Replace Goals With Intention
All the successful people that I know or have read about have been advocates of having specific written goals. Personally I released a book that was largely based on defined goals being the outcome then developing the actions and measurements that showed being on track or not.
That approach certainly is better than not having goals at all. However it falls short of what is possible. Here are some examples.
Goal: 1 will make __________ in the next 12 months (pick your number). If this is examined more deeply, we may find the person wants to afford a two week vacation in the mountains. Why is that? It represents peace and relaxation. So the intention is peace and relaxation. Once that is clear there are many other ways to achieve that intention while still moving in the direction of the vacation.
Goal: I want to release __ pounds in the next 6 months and not regain that weight. In this example the person wants to look better, have more energy, be more productive so their income goes up and with all that be more attractive to someone of the opposite gender, fall in love, be married and raise a family. Can you see the intention? In fact when this person focuses on the intention the weight loss may not be a challenge for them to become more healthy and experience their intention.
There are many examples. The recommendation is to focus on what you want to experience. For the past 4 or 5 months the topic of intention has been a very important part of the guidance we share when introducing Healy . I am a Global Independent Healy Representative. I have learned alot from people including Dr Bruce Lipton, Nicola Tesla and many more teach about energy, consciousness and intention. In fact when Healy does an analysis and prioritizes the programs that resonate with us, the first thing we do is set the intention for the program we run. For example if the pain program is a priority, it could be we have an acute situation or a chronic situation. Most think the obvious intention is for it to go away. That is true. However if that were me I might be focusing on the cause of the pain and intending for the cause to be resolved. I might add to that the intention of pain free so I sleep better, be in a more productive mood and interact with others in a more positive helpful way.
Intentions are supported by taking action. I won't benefit from Healy unless I use it and as importantly I tune into the educational webinars. Education helps me improve my team leadership skills and be more effective introducing Healy to others. Of course there are other important actions in the health and wellness niche. Having a healthy nutrition program, clean filtered water, sustainable exercise are also important. Healy compliments us in all of those areas and more. It all works when there is a well defined intention related to the area resonating with us. The Healy analysis feature takes a lot of the guesswork out of what programs will help us that day. It absolutely does not replace the importance of intention.
Beyond Healy, intention is extremely important for everything we do. Does this mean that we must constantly focus on our intention for all that we do? Once we set our intention then we simply pay attention to the momentum we are experiencing. Maybe we get a phone call or read something on line. Maybe a family member shifts our attention. Some situations will seemingly be distractions. Others will be something expected or unexpected that actually moves us in the direction of what we intend to experience.
Once you shift your focus to have clear intentions, you may be surprised at how your life experiences shift. For example I have a rather aggressive monthly income target with Healy. Many may see that as a goal. I see it as an intention that will further help me introduce Healy to a lot of people and I know how that will help them. I also have a personal lifestyle shift as an intention and that is also very exciting. Intention is the why part of any goal. Why do I have this goal? What am I intending to experience and Why?
I hope you see the distinction and the importance of that distinction. Intention moves energy in the direction of what you want to experience. Healy helps me with all of this and if you are interested in an introduction to Healy I encourage you to look at this brief article
I look forward to your comments and question
Be well
Steve Pohlit
Global Independent Healy Representative
Text/Whats App 727-224-4743
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