Report Details the Effects of PA Child Care Crisis on Working Mothers
A new report looks at the economic impact of gaps in Pennsylvania’s child care system on working mothers in the state.
ReadyNation and the Council for a Strong America’s “2.4 Billion: The Annual Cost of PA’s Child Care Crisis for Working Mothers” details the amount lost in earnings, productivity, and tax revenue due to gaps in the child care system.
According to the report, the three top child care challenges for mothers are:
The survey’s data was collected through interviews with 307 mothers with children under age 5. A majority of the mothers reported high rates of disruption from child care programs due to staff shortages or closures.
Many of the mothers reported that they relied on a mix of care: more than half of working mothers use multiple, irregular, or informal arrangements for their children.
As a result of these challenges, working mothers are having a harder time in the labor market. Many said they were distracted at work, had to leave early for child care, or had their hours or work scheduled reduced due to a lack of care. A quarter of mothers reported having their pay or hours reduced by an employer, one-third said they had lost or quit a job due to child care challenges, and more than half said their career opportunities have been curtailed.