There's a photograph of Walt Disney casually walking through Sleeping Beauty Castle before Disneyland was open for the day. It hangs on countless walls, was made into an inspirational poster, and can even be found imprinted on all sorts of merchandise like t-shirts and coffee mugs.
Renie Bardeau took that photo.
As the Chief Photographer of Disneyland for decades, Renie found himself at the right place and right time to capture so many iconic moments on film.
On July 4, 1976, Disneyland was going to have a special parade to commemorate the United States Bicentennial. Press photographers were invited to a special area of the the parade route to get pictures, but Renie's status gave him access to walk the parade route for the best angles.
As he looked at the crowd of press photographers vying for the best position with their state-of-the-art equipment, he noticed a 16-year-old girl in the back of the pack struggling to get her very basic camera setup to shoot the parade.
Renie introduced himself to the excited teenager and found out this was her first-ever media assignment. From there, he brought her to the front of the pack and gave her a front-row spot so she could be setup for success.
He could've seen her struggling in the back of the pack and shrugged it off as a dog-eat-dog world. Instead, he took a second to use his power to give her a boost. That boost launched her into a professional photography career that she still enjoys to this day.
As you walk your route today, keep your eyes open for someone who needs a boost.