Replacing Unhealthy Behaviour
Grant Herbert
Empowering today's great professional services technicians to become exceptional leaders | Executive Coach | Team Coach | Leadership Trainer and Mentor | Inspirational Keynote Speaker | Mental Health Advocate
Do you find it challenging to break old habits, to change your behaviour even when you want to, or do you understand how the process works to rewire your brain and have a new way to do things?
Hi, this is Grant Herbert, Emotional Intelligence Speaker and Trainer of the Year and Sustainable Performance Coach, and today I want to start a conversation around the things that we can do so that we can overcome those roadblocks that we've talked about before and become who we need to be so that we can get the results that we want.
Over the last few weeks, we've talked about a number of things to help us to get on track with a plan, to make sure that we know where we're going, and to do what we need to do so that we can get there and have the results that we want. However, a lot of people have been talking to me about the fact that it's challenging to leave the old behaviour behind and become this new person, do these new things. And the first thing I want us to understand, it's not hard, or it's not easy. It's just unfamiliar. Up until now, you and I have performed in a certain way and we learned to do that. We conditioned our brain through repetition of doing things a certain way that started with an initial thought pattern and led to that behaviour. So the beauty of that is we now know that if we can learn that behaviour, we can go through the same process and learn the new one. So, unfamiliar becomes familiar by doing it.
So, what I want to do is I just want to take you through a process, a formula if you will, that I use with my clients to help them to rewire their brain with this new behaviour. And once again, as it normally is with me, there's a bit of alliteration and there's some R's involved. So, I'll tell you what they are, and then I'll take you through them one at a time and tell you how to use them. So, the four-part process is to recognise, reject, replace, and repeat. And those four things together done in order will rewire your brain and your old behaviour will be changed to this new behavior. Now, our old habits are stored deep in the brain. So, it's not about getting rid of those habits. It's about developing new habits, new behaviours that are a path of least resistance in our neural pathways. So whereas before we would think this and it would lead us to do this, we would experience this, we would behave this way, what now is going to happen is that we're going to have a different synaptic connection, a different neural pathway built from that initial form now to that learned behaviour. And when we repeat that over and over, it becomes stronger than the old one. So, let me take you through the four steps.
Grant Herbert describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is an international influencer, sustainable performance coach, the founder of People Builders and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence Asia Pacific. Visit to find out how you can connect.?