Robert Bridgeman
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On a daily basis i am in contact with scientists, doctors, journalists, spiritual teachers, inspirers, researchers, conspiracy thinkers, politicians and other specialists from all over the world to continue to follow all angles of the current crisis. (Thank you all, without you this would not have been possible).
I did this already before the crisis; it has merely been intensified due to all recent events. I watch all the videos, movies and messages that go around to get an overall picture of the situation.
I am taking a nuanced perspective in this and do not take sides. I keep my eye on both regular, spiritual, scientific and conspiracy truths because I believe that the real truth lies somewhere in the middle.
I believe that a bridge between these truths is essential for all of us.
I would like to share my findings with you so far. Mind you, I give my personal opinion as little as possible and try not to put anything as absolute truth.
I respect all truths and would like to show you what different realities there are at this moment.
Here we go:
??Regular truths
The crisis surrounding the Corona virus does not seem to be over yet. Improvement is reported in China, but not yet in Italy. The Dutch may take risks by going out en masse. Whereas in other countries there are "lock downs" that are being seriously enforced. For example, in Spain fines of over € 600 have been reported and people have been beaten off the street by the police.
Here in France we are only allowed to take to the streets with a special form. Under penalty of a fine of € 135. You are allowed to do your shopping, but with a maximum of 20 people simultaneously in the supermarket. People are queuing at the entrance of the supermarket, observing a distance of 2 meters. We are not allowed to take to the streets and even walking in nature reserves is prohibited. President Macron declared war on the Corona virus.
The Covid-19 virus is more agressive than "regular" flu virus. But with a letal rate of 4.5% it is less agressive than for example SARS with 35%. Academic sources wonder what would have happened if the Chinese government wouldnt have mentioned the Corona virus. Would we have just considered it a severe flu season? We will never know.
Most people are wondering about the duration of the pandemic.
In his message to the people, the Dutch King Willem Alexander hinted twice that a prolonged duration is a real possibility. Whether that means that he knows something we don't know, I don't know. But I reckon he doesn't mention this for nothing.
Antibodies are being discovered in various places around the world. Recently, a small company from Zeewolde in Holland claimed to have a malaria drug that is patent-free, cheap and fights Corona. They had informed Public Health Minister Bruins, but he had not yet responded. Understandable after his collapse during a lengthy debate in Parliament. We will see how long it takes for a reliable drug to be discovered.
According to an ICU doctor I listened to today, it is almost impossible for hospitals in the Netherlands to manage the flow of Corona-stricken patients as well as the regular flows properly. These kinds of messages come from healthcare workers from all over the world. Doctors are calling for the virus not to be taken lightly and to remain indoors. A General Practicioner told me she expects the pandemic to last at least 6 months.
The origin of the pandemic is still a no go area.
During a Dutch talk show, journalist Jort Kelder tried to draw attention to the spread of the virus due to meat consumption in Wuhan. Yet another case of a pandemic caused by meat. His attempt was dismissed by the presenter and the other guests.
??Conspiracy truths
In Denmark, a law has been passed that makes compulsory vaccination possible. This is expected to happen across Europe. Conspiracy thinkers expect that these vaccinations will be used for injecting nano chips that allow people to be traced and monitored even better. This virus should also lead to the abolition of cash and far-reaching control measures by governments.
Several tens of thousands of American military forces have now landed in Europe. The reason being a so-called exercise, but the timing is remarkable. Conspiracy thinkers expect something else to happen and the virus to be used as a distraction. The military landings can by the way also be followed in the media.
A number of sources find it striking that the virus spread from China to Iran. One of America's great enemies.
And then there is the Q-phenomenon.
Q is an anonymous group of people, said to be around President Trump who keep releasing bits of special information into the world called Q-drops.
Q predicts events (often accurate) in these drops, exposes situations and highlights certain strategies implemented by Trump's government.
This information is picked up by hackers and researchers who call themselves Q-Anons and follow the information tracks. The Anons say Trump is rolling up the mighty Illuminati in the world.
The Illuminati is the Elite that oppresses humanity and wants to suppress it further and further in favour of their own agenda. One of these agendas is called Agenda 21 and is mentioned as a conspiracy to reduce the world's population to 500,000,000 inhabitants.
JFK already mentioned this Elite and said he would roll them up just before he was killed. The Q-Anons say Trump wants to finish Kennedy's work and 2020 will be the year when that happens. We will see.
Then there is the question of how this pandemic started. The story of a bat suddenly popping up and contaminating meat at a meat market in Wuhan is unlikely, according to most sources.
Wuhan is a city where many scientific laboratories are active. An accidentally escaped or deliberately released virus is one of the options. However, there is no evidence and no clarity about the possible agendas.
Was the Corona outbreak predicted before it started?
King of Conspiracy David Icke says he has seen documents from the Rockefeller Foundation that already outline this crisis. Jensen points in his online show to Event 201 a meeting 6 weeks before the first outbreak in which various parties stage the outbreak of a Corona virus.
All of this can be found on Youtube.
??Spiritual truths
According to spiritual teachers and ancient prophecies, this crisis heralds the New Human consciousness. According to these sources, it will get worse before it gets better.
The Matrix in which we live is currently flooded with fear. This fear is tangible for everyone. Especially (highly) sensitive people suffer from this fear. Fortunately, there is a constant flow of online meditations and other methodologies and techniques that can help transform that fear into love.
The most important thing for Lightworkers today is to manage, infuse, and transform their fear into love, as well as being a beacon of light and love for others.
According to spiritual sources, the corona virus could be seen as a very violent and aggressive flu of humanity. "Normal" flu is a purification mechanism of an individual's body. The Corona epidemic is seen as a purification of the human consciousness that is needed for the next step in the shift to the new age of Aquarius.
A general practitioner told me she sees the main casulties of Corona Virus are older men. She wondered: "Is this symbolic for the end of the old male dominant consciousness in transition to a more female collective consciousness coming?
According to Native Americans, Corona is a movement of Mother Earth who has given many warnings to mankind already in recent decades. This virus shows how everything and everyone is connected and how well Mother Earth and nature are doing when mankind is less active. It gives humanity a time out to reflect and heal.
Sources dealing with Galactic developments report that there are countless great events taking place in our Universe that are also occurring on Earth. Several alien races are intensely involved with the events on this planet.
And there is the prediction of Sylvia Browne in her book End of days. she predicted a virus pandemic in 2020 which will dissapear as soon as it came. Lets hope she is right.
The Corona Virus shows the world how inter-connected we all are. And how vunerable. It seems mankind becomes a bit more humble and wise throughout all of this.
??Positive truths
There is collateral beauty to this Corona crisis.
It is heart-warming to see how people are connecting with each other today. The world suddenly seems to have become very small.
Numerous online meditation groups, online lightworkers' collectives and even large dance events online are organized. People take care of each other again, get groceries for their neighbours and take care of the elderly.
Pollution is decreasing. The skies in and around large cities are showing less and less smog and it seems that this break does nature well.
More and more companies are already discovering that working from home and meeting remotely is far more possible than expected. There are hardly any traffic jams and companies are innovating at lightning speed with online options
??Opinion and Advice
All in all, based on all sources, I conclude for myself that this crisis is not over yet.
My advice is therefore: Prepare. Make sure you can bridge a long crisis period. As a person and as an employee, director or entrepreneur. Anticipate already an extended duration.
I do not want to use this to call for massive toilet paper stocking and hoarding, but purposeful stocking yourself up and thinking ahead are not an unnecessary luxury. If all goes well, you can always switch back to how it was.
Ask yourself what is really important to you and organize your life accordingly.
Either way, the world will never be the same again. We cannot yet estimate the long-term effects of this crisis, both positive and negative.
I do believe in a positive ending. If you know me you know that the New consciousness, the Terra Nova is an important fact for me.
Ten years ago, I read prophecies that say an event like this could happen. And now the time has come. It may get a little worse now or further into the future. But it is the beginning of something very beautiful.
It is an exceptionally exciting time for me and many with me. So many things happening now. I regret the sick, the deceased and their relatives and I do not want to downplay anything.
I continue to research and share my findings. Do whatever you want with it and don't take anything I write at face value.
My sharing comes from a genuine desire to share.
This is my view of the events, investigate what is true for you. I am not eliciting discussions or rabble-rousing and I will not respond to presumptuous responses.
As always, I call for respectful dialogue and debate under this post.
I will remove downright attacks, judgments and rabble-rousing under this post without warning.
That said, feel free to share your opinions and insights. We can all learn as a result.
With love, Robert Bridgeman
Note: this is the work of the past two weeks that I have done to map the situation as much as possible for everyone. Feel free to share it everywhere so that as many people as possible can take in the clarity above.
#Coronavirus #Pandemic #Overview # covid19
Translation from Dutch: Sandra Baaijens