Gareth Shepperson
?? Global Real Estate & Business Consultant ?Acclaimed Real Estate & Commercial Lawyer???International Public Speaker ?? ??Blockchain Enthusiast & NFT Auditor??Trustee & Director??South Africa ???? | Nigeria ??????
The word “April” actually comes from the Latin word aperio, meaning to open, uncover, reveal, make clear, which is why in this issue, I am highlighting the theme of renewing your purpose.?[Credit to The Entrepreneurial Lawyer for this idea.]
For those of you who have followed my journey, it would appear that I am constantly renewing my purpose (or at least renewing the path that I have chosen to achieve such purpose).
From my first foray into the realm of running my own business, in partnership with two other Attorneys, I suspected that there may be some entrepreneurial juices within me. I was fortunate that my partners had some experience in running law firms and that we had some great staff to assist us because I had no clue. This emboldened me to breakaway and form Shepperson Attorneys. Although it was ultimately an unsuccessful venture, I also started Elegant Corporate Services (Pty) Ltd ("ECS") and M5 Bimagorsy (Pty) Ltd during this time and I'll get to these later.
When offered the security of a salary within a Law Firm of about 20 Attorneys, this seemed to be a "nice warm blanket" in the more turbulent storm of a sole proprietor. However, the warm blanket was soon ripped away and I was running my own semi-autonomous "mini-practice" within the Firm. This also allowed me the luxury to continue with the two companies that I mentioned earlier. During this time, M5 Bimagorsy successfully concluded a significant deal with Cashbuild and you can see more about this HERE. More recently, I have completely overhauled ECS and signed agreements with some amazing Service Providers / Suppliers. If you haven't been there yet, please SHOP NOW.
When it comes to renewal, we can all benefit from a little guidance. I have been fortunate to receive feedback from a number of people and (hopefully) ECS will help many people along their entrepreneurial journey.
When it comes to a dire need for "renewal", I can think of no more urgent example than the Master of the High Court. For those who don't know, the Masters Office is part of the Department of Justice and deals with Insolvent Estates, Deceased Estates, Trusts and the Guardian's Fund. Those of us who have had the "pleasure" of dealing with the Masters Office over a few decades have always know of its inefficiencies but the various offices across the country have gone beyond free fall into absolute cataclysm! Google it, it is terrifying. It is resulting in massive suffering for those who have recently been deprived of loved-ones who must suffer irreparable financial harm. We hope that this institution can be "renewed". When it comes to State Institutions, I am always grateful to be a Conveyancing Attorney, so most of my interaction with the State is with the Deeds Office, who remain an example (shining light) to other government organizations and SOE's. I know that the Pretoria Attorneys Association (PAA) and Gauteng Attorneys Association (GAA) are doing what they can about the Master's Office. However, with rare exceptions, their efforts are met with complete apathy.
Renewal: so the new Chief Justice of South Africa has been appointed. Personally, I think it's a good appointment and I hope that the Chief Justice will be able to affect some improvement in the efficiency of Courts and eradicate the massive backlogs. I may not be a litigant but it is incomprehensible to me how there can be a backlog of thousands and thousands of Default Judgments??? How can it take over a year? For those who don't know, a Default Judgment is where the Defendant has not defended the case, so it is merely a matter of ascertaining whether the Plaintiff has met the technical requirements. Similarly, it takes many months to obtain a date on the Settlement Roll. The matter has been settled between the Parties ... what's the problem?
Time for me to step down from the old Soap Box and stop pontificating on issues outside my sphere of influence. Let me control what I can control.
P.S. Why are lawyers uniquely charming? ... They have their own appeal.