Renovate Your Relationship
Dad Central Ontario
Dad Central connects, educates and empowers dads, organizations and communities to build healthy children together.
Many men say they didn’t see the problems in their relationship until it was too late. These guys wish they had done maintenance work beforehand so they never reached the point where the relationship was beyond repair. The challenge for men is to see the tell-tale cracks appearing and take action. Not always the best way!
Don’t wait until your relationship is in trouble. Follow this newsletter series as your set of instructions for your most important renovation project. It's worth the work!
??Project Foundations: Good relationships need strong foundations.
? Trust, Respect And Equality: Partners feel equal. There is no ownership or domination by one person.
? Mutual Decision-Making And Shared Responsibility: Most partners now work outside the home, so decision-making, parenting and domestic tasks are shared. “We both work so we share the tasks. It’s not like we do half of everything. I don’t do much shopping or cooking but I do other stuff like getting the kids showered and cleaning up the kitchen. It works for us.” — Aman, 34
? Resolving Conflict: Couples need to work out ways of discussing issues and difficulties so they don’t keep having the same fights over and over again.
“My family avoided conflict. Mom wouldn’t argue in front of the kids. Dad just hoped the problem would go away. My marriage started off the same way, but the same issues kept coming back again and again. We nearly broke up. We still don’t always agree but at least we talk so our issues don’t keep coming back.” — Craig, 47
? Good Communication: In healthy relationships partners can communicate thoughts, feelings and opinions in an environment of openness and acceptance.
? Intimacy: Without intimacy, couples often drift apart and lose the closeness that once made the relationship vital and exciting. Intimacy isn’t just sex. It’s also nonsexual affection and sharing thoughts and feelings
? Parents & Relationships: Research shows that marriage satisfaction drops for most couples after their first baby is born. You and your partner can survive the challenges of parenthood. But don’t assume your relationship will be the same as it was before. Normal is different now.
“Not long after I became a father my mother took me aside and said, ‘A good relationship with Stephanie is the best example you can set for your children. You have to make her your priority – even more than your children, because you will always be pulled in the direction of the children. But you will still want to have that relationship with your wife after your kids are grown up.’” — Chris, 42
?? In conclusion, focusing on these basics makes for a strong and happy journey together. So, treat your relationship as an ongoing renovation project, investing in trust, communication, and shared responsibilities for a fulfilling and enduring bond.
?? Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletters where you'll discover 14 tools to strengthen your family connections.
Elevate your relationships this holiday with insights from The Dad Central Show Podcast
In the second part of our conversation with Coach Courtney, we delve deeper into his experiences as a football coach and mentor. He enlightens us about the concept of creating an “army of normal” individuals, who come together to serve others in their communities. Coach Courtney’s powerful podcast, “An Army of Normal Folks,” showcases interviews with everyday people doing extraordinary things. It is a must-listen if you’re looking for redemptive, inspirational, informative, and entertaining content. Watch on YouTube!
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