therefore no choice to forcefully modify the Alems in their Favor.

05. Salat is the best Ibadot in Islam, because the people must show their gratefulness to the Almighty God but two third of all Islamic Ibadots are concerned to ensure the Islamic balanced economy. That means the God expressed the importance of Islamic Economy to be followed on major Priority though not the top priority like Salat.

Perfectly balanced Islamic Economy—(on basis of the Quran , Hadith & Tafsirs)-part>>>1.

Islamic economy need to be traced out from the Quran now due to following reasons…

01.Whatever the God asked the people to carry out those all are Mandatory & known as Ibadot if followed with faith to the God( Imaan).

02. Not to carry out the jobs, which the God has forbidden are also Mandatory & Ibadot if followed with faith to the God( Imaan).

03. No Ibadot is Acceptable with out Imaan.

04. Hence only virtuous Muslims deserve Jannah.

06.We all have no doubt that the Salat is the topmost Important Ibadot because that is the best & direct way to show gratefulness to our creator Allah.(The God)

07. But I have seen the majority of Ibadots stated in the Holy Quran are related to Socio-economical policy only. Also for example 82 times Jakat been mentioned together with Salat in the Quran. Seperately also further metioned that without paying Jakat by the rich people the Salat is not acceptable to the God. Soon will say how Jakat is the most important factor of Islamic economy.

08. Majority number of Ibadot mentioned in the Quran like forbidden interest, helping of relatives ,poor, neighbors, orphans, needful musafirs (very poor but can not beg), beggers Lawful Halal earning etc are related to Islamic economy.

09. Above shows Islamic economical Ibadots were though not recognized as top prior Ibadot during our Prophets (swt) time but was the Major Ibadot definitely as also reminded by our prophet(swt) himself on many occasions.

10. As per Hadith the neglected Ibadot automatically gets increased priority so long that Ibadot remains neglegted.

11. On basis of above Islamic rule I would suggest to follow the Islamic economical Ibadots as the top prior Ibadot now since neglected most at present time.

12. During our prophet’s(swt) time number of poor people were less & hence rich people were following Islamic economy much better than now.

However we should not forget that the first muslim revolt against Khalifa was the revolt of rich Islamic people during our First Khalifa’s time & that was refusal to pay Jakat soonest our prophet(swt) died & Hazrat Abu Bakkar ? hardly destroyed the muslim rebels to save our religion. Mentioning same only to support our next Khalifas, Alems & muslim emperors on the matter of their failure to protect Islamic Economy & rather were engaged themselves to fulfill the rich muslims demand (till now) .

The God has forbidden interest system when we can see now the people including the poor can be highly benifitted by taking bank loans. As per Tafsir the interest was forbidden by the God as a safeguard to Islamic economic policy Jakat , as follows---

01. Jakat is only for helping the poor peoples. But poor people need their job opportunity first for their self dependants & freedom in the society.

02. Job for poor people can be created only if the rich people starts spending their wealth on industries for better earnings. Industry helps the rich & poor people both for their self earned living & freedom.

03. Jakat is 2.5% only & interest is much higher than that. So a rich people can keep his all money deposited in the bank & also pays Jakat. Then without much work & trouble for industry handling rich people would be benifitted from the bank interest but not the poor people. Such economy would only be beneficial for the rich people & not for the poor.

04. Hence the Jakat alone would not help the Islamic economy to help the poor people much.

05. Due to Ban on interest the rich muslims must need to invest on thr industries for their own earning together with creating facilities like industries for the poor’s earming too.. What a perfect economic policy mentioned as Ibadot but not as a economic policy. But why?

Perfectly balanced Islamic Economy—(on basis of the Quran , Hadith & Tafsirs)>>>>> Part-2.

The selfish nature of people is known & created by the God. The God has created humans not as a perfect one so that they can be testified in the world , Judged at the Hashr , & Punished forever onward. Only the God knows why he created so. But to Establish the Islamic economy in the society God has created Force upon the muslims to follow all Ibadots when two third of those Ibadots were about the peoples normal & peacefull leaving in the earth as a part of complete code of life. The socio-economic Ibadot(Policy) & many of those were nothing but only to express & establish Islamic economy. Ancient muslims would not accept any economic policy other than Ibadot to the God.

God said in Quran that all masses of the world revolves on their own axis but why the God did not clearly declared in the Quran that the earth is rotating around the sun. The reason could be (God knows better) the ancient muslims as per their that time knowledge would not believe that verdict & hence would not believe our Prophet (swt) too.

Above is the best prove that the God was tricky to ancient Muslims & partially hided the truth to them for their easier faith to Islam. Hence there can be reason not to declare Islamic economy directly to the muslims at that time in the Quran & the same to be traced & known to the modern Muslims. The Holy Quran is the scientific creation & like our present scientific researches the Quran also need to be researched by modern muslims.

Why not we then research the economic policy first since we already discussed & seen that—

01. Capitalist Economy failed due to the cruel nature of the rich people(which caused creation of very high & unbalance difference between the rich & poor) & also was replaced & challenged by socialist economy.

02. Again the socialist economy also failed & started adopting good part of the capitalist economy(like private ownership & freedom)

03. we then really need to find a solution & find a balanced economy for the people which allows peoples private ownership & freedom as much possible. We should also follow that balanced economy to create a balanced human society.

04. Above could be the reason that the God wanted only the modern people to realize their need by themselves & all in the world then would follow that balanced economy forgetting their religious differences..

05. If the God(Allah) would declare the Islamic economy that would never be accepted by other religion any more.

06. Due to modern communication at present time sending one Prophet to the people would be enough to unite the world under one religion But Same was impossible during ancient time..

07. Hence the God sent many Prophets with His same words like---

a)Pray to God

b) Be afraid of God.

c) Listen to God ( called as Ibadot in Islam)

d)Behave well to Parents.

e) Help the poor.

d) No terrorism(Zulum) to poor & helpless/weaker people.

e) Jakat system was introduced on all latest religions.

Why not we the modern & scientific people whoever believe on spirituality of the God would search for the balanced economy stated by the God & start following that all over the world together..

The Last religion from the God was Islam & the Quran is maintained unchanged in the written format. For that we all should first search the Islamic economy as stated in the Holly Quran only.

The Quran has ensured the private ownership but also mentioned that all property in this earth/universe truly owned by the God only but for proper maintenance of that properties the God has just allotted temporary private ownership as caretaker only,whence every people have their rights on those properties as detailed & instructed in the Quran. Men were asked to follow that instruction as Ibadot.

Pls note that the Ancient muslims were not in a state to realize about the mandatory socio-economical inter- relations. If the ancient people would not be able to see the sky they would never believe on God too. Ancient people believed & relied on their Eyes only & not much on their Brains & imaginations.

As a modern time muslim it is my personal Imagination that soon the modern & brilliant world people would know about the perfectly balanced economy for the people & only then the Jesus would return to the world as a common prophet for whole world & rule the world as per agreed economy to the people of the whole world.

I heard from many religious Alems that Jesus is Alive & will return the world again as a Muslim to rule over the whole world.

I believe on above but my opinion is that---

01. Christians may accept Islam if Jesus accepts Islam but not the majority people of other religion in the world.

02. The Buddhist & Hindus & even many of Christians would not listen to Jesus without definite solution comes from Jesus for them. Economic need is the top prior need for the society. Without perfectly balanced common economic solution world people would not accept any common ruller.

My personal opinion & believe is this the God Intentionally caused the delay of discovering the perfectly balanced Islamic economy till the situation is created for return of Jesus.( The God knows the true matter).

Perfectly balanced Islamic Economy—(on basis of the Quran , Hadith & Tafsirs)>>>>> Part-3.

01. Stated before that it is mandatory for the rich muslims to pay 2.5% of his financial earning to the poor as Jakat( the 2nd prior ibadot for muslims).Due to ban on interest the rich muslims are bound to invest their money on industries for further earning for themselves . But this also helps to create facilities of earning for the poor people. The first rule of Islamic economy is this & it is for helping the poor from which rich people also gets their benefits, while perfectly following islam & without loosig their own freedom.

02. Certainly this 2.5% monitory help is not enough to prevent poverty of mass people in the society.

03. Though we consider the Jakat as the next prior Ibadot to Salat but on many occations spending money for poor relatives ,neighbors, needful people who can not beg, orphans, beggars are mentioned with priority before Jakat

04. Apart from ban on Interest the Islamic Ibadot of Jakat & spending money for the poor as stated in the Quran together helps the poor not to suffer much & also helps to maintain minimum gap between the rich & the poor in the society.

05. Islam recognizes equal honor of each people in the society but not the equal wealth for every people. That is because in the society we need a industrialist & hence the labours too.for a balanced team of work.

06. As per Islam the industrialist must pay the due salary before the sweating of the lab our dries up. On the other way the lab our must satisfy the industrialist by his hard effort to make his earning Halal. This economic policy is good for economic development of the society as well as to reserve the free right of the labors.

07. A Cobbler is a most needful person in the society but Islam did not allow his equal wealth like the rich people in the society. Otherwise none would agree to work as a cobbler.

08. But Islam has ensured the cobbler not to be neglected by other humans & would always have normal food & cloths.(mentioned at the end of this part-3)

09. Stated before & also would mention again the fail safe economic policy of Islam that how the Normal food & cloths for the poor are ensured in Islam which made the balanced Islamic economy to be perfectly balanced.

Before that first have to focus on the Quran to justify my discussion……..

01. Ayaat-38 of Sura Ar- Rum ask the Muslims to pay part of his properties to the poor relatives not as a kind helping but to pay as a mandatory right of the poor relatives to his property

02. Ayaat 26 of Sura Bony Israeel also stated so & ask not to do luxury for himself

03. As per Tafsir & also as per Imam Azam Abu Hanifa every poor have their mandatory right on his relatives property & the right is such that the rich Muslim must have to completely fulfill the normal need for his poor relative/relatives It also can be that a group of rich relatives together can fulfill such duty for other relatives..

04. Fulfill of duties means not to show it as a kindness matter but only to fulfill his mandatory duty cum the God. That means to keep the God happy & the society in peace ,harmony & balance..

05. Ayaat 23 of Sura Muzammil says that such spending of money is just like giving loan to the God which the God promised to return with excess & increased amount. Definitely the God does never break his word & promise & we have to understand the highest value of spending money for the poor from this Ayaat whence the God shown himself the representative in favor of the poor to the rich people. Poor people should be encouraged with this fact & rich people should not refuse the poor who are represented by the God Himself. Spending Money for the poor though optional or Nafol Ibadot its value been declared to its highest level of value & not less than the Faroz Ibadot/ Mandatory prayer.

06. God has always expressed high priority of the economic Ibadots but put it on Nafol group of Ibadot . but why? Let us consider the below matters carefully to understand above question.

a)Islam recognizes & encourages peoples freedom to increase their happiness.

But Salat & other Ibadots concerned to the God & the person himself has been declared Faroz/Mandatory since related to the God. The violation of such Ibadots/Prayers causes trouble to the concerned person only & not the society & hence no immediate correction is needed to save the society. Hence ultimately that sinner gets the punishment later after his death & at Hashr. This delay of punishment does not effect the society peace & stability.

b) The economic Ibadots are concerned to the people & also to the society stability & peace which the God has declared as Nafol Ibadot by which one way the peoples freedom been approved & recognized in Islam. But the below point c) also to be specially noted together to realize the balanced policy on this matter

c) The violation of economic Ibadot creats trouble in the society & hence need Immediate measure against it. Hence on this matter the God has technically declared the economic Ibadots as nafol for freedom on social matter for the sack of reducing religious bindings to the people. But the God otherway declared immediate & balanced punishment on this earth to the people if they ignore the optional/Nafol economic Ibadots/Prayers.(Whence no immediate punishment is given if the Faroz Ibadots like Salat also been neglected.

For Example if the rich Muslims starts ignoring regarding Nafol Ibadot of spending money for the poor & in any area in such a extent that other people become very poor & dies due to lack of food or lack of winter cloths then Islam disagree with the private ownership of properties & the Muslim Khalifa become the owner of that particular area. Khalifa then gets the right to take money forcefully from the rich people of that particular area & distribute those to the poor for their normal food & clothing. This is a very good fail safe policy of Islamic economy Additionally also a balanced policy that rich muslims are allowed full freedom of spending money so long they follow the Islam &Islamic economy willingly by themselves but soonest they start violating Islamic economy they looses their private ownership freedom.

But there are also other balanced policy/ Ibadot for muslims for maintaining Islamic regulations perfectly & will be discussed now. (To be continued on part -4)

Perfectly balanced Islamic Economy—(on basis of the Quran , Hadith & Tafsirs)>>>>> Part-4.

No matter- how perfectly balanced the Islamic economy is for it’s survival in the society , the Islami politics must need to be also balanced accordingly since the society is controlled by the politicians whether democratic politicians…… socialist politicians…. Or Islamic politicians. We know about first two types of politicians from our present politics world politics but unfortunately we have to look at the Quran to know about Islamic Political control since no one in the world is following Islamic politics now(Not even Soudi Arabia).

Ayaat-31 of Sura Araf ask to the muslims to be well dressed & have good food & drinks but to avoid Luxury… Here luxury means any un-necessary expenditure.

On the other way Ayaat 219 of the most important Sura Bakara says-“ People ask you how much to be spend? You tell them whatever in excess of your need. Here the God asks not to store anything but to spend all personal wealth in excess of own need for other peoples in the society means other poor relatives, neighbors, orphans, needful etc.

On the Ayatt 31 of Sura Araf , the general muslims are restricted from any luxury but been allowed with Good foods & nice dresses—but on Ayaat 219 of Sura Bakara mentioned to spend all in excess of personal need only. This Ayaat is different from previous Ayaat & applicable for Alems & Islamic leaders who will control general muslims.

Thus Islam made more strict life for the leaders & Alems than the general muslims which is just opposite to man created democracy& socialism policies. But this is definitely needed for pure leadership control to the society.

The person can sacrifice more for others interest than his own is only therefore can be the leader of the Islamic society/state. These leaders controls the politics of the country & hence the economic policy too.

Islam thus do not allow corrupt leaders (Alems) but man created democratic or socialist politicians are not restricted against corruption.

Ayaat 31 of sura Araf & Ayaat 219 of Sura Bakara is therefore to be considered as the example for balanced Islamic political policy that>>>>> first you be perfect & only then be the leader/Alem.

Our Prophet(swt) was a perfect Islamic leader & our first 4 Khalifa’s too. During their time Islamic economy was perfectly could be established. & the Muslims got their ruling control over the most of the world . Because the complete Islam was popular & the people accepted Islam for that reason which also increased their faith on the God.(Islam is not complete with out it’s two third of economic Ibadots)

Not to forget that the first revolt by muslims against Islamic economy was by the rich muslims who denied to pay Jakat just after our Prophet (swt) expired. The first Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakor ? very strictly destroyed the rebel groups of muslims. Later on after the time of Yeazid & latter khalifas & further during the time of muslim emperors the balanced Islamic political perfection as stated on previously mentioned two Ayaats for example only(details on latter) was not followed & hence Islamic economy was also not maintained in the muslim society. Many Alems protested & sacrificed life but others surrendered to the Islamic rulers & the rich peoples of the Islamic society & till now.

The Christians also ruled over the world for prolonged time.

They have utilized the fraud Muslim Alems & deviated the Islam from the society. But noticable matter is that the British who ruled over the muslims for long times are now adopting the Govt responsibility of helping the people in the society though they have destroyed the Islamic economy from the muslim society to make the Islam ineffective in the society & thus become unpopular too.

For further datails on socio-political modifications of Islam I will add now the translation of my book “Islam abong Manob-Mukti” & another writing “ Kobita Rajniti abong Dharmo” & the combined name of my English book(for the Muslims over the world) would be “Perfectly Balanced Islamic Economy & the hidden truth of Islam”

But for now those two benglali version writing will be posted on next two days for Bengali Muslims only. Pls keep me on your pray & try to uphold Islam in the world again. Pls repeatedly read the Quran, Hadith & Tafsirs. Ancient Muslims did not understand many things which God wanted the modern muslims to realize with respect to modern political situation.

We Say & certainly believe that the Islam is for the people over the world & over the years.

Hence the same Quran to be read & realized over the years.Modern muslims to believe the Quran first & then what our forefathers said.

Read the Quran, Hadith & Tafsirs by yourselves. Plz. Plz. Plz.

In completed--- ( but 2nd part is my Book ????? ??? ?????????? & last part is my short writing ????? ??????? ??? ????? ? the 2nd & third part is already published in Bengali . Both of those would be translated in English & then together will publish my next complete book named …“Perfectly balanced Islamic economy & the truth of Islam.” Insha-Allah for world Muslims/All muslims in the world for re-powering/re-establishing Islam in the world. God is the  Greatest. Ameen..


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