Renovating and Branding your recruitment strategy before your competition!

India may be entering the endemic stage of Covid 19 and WHO has now given an indication that we have to live with corona virus like the Spanish flue which occurred in the year 1918/1919,?which is commonly known as H1N1 influenza A Virus (Common Cold).

It’s now time to renovate and brand your recruitment strategy. Last year with the Covid outbreak , the job market has turned dynamic . As per an article by investopedia?, Jobs growth figures are reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and it has given an indication that positive jobs growth of 100,000 or more is seen as the minimum necessary to keep the economy expanding ?which has created a regular trading opportunities in the market.

Being a recruitment consultant and with my day to day transaction made me realized vibrant market situation has created candidate’s monopoly market, which has influenced negatively recruiter’s performance and many businesses have felt the nip of elimination after their foremost selection candidate accepts a job offer with a competitor. ?Even after paying a competitive salary we are not able to hold the potential candidates to join us. On an average if I have to calculate, every 7 offers, we get 1 success where the candidate happily joins the organisation. ?

Recruitment strategy is not a rocket science which we can’t renovate. It is humanly possible.

How to minimize your candidate’s offer declined ratio?

1.??????Recruitment Process :

Every organisation has its own recruitment process and every candidate has to go through the process before on boarding.?It is required to expedite the process of recruitment and inform the candidate on his/ her stage of progress. Please ensure your recruitment process is resourceful and quick, which might help you not to miss out on the potential candidate. When we update the candidate on the progress, silently we create “Trust”, candidate feel valued, if not they feel neglected. Knowing the current market situation, every candidate is simultaneously in process with multiple recruitment processes with other competitions in the industry.

1.1. Nonconstructive Approach: ?

Emotional maturity plays a very vital role to understand the prospective candidate. When a candidate decides on any future opportunity there are several things may influence him or her decision. Recruiters are the face value of the organisation, to certain extent a recruiter’s behaviours defines organisation culture to a future candidate. If a candidate is treated inadequately during any part of the interviewing process, it’s easy for her to imagine that this is the way she will be treated as an employee.?And the next moment this will hit the social media with a review written by the candidate /employee and it goes viral in a fraction to millions of other prospective candidates (for e.g. a negative glassdoor review ), I am sure each one of us do a research before accepting any offer or deal, this is human tendency. Our brains are particularly tune to identify threats, five times more attuned than rewards.

?2.??????Flexible Working condition:

Pandemic has made us realized, we can work more efficiently even working from home or in a flexible working condition. Allowing your employees a flexible working condition, or to work from home or work from the preferred location shall enhance confidence and contentment within the candidates. Which might help in reducing the offer decline ratio.

3.??????Career Curve :

The market is so dynamic it’s not only the monetary benefits ?which can influence the candidate(s) to accept your offer.?Make sure to highlight the career curve during the interview process, the progression, training, technology, onsite opportunities, flexible working conditions etc, if it is required please don’t delay to involve the project team/ existing top performer of the organization, who have grown up within the organisation, been selected for the onsite opportunities. If not possible in persons, please arrange virtual meetings with the project team.

4.??????Brand the Emotional Culture of your organisation:

It is essential to formulate that your business has clear branding and a good emotional culture. If it is required to renovate your positive emotional culture to attract and retain top talents. Try out possible ways to remove the negative propagandas in the social media. Pump in more and more positive review about your team and achievements in the social media.

Lastly, if candidate declined the offer even after you did your best to convince him for the role, it is required to be empathetic and polite to accept it that the role your offered is not matching the candidate’s career aspiration. As a Recruitment Consultant always be constructive in your approach to provide a positive candidate practice to your candidate even though he declined the offer. I don’t know how many of the recruiters in the industry, wished a candidate all the best for the new role he has accepted while declining your offer and how many have asked the feedback of the recruitment process. ?How you react and treat people that reflects the value of your organisation to a potential candidate. Doing so, you are opening the door for the candidate to reach you in future.

The immediate solution to overcome the crises for your business is to keep back up of potential candidates and strengthen the pipe line for the future needs.


