This is a reply - a two part reply - to Robert Reich's July 10 Substack that claims to be a push against fascism

This is a reply - a two part reply - to Robert Reich's July 10 Substack that claims to be a push against fascism

Annotated Reich- below is his screed just as he wrote It (follow the link to his substack if you like, or doubt). I have added annotated comments inserted below in Bold and in pointy brackets

Robert Reich: Here are 11 suggestions for what you can do in the 118 days before Election Day: I present it here and add annotations..

1.??? Try not to allow issues such as whether Biden should resign, or his degree of responsibility for Gaza, to get in the way of your determination not to let Trump back into the White House < Reich does not say WHY you should have such determination. This is an arbitrary position> . Regardless of our differences over these issues, they pale compared to the threat Trump poses < what threat is that?>.

2.??? For the same reason, please don’t decide to leave the top of the ticket blank or to vote for a third party or not to vote at all. All make it easier for Trump to win < he is not defending Biden or Democrat policies this is a negative screed on how to oppose Trump and it’s about HOW not WHY> . Instead, make sure you and everyone you know and trust is registered to vote, and votes for Joe Biden or whomever is the Democratic candidate for president < Support Biden or any Democrat??why? They gaslighted us like crazy on Joes health WHY TRUST THEM?>.

3.??? Don’t become so upset with politics that you drop out, stop reading the news, or give up on activism. The stakes are just too high. Even if you cannot take much time out of your normal life, you need to help organize, mobilize, and energize others <Ok GOOD!!>.

4.??? Focus your time and energies on convincing people who still have open minds, to oppose Trump <why? No ‘why’...Bobby R>. Mobilize those who don’t normally vote, to vote. Organize get-out-the-vote efforts in your community. Get young people involved.

5.??? Counter lies with truth. When you hear someone repeating a Trump Republican lie, correct it. <and… When you hear someone repeating a Biden or Democrat lie, correct it.>

6.??? Do not tolerate bigotry and hate. Call it out. Stand up to it. Denounce it. Demand that others denounce it, too <OK Good!>.

7.??? Do not resort to violence, name-calling, bullying, or any of the other tactics that Trump followers may be using <or that Biden followers may be using...remember the Steele Dossier>.

8.??? Be compassionate toward hardcore followers of Trump, but be firm in your opposition. Understand why someone may decide to support Trump, but don’t waste time and energy trying to convert them <OK, condescending buy OK>.

9.??? Don’t waste your time and energy commiserating with people who already agree with you, or criticizing Democrats for failing to communicate more effectively. None of this will get you anything except an upset stomach <?? Really>.

10.????????????????? Demonstrate, but don’t confuse demonstrating with political action. You may find it gratifying to stand on a corner in Berkeley with a sign asking drivers to “honk if you hate fascism” that elicit lots of honks, but it’s as politically effectual as taking a warm shower <Still, DO take a warm shower occasionally>.

11.????????????????? Finally, don’t let any sensationalized news of the day divert your eyes from the goal < ignore unfortunate truths!!>: protecting American democracy during one of the greatest stress tests it has had to endure, fueled by one of the worst demagogues in American history. << yes he speaks her of Joe Biden and the vast array of actions taken to keep him in power even as he has lost his competence>


Part 2:

Why I argue opposing Democrats is the answer - note in his screed above Reich gives no reasons just a decision of his and call to arms against Trump. Below I look at the facts and partisan behaviors..

Right. Want democracy? STOP- STOP- voting for Democrats. Why? read on...


Look at how we got Biden-gate.

They blocked anyone else from running.

They PUSHED RFK Jr to run as an independent

Dean Phillips, a three term Representative ran anyway. They took his committee assignments away. God knows what else behind the scenes. They smashed him. He is a third term Representative - up and one time...and is NOT running for reelection after this.

Biden and the Dems did God-know what to get Joe Manchin to vote for build-back-better. in the wake of that arm-twisting, Manchin is leaving politics.

Dems change the whole primary election schedule. I'm 74 yrs. old. This run of primaries has been the 'law of the land' (think Roe V Wade here) all the time of my memory. Instead, they put South Carolina first because it was Joe's strongest area. Blocking others from running was not enough.

They also had special, at-large delegates, controlled by the party, making an outside challenge even more difficult.

Compare this to the EVIL REPUBLICANS. who ran primaries -anyone could enter - and Trump dominated. Of course he had helped. the Democrats’ lawfare against Trump has brought a lot of support to Trump against a party that would act this case you miss it 'a party that would act this way’ refers to the Democrats and their judges and prosecutors who ran their own election campaigns on a GET TRUMP platform or simply donated money to Joe and Dems even as they sat on the bench as 'impartial' arbiters in a trial of Trump.?

In NYC they changed the statute of limitations on sexual harassment and immediately saw a civil action against Trump that a woman won- a woman who on her own agreed to go in a dept store changing booth and try on underwear for this man she did not know. REALLY! Trump is a 'cad' but also a red-blooded man and one of low moral fiber. But evil? really?

Back to Biden. His staff hid Joe - he gave few press conferences. They controlled which press interviewed him. They controlled his travel. They limited his air-time in public addresses. They lied when people discovered his frailty. They savaged and accused people who saw through them declaring them fabricators, exaggerators, and liars.? Even after Joe said his uncle was eaten by cannibals, these handlers were undaunted. They retracted the statement and pressed on as if it had not happened. Pure denial.

Biden refuses to undergo mental testing. He claims he is evaluated on the job each day. I agree. But is he passing daily? or is his staff filling in the gaps? If there is a crisis and Joe is not up to it 'at the moment' who will make the decision? In other words, who is the REAL Shadow president?

Should people look back at this legacy of decision and see a party devoted to democracy and the rule of law? Or a party dedicated to Democrats and rule of keeping power - too hell with the law?


When you look back at this does Trump really look any worse? After all what did he do? He did not do anything we know about. He is ACCUSED of many things of being racist (good people on both sides), of Russian collusion Steele Dossier, and was impeached unsuccessful twice despite Mr Schiff telling us before the trial he was on the intelligence committee possessing special information and claimed had the GOODs on Trump to impeach him. Except he did not... Except the Steele Dossier was a hoax (financed by Hillary) not true it was made up -and yet used to launch real deep investigations on Trump from DAY ONE. And after 7 -years the liberal vetting service SNOPES has admitted that Trump saying 'there are good people on both sides' was in fact a neutral statement and not a racist remark.


Now Trump did possess secret papers as did Biden and Pence. But Biden did not have them as a former president Trump has been president and so has some special claim to possess papers. He may not have followed protocol. But Justice let Biden off the hook and is still going full bore for Trump. Farr? Fair and Balanced? All equal under the law? Bull C___P


When Hillary got the nomination to run against Trump, she was favored by the DNC Vs Bernie Sanders to become the standard bearer - not even handed.

In the town hall debates between Hillary and the Donald, Donna Brazille gave Hillary (not Trump) the questions ahead of airtime. fair? balanced?


as for Joe Bidens run there was no democracy-there was Kingmaking!!?? South Carolina's Jim Clyburn picked Biden out of the field and told the rest to go home to get one person to oppose Trump instead of the fractured field they had with no clear winners. Biden was PICKED by the party elite. Kamala also was forced on Biden by KING-MAKER Clyburn since he had elevated Biden - he got the leverage to pick the VP. Now with Biden in trouble, many Democrats do not particularly want to dump Joe to elevate Kamala. and, of course, black democrats are in a rage at the possibility they could push Kamala aside if Joe steps aside.


and this is the party you put forth as protecting democracy?


We can also ask how did they rule?? Under Obama the press thought it was cute, funny, clever that Nancy Peligrosi (oops misspelled??) said of Obamacare, a very long complicated document, that you had to pass in order to read it. Ha ha ha. Great joke Nancy. But seriously, is that democracy?? She has Congress voting on legislation there were not able to read and understand? Well, OF COURSE! why read it? The party leadership wants it so, of course, Democrats will vote for it. Democrats have voted as solid block with few defections enabling them to pass bills with a very thin majority. You can praise the party for its dominance, discipline, and control- but NOT NOT for tis democracy. Republicans do not force all members to vote the same and it gives them fits to legislate with a narrow majority in such a divided political world. But they are a party of democracy! really?


I guess you could run this Reich column instead of cartoons for his weekly comedy gambit. He can't possibly be serious, here. no facts are on his side. NONE. ???


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