Reporting a Finding
Anyone who needs to describe an issue can file a report
The majority of the reports are written by Quality Assurance team but this should not prevent any other role such as Product Manager, Developer, Project Manager, Designer, Sales, Support or anyone else from filing a report.
Have you spent one minute or less to search in Jira if a similar report is already filed ? It might save from creating a duplicate report.
If you truly believe that an issue is that critical that others should abandon whatever they are doing to deal with this issue then do NOT write a report but rather communicate with the people who can help. But this normally should be very rare.
Why should you even write a report of an issue ?
You write a report in order to help the team. You write a report to describe an issue in a way that will not interrupt other people’s work and it will be picked up by a dev lead or project manager to be prioritized accordingly.
Why write the report now ?
Indeed before writing a report you should consider everyone’s time consumed by the report:
If the report is not helping anyone to be written now, do NOT lose it, rather leave aside the defect in your notes to refer to it later to describe it fully rather than alerting now with a half-baked report.
Why write a long report ?
The report needs to be as useful as possible, answer as many questions as possible without requiring the presence of the report, and include as much of metadata as possible, in order to make it reproducible, if possible, and for one to pick it up without any unknowns.
Why write a short report ?
Because you want your report to be picked up and it is most likely to do so if it is concise, understandable and directly to the point.
As anyone in the company can file a report, there can be cases where it is justifiable that you file a report which is shorter than required, because you do not have the luxury of time to write a full fledged report. Note that this is NOT recommended, but in case this happens you should be prepared to make yourself available to whoever picks up the report and answer all of their questions as the report does not automatically answer them as it should.
What happened in a nutshell ?
Summarize in the title what the issue is about, by avoiding any technicalities, focus on the impact that the issue has on the customers.
Summarizing the title should be done diligently as this will be the only content one can see when navigating through a long list of tickets.
What kind of report ?
At the majority of time you will be filing reports that impact the Functional part of the system, this is the default, no need to mention anything.
If other than functional, then specify what is the pain/concern/issue that the report is related to. The list can be very long but here are some kind of common kinds of reports:
What priority ?
Use your domain knowledge, gut-feeling, experience and everything you can to give an estimation that you believe is appropriate for the defect
If you can separate easily you may even provide two priorities. Namely how severe the report is, on both the specific Feature and on the Product overall, even if the latter is usually at the ownership of Product Managers or Product Owners.
Under which context ?
This should be done as automatically as possibly to prevent human input error and reduce time of creating a useful report but should include inside a video and/or in text:
What was expected ?
Describe what was the expected outcome from the scenario that you followed.
In case you are unaware or uncertain of what the expected outcome should have been, you need to chase for a concrete answer or call for a meeting if necessary as this will be what the fix of the engineering team will be focussed on.
What happened ? [The full story]
Use an appropriate recorder to record a Video, speaking out-loud, describing with your voice the steps that you are doing either in the mobile app or in the desktop, to highlight the experience of the customer.
Rule of thumb: Minimum recording time: 30 seconds, maximum recording time: 4 minutes
For more simple to understand issues you may include a couple of screenshots instead of a video.
Complement the video/screenshot with text in order to:
What is the optimal length of the report ?
This can be optimized through practice and while being adaptive take into account your audience:
What to do if an issue is non-reproducible ?
It is happening quite often that you may encounter an issue because you do not start from a clean state and that the issue is not easily reproducible.
You need to mention the fact that your report is non-reproducible and that the steps to reproduce may not lead to the defect one can observe in the video or screenshot.
How to deal with non-reproducible defects ?
An engineer needs to carefully add the necessary logs in order to have the full-story the next time this defect is encountered.
Until then an engineer needs to consider the trade-off of how long will it take to discover the root cause versus how long will it take to build an extra layer that handles the defect at hand.
Therefore the initial strategy should be to have a deeper understanding of the system and discover the root cause BUT if this is consuming large time-resources then one may need to create an extra layer of code that is not causing other side-effects to the business logic, and manages the defect.
How to assert that you have written a useful report ?
This is NOT by blindly following what is written above but: