Reporting Insights 08/2022
Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
The member-based center of stakeholder excellence and value creation.
Dear reader
In the second half of this year the CCR is offering you a diversity of inspirational and noteworthy information – in the form of physical events, webinars and publications.
In light of the upcoming CCIR?Forum Reporting in Frankfurt,?Hanne Gleu?ner?(CCI) provides you with a foretaste of the "Visuelle Bilanz 2022".?Dr. Irene Perrin, Senior Consultant at the CCR, recaps the latest news on the?Counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative (RBI).?And as for us at CCR, we are updating you on the continuous development of our expert network to meet the growing demands in our center of excellence.
We wish you an absorbing and instructive second reporting semester!
Your CCR Team
Digital Reporting - first insights into "Visuelle Bilanz 2022"
In connection with the lecture series ?Visuelle Bilanz? the CCI (Corporate Communication Identity) has analyzed the reporting of the Dax 40 for the 26th time in succession. The analysis focused on communicative and creative quality aspects, and a clear overall trend emerged: ESG topics are the drivers and dominate both text and image.?Hanne Gleu?ner-de Boer?(CCI) provides some initial insights into the "Visuelle Bilanz 2022" in her article.
The comprehensive analysis will be presented during the CCIR?Forum Reporting conference on September 23, 2022 in Frankfurt. Speakers from?adidas Group,?BMW,?Deloitte,?HHL Leipzig,?Novartis,?PLATEAU CANDY,?Schweizerische Post AG?and?Uni Hohenheim?will discuss best practice and future developments in reporting.
Register now! CCR corporate members benefit from a considerable price reduction.
More expertise for our members
The member base of the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) is steadily growing, and with it the content-related remits at the?CCR Helpdesk. CCR has expanded its human resources, strengthened the network of experts and aligned the internal organization to meet the increased demands of members. As of August 2022, Dr. Irene Perrin complements the CCR team as Senior Consultant.
In our article learn about how we enable our members to enhance the quality of their reporting, while reinforcing trust in their company and creating sustainable value for their stakeholders.
Overview and reading tips: New disclosure and due diligence regulations on non-financial reporting matter in Switzerland (RBI)
With the implementation of the?indirect counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative (RBI)?the reporting requirements in Switzerland are increasing.
?Read the overview by?Dr. Irene Perrin, Senior Consultant at CCR, to learn more - including risks for boards of directors.
CCR Roundtables
Save the date for the last CCR Roundtable of the year!?On?October 27, 2022, we will discuss the topic "ESG regulation also offers opportunities" with our members and experts. Professionals from?Sika and Bayer?will present their individual approaches and provide valuable insights into the topic. In addition, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences in a moderated in-depth discussion.
Want to know what best practice insights were discussed at the latest roundtable "From Purpose to Impact"? We have summarized the most important insights for you in a short article.
By the way: The next issue of our flagship publication "The Reporting Times" will be published at the beginning of October and will also deal with the topic "Regulation offers opportunities". As always, it will feature substantial contributions from reporting experts.
About the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
Our ambition at the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) is “Stakeholder Excellence and Value Creation.” Working in sync with our international network of experts, we empower our members to enhance the quality of their reporting while reinforcing trust in the company and creating sustainable value for their stakeholders. Corporate members benefit from ongoing knowledge transfer through trend classification, analyses, tailored advisory services, workshops and peer-to-peer learning.