Reply All
As I delete the 83rd email saying someone hit "reply all" (it was not me, I am just in the chain) I thought I could pass along some helpful advice.
1) If you are sending an email to every salesperson in your organization, use BCC.
2) If you get an email from someone who inadvertently clicked "reply all" they probably feel pretty bad already. You clicking "reply all" to tell them they clicked "reply all" is not helping.
3) On the right side of your keyboard about a quarter of the way down is a delete button. Use it.
4) Clicking "reply all" to type a righteously indignant email telling everyone else to stop clicking "reply all" is the epitome of hypocrisy.
5) The guy in Wappingers Falls, NY who clicked "reply all" to invite every salesperson in the organization over for Christmas is my hero.