Reply to the Mayor of Chicago, A Conspiracy Within The Chain of Command Caused The 400 Day Delay And Failure Of Accountability 12/17/2015

City Government Must Set The New Standards And Take Corrective Action For Remedies – Hire The Right Superintendent.

            The easy excuse issued by Police Departments for not releasing any video, photographs or other critical evidence in an investigation is continually found in statements that the same is subject to an “ongoing investigation”.  The standard refrain is:  “We have the County or FBI or other Government Agencies looking into wrongdoing….”  “During the investigation we cannot release anything…”  This poor excuse must cease.  Bluntly put, there must be transparency and accountability within the Police Department, itself.  At a minimum, preliminary findings of wrongdoing should have been made public – even if it only focused on spoliation of evidence.  Neither the Union or Collective Bargaining Agreement is calculated to protect Officers pursuing excessive force but that is left for another day and, more concrete findings.

            To make clear, Police Departments are not excluded from any obligation to preserve evidence like all other entities.  Retention Orders should be mandatory.  By way of reminder, spoliation of evidence is the intentional, reckless, or negligent withholding, hiding, altering, fabricating, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding.

            Here, the Chicago Superintendent (or any Director of Police) should have issued immediate Retention Orders to keep all video and surveillance tapes, possible photographs and dispatcher or other internal Police operation tape recordings, intact and available.  In today’s times, body cameras are a necessity, even if too costly.  Privacy issues for Officers are secondary issues.  The entire Chain of Command are intended to be working within the scope of their official duties from the time they commence their tours and until they sign out from their Precincts.  Private cell phone communication should be banned unless it involves official duties at work and then it cannot be used in lieu of official communication channels to cover up police wrongdoing.

            In Chicago there was an undeniable conspiracy within the Chain of Command to cover up all the wrongdoing and it extended for no less than four hundred days.  Then, the Department had to admit it lost video and likely, much more surveillance than revealed in your interviews with recent media.  Excessive force complaints are definitely not new incidents in Chicago nor in any City around the Country.  Courts and Presiding Justices pretend there is no possibility to a conspiracy theory or cover-up operations but something must be done to uncover the extent of the problem challenging all our Police Departments.  Covert measures are undertaken almost daily to protect City Treasuries from litigators, and it does not just occur in the City of Chicago.  The removal of the Superintendent, Gary McCarthy, definitely made sense, but did not go far enough.

             The City of Chicago and its Administration must consider a whole new independent Review Board situation to determine wrongdoing and scrutinize all police operations and focus on “Undue Command Influence”, and the almost pragmatic tool of a conspiracy, which follows public outcries.  The Review Board cannot possibly be comprised of the same individuals or likeminded individuals, who rubber-stamped past decisions of a failing Police Department.  There will never be real improvement within the Police Department nor an end to the corrupt tactics by establishing the Review Board you selected.  The same individuals get picked that purportedly appear liberal and non-biased but their work experience is still not sufficient to overcome the obstacles of Chicago’s failing Police Department.  There really needs to be a Think Tank Operation brought in for an overhaul and retraining of the entire workforce.  The Attorney General’s Office does not have the Work Task Force to uncover or identify all the corrupt Officers in the Chain of Command and then totally delve into their methods and tactics so as to carve out the necessary corrective action and a full-blown remedy deserved by Chicago citizenry and, more specifically, under the facts and circumstances that led to the crimes still being reported, past and present. 

              Undue command influence is a frequently avoided subject.  Nationwide, there is a prevalent police dilemma, which can be corrected but only with a real focus upon the origin of the problem.  The police have always maintained they are a paramilitary organization, however, there are rules regarding Undue Command Influence, which should factor into every investigation.  The Commander, whether designated as Superintendent of Police or Director of Police, or, by any other name, may not order a subordinate to dispose of the complaint, investigation or case in a certain way.  Further, the Commander or his Chief, Deputy Chiefs and other Supervisory Personnel or Business Managers with the City Administration, may not have an inflexible policy on the disposition of a matter, or, the method and tools for investigation and punishment to be imposed.  All the standards and formal protocol are plain written for absolute police constraint, at all ranks, including the “Top Brass” and are found in the strict Rules and Regulations, Directors Memorandum, General Orders, in each and every Police Department across our soil.  Moreover, there are Attorney General Guidelines more aptly described as the State requirements, which must be followed.

               Internal Affairs Division Investigations rising to complaints of excessive force or due to possible criminal violence by police personnel have been deliberately mishandled within Chicago.  In simple words, there are no excuses for any four hundred day delay of any kind.  All the forensic experts and litigators familiar with these cases from years of experience, know that any proper investigation could have been competently completed within a two-week timeframe, including interviews.  Nothing should have ever been destroyed insofar as surveillance, video, photographs or tape recordings, which would have depicted those involved in a cover-up scheme.  Supervisors throughout the ranks had to have issued cogent instruction and orders to destroy the very relevant and critical evidence needed for the Court Case at bar. 

              Has anyone looked back to the Superintendent’s history in the City of Newark?  Certainly, the media captured all your words of appreciation for Gary McCarthy’s specific input, and dedicated service to Chicago and, more specifically, for reducing violent crime stats.  Others commented upon the fact that he ignored civilian complaints so the statistics were skewered.  Did you know that Gary McCarthy actually issued a Director’s Memorandum or Order (new protocol) during his appointment as Newark’s Director of Police to destroy dispatcher tapes after a brief time and re-use those tapes.  The accepted rationale behind the decision was that the Newark Police Department would eliminate negative taped communication between their City dispatchers and outside complainants, or, as it impacted the Chain of Command operations, which facts surfaced later in litigation.  In full effect, evidence disappeared for purpose of a proper investigation at the NPD Internal Affairs Division or for other purposes so the County or FBI could not get a real scrutiny of all the wrongdoing within the Police Department. 

             Newark actually held Rice Hearings, named after one audacious Council Member, to determine the basis for all the poor morale within their Police Department and recorded the testimony of those complaining about the Department run under this Director.  (The Hearings were shut down after several sessions but with no explanation).  All the transcripts still exist concerning the testimony and corrupt, discriminatory and retaliatory methods exposed during those Hearings.  Additionally, the City of Newark found itself subjected to its own Consent Order for the Attorney General’s Office to step in and investigate all the corrupt wrongdoing.  Both civilian complaints and minority officer complaints were explored in great detail before the Attorney General’s Office was permitted to intervene and determine some outcome.  Numerous clients of mine were interviewed pertaining to their claims and lawsuits.  What happened thereafter has remained the greater mystery and the same flawed system still exists. 
               Suffice it to say, Chicago took on a Superintendent with issues pertaining to his leadership.  McCarthy left behind very real and exasperating problems in the City of Newark, which went unresolved.  Grievances were continually filed to him for solutions but were ignored.   The short list follows and may be a mirror of some of the problems challenging the City of Chicago:

  1. Poor morale amongst the rank and file for the way the Director of Police administered and enforced the Rules and Regulations and then imposed retaliatory discipline.
  2. Failure to distinguish between major discipline and minor discipline.  All matters were being heard at the Trial Boards, and by McCarthy’s pre-selected appointees, Captains or Lieutenants sat on, or, chaired the Board reporting to him.   He then signed off on decisions, sometimes late and reversing a neutral Board that did not follow his directive.  Minor discipline up to five days suspension time should have been heard and dealt with at Command Conferences instead, but he overruled the formal protocol in favor of his own system.
  3. There was intentional disregard of progressive discipline measures for administrative offenses.  Adverse employment activity, including discriminatory or retaliatory decisions occurred.  Officers complained of a hostile work environment but were ignored until there were full blown lawsuits brought against the City of Newark.  High settlements or Judgments were paid to Police personnel and civilians who had valid meritorious lawsuits.
  4. Misconduct within the Supervisory workforce was frequently disregarded although this Police Director implemented Performance Monitoring and an IA PRO computer flagging program.  Odd results (flags) were tagged to subordinates daring to complain or challenge bad supervisors. There was no real coaching system put in place for those being monitored for improved conduct despite the new protocol issued under this Director of Police.
  5. Excessive force complaints were deemed unfounded or exonerated but not (properly) investigated.
  6. Fitness for duty evaluations were routinely used for wrongful discharge situations when the Director decided to remove personnel.

             Thus, there was no accountability nor transparency during the time of Gary McCarthy’s appointment to the City of Newark, but Comstat Reports routinely reflected the improvement of violent crime out on the streets.  Others published reports that civilian complaints were mostly ignored in favor of providing successful stats.
            At my website,, I have started a blog and listed numerous, easy fixes, that is, corrective action for Police Departments across the Country.  I have provided a checklist for cleaning up corruption and ending discrimination methods.  It is not intended to be a comprehensive lesson and it is just a learning tool.  Your City is just the tip of an iceberg and we are experiencing a meltdown of the protections needed during this new era of international terrorism.  We all need to believe in our Police Departments.
?             The undersigned waged battles against police corruption methods for three decades.  I highly respect those that protect us.  I developed a website known as The Workplace Fixer for the purpose of achieving greater solutions.  I remain available for dialogue to any Police Department or any Government Agency or entity seeking solutions…

The Workplace Fixer has solutions based on three decades of litigating Police failings.  Continue to follow my blogs at my website


The Workplace Fixer for Hire and Consultation Service

Former Labor Attorney Specializing in Police and Social Reform


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